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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Hey @Former-Member Haven't heard from you for a few days - wondering how you are going? Heart

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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Thanks @Zoe7, need to chat but don't know where to start.
I've paid a bond for my new rental, to move in next week. A town 4hrs from here, where I know nobody.
Its it's taken so long to be accepted, I believe I should take it. Plus, don't really want to be on the road through winter, especially with this bursitis & arthritis. Its a humble little 2br cottage where I can have dog, and get space away from some difficult people here.
But I'm just so exhausted.
How are you?

Re: why can't I cope longer?

Even though this new place is a long way from where you currently are it seems like a nice cottage @Former-Member - and you can have dog with you so that is awesome. I understand you not wanting to be on the road during winter so this may be a good idea to get through the colder months.

I am okay - been doing it tough the past few weeks but it is what it is and I'll get on top of it all again in time. Grateful to have my house and fur babies to come home to and be able to relax after work.

I understand that exhaustion feeling - pretty much feeling that too at the moment but hoping that passes as I begin to get back into the swing of things at work and sort out a few other things I need to get on top of. It is a slow process but I have support to do it all so that is a bonus.

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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Hanging in there
together @Zoe7,
one day at a time.
Thanks 🍁🌺🍁
Today my new Dr was happy to fill out public housing medical support documents. Wow, a nice, intelligent Dr here finally, and now I have to move 😒

Re: why can't I cope longer?

That is unfortunate @Former-Member but so nice you have found him to do what needs to be done for now. You never know - the move might be a great fresh start for you and you might find another simialr doctor where you are moving to.

Re: why can't I cope longer?

sending you hugs @Former-Member  HeartHeart

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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Keep thinking I should end it... rather than move. "Only thoughts" ?? Really ?? But why are they there?


TAKING THS TOPIC TO A NEW DISCUSSION: "why suicidal thoughts when stressed"

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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Hey @Former-Member, 

I am sorry you are going through such a stressful time at the moment, which is causing you to feel like "end[ing] it". I want to check in with you, so i am just letting you know I am sending you an email now. 

Warm Regards, 


Re: why can't I cope longer?

@Former-Member Heart
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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Well,vi did it!  Spent my first night in my new home. Rent aidvin advance & bond. It was so quiet here, lovely... Crashed early with sore back, heavy meds... woke  early, racing mind...


Just got triggered by a ''''legal" issue...  an email stating the house I have been staying is now on the market to sell. Even WITH my own place now (only  since 3pm yesterday), it set off palpitations & I've spent the morning doing breathing meditation, to try calm down. Should have known better than to own email just yet. But I'll survive. 

Haven't told ANYONE my new address, just enjoying knowing nobody's gonna come knocking, uninvited, wanting, taking.... Just me and God furbaby and, teabsgs 💗




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