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Re: why can't I cope longer?

It is great that you have moved @Former-Member - it has been a long road for you but you have done it Smiley Very Happy You knew they wanted to sell the house but coming so quickly would be a bit of a shock you have this new place though and will not need to travel over the winter months - that is a huge bonus. Settle in and enjoy the solitude for a while Heart

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Re: why can't I cope longer?


Thanks @Zoe7  r U good? Thanks for encouragement, need it... so tired. Really cold o/n here already. Nearly froze in the icy wind just now taking dog for walk. Kinda refreshing though. Hugs to you 💗

Hiya @outlander  - how are you? 🌻

I replied to your email @Former-Member  the post you responded to is days old, feels like a week (which says something about my extreme mood swings I guess), but I'm taking my meds and hopefully this new place will help a lot. Thanks for caring.

Re: why can't I cope longer?

HUgs to you too @Former-Member Heading out to GP appointment but will check in with you later when I can. Stay warm Hon Heart

Re: why can't I cope longer?

@Former-Member Hope you are settled in for the night and are warm. I hopefully won't be far off bed but wanted to check in with you first. Heart

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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Thanks @Zoe7, sweet of you. Was your dr apt serious? Hope not. With no tv or radio or real food, utensils, or fridge... its a bit hit- n-miss here, somewhat board. Spent the day mostly in bed reading (though concentration poor), but really should brainstorm what I need & go get it. Forecast is for even colder tonight... And rain. Just wanna stay under the doona.
Anyway, thanks,csleep tight xox

Re: why can't I cope longer?

GP wasn't serious but needed a couple of scripts, a few things checked out and my flu shot @Former-Member Not feeling very well tonight  but that could be the flu shot and meds, Need to head to bed now but will chat tomorrow with you Hon. Hope you keep warm under your doona Smiley Happy

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Re: why can't I cope longer?


- sunset from my new kitchen window -

Hi @Zoe7 , and anyone else around. How's your day? Did you work? I finally ducked out Las night & got much needed supplies.... food, toot paper :face_with_rolling_eyes:, dog bones, tins of soup, little long life milks... (my cuppa is priority 😁). Don't have fridge so bit like camping here. 

Rainy day, lots of talk of snow... Must be  frozen down south there? I'm staying inside, fortunately one of the thermastat wall heaters work well.. 

Had dizzy spells and dainty yesterday - probably from not eating anything much for two days, but hope it will pass now I'm eating. So quiet here without tv, probably a good thing 🙂


Re: why can't I cope longer?

The sunset is lovely @Former-Member We have some beautiful sunsets here over the mountain but I have to go outside (and up the ladder) to get a good picture. 


It seems like you are slowly getting a few things - I would not cope without a tv or fridge though - but glad the heater is working. It is cold here today but home now with the heater on also. I think we are expecting some rain tonight - didn't have any today so we could take the preps outside after lunch for them to play. We get out construction and water based play things and the kids love it. 


Been a pretty good day at work - got some testing done with one class that I needed to catch up on so that was a bonus. One kid was away so I will catch up with him next week. 


Been to the shops and got my mum a card and small present for Mother's Day. I'll get her some flowers on Sunday as well - she knows I can't afford much so that will be enough. 


Better feed my babies now and get amfew mthings done before I settle in for the night.


Hope you are snuggly with your fur baby and keeping occupied Heart

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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Yeah, occupied on my mobile phone mostly 😒 lol. You on the other hand are soooo productive. Sounds like work brings you some joy... preps are such a good age, and ya thinking of your mum tomorrow...

I don't do mother's day

Re: why can't I cope longer?

The preps are little energiser bunnies on energy drinks @Former-Member lol They are pretty cute though and do play well together.


I have been to the market but can't mow now as it has rained while we were out. Going to do my last load of washing and get it pegged out - hoping the rain has passed for the day.


A little more housework to get done before I settle in for the footy this afternoon. Toby is already snuggled on the doona so he is happy and Cat is curled up in her room on her favourite bed. Think I may join them for a nap myself for a little while before I do anything else today.


So not such a productive day going to be happening here but I made it out with my sister early and now can relax. Hope you can too and you are staying warm Heart