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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Thanks Zoe, I had a big spend today.
Who's playef footy today? Your an EELS supporter aren't you? If I ever supported any footy teams it was the Parramatta EELS👍

Re: why can't I cope longer?

Brisbane Lions played in the AFL earlier ...lost that one and the Eels are playing now but down by quite a bit at half time - looks like a dismal sporting weekend for me @Former-Member 

What did you buy?

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Re: why can't I cope longer?

😒Dismal indeed! re sports
"WHAT DID I BUY" ? UGG, too much!

OP SHOP: tall boy cupboard,  single lounge chair, x4 Retro kitchen chairs ($5 each 😯), lace curtains, leather shoes, beanie, single fitted sheets, cutlery...
BUNNNGS: new plastic kennel + 2" dog bed to fit it + mats, mop, broom, bucket, containers & a foldup table.
Oh, and a pot of Mother's Day flowers to plant out front 🌻🌻🌻

Re: why can't I cope longer?

Wow you really did spend up big @Former-Member Hope that all helps make your little place feel a little more like home. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: why can't I cope longer?

I know, its a bit embarrassing but mostly needed, well maybe not x4 dinning chairs but they were a set lol
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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Oh boy, here it comes,
that sinking feeling, Really hope it passes. Fighting off negative thoughts big time today. Really hit me how alone I am here. Questioning if I've done the right thing... got that trembling fear inside.

Re: why can't I cope longer?

I hope that sinking feeling passes for you too @Former-Member I think it is great that you have made this move. It is a fresh start for you with none of the issues surrounding you with the people that used to be around at your old place. You also have somewhere to feel secure in over winter and therefore will not need to be in the van and travelling. You have begun to buy things to make this place feel more like home as well and that is a positive move. There is no doubt thoughts of your old place and all the things surrounding you that made you feel safe but this is a brand new start and I think that is a good thing for you. You have left a lot behind and are in a new place but that also opens up opportunities to start fresh where you are. You got this Hon - walking right beside you Heart

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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Thanks @Zoe7, needed that (made me cry), it'll probly be fine, just doesn't feel like it. Repair guy coming this AM. Gotta go back, get rest of my stuff this week, not looking fwd to that, it will be final then. My furbaby isn't herself, doesn't like the 'my dog' food or biscuits but without a fridge I can't have her usual fresh meat. Thought she wasnt breathing just then, but she's ok, my heart's still settling down. Normally she's snuggled up on the bed but I reshuffled furniture and she seems happy on soft chair beside the bed. Repair guy this AM, must remove inside evidence of her as she's supposed to be an 'outside' dog (not that I let her in carpet areas). Little things bugging me. I get jumpy when i hear car out front - neighbour's driveway real close. Thought I'd told nobody where I am but found out Sun I'd accidentally given address to friend in picture, with my enthusiasm that I'd found somewhere. Now it feels like I'm not 'safe' anymore. Its just not logical though, even if she gave it out... none of them are likely to drive the 4hrs. But they might send coos to do Welfare Check, using my past MH against me (which I find insulting)... And I hate that theyd rather do this than really care, tell police my history to disrespect and cross boundaries I make with them, a control thing more than caring... But there I go, slipping back into the past, the maybe's... The ignorance of others when really, present time, so far so good. Think maybe I've relaxed enough for some of this stuff to surface... I don't know. Gotta get outside my head, check GG, maybe have a cuppa... Suns coming up now, new day
Thanks for being here

Re: why can't I cope longer?

It is likely that some of this stff is surfacing for you because you are feeling a little more comfortable where you are and so your inner guard is down a little @Former-Member That is quite natural Hon but good for you to recognise - it can give you an idea of why you are feeling as you do and also help you to further protect yourself. I do think it is unlikely any of those people will drive the 4 hours to you so despite you accidently showing your address you are probably safe there from that happening.I think we go straight to 'worse case scenario' often and not look at what we do have and the good that is in our lives. You have a place you can call home, you are away from the negativity of those people, you have your fur baby with you and you have a fresh start in a new place - all those are positives Hon and are all also things a couple of months ago you were not certain you would have. Sometimes it is not about looking back or what we have lost but we need to look forward and be thankful for what we have now Heart

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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Thanks @Zoe7,
How's your day so far? 🤗
I am trying to 'count my blessings' more.. Things could be so much worse I know.
Even when opening the house mid morning here, i was captivated by a handsome king parrot eating nuts from the changing elm tree. Frozen in time I felt the warm sunrays penetrated my clothing to bring warmth and healing. I stood there taking it all in, frozen in time, 'till my furbaby GG brang me back with a rare stretch up my thighs for a pat. She's so gorgeous. Seemed like a forever tropical escape, but really only long enough for the water on stove to come to the boil. Now to enjoy my cup of tea. Yes, I have much to be thankful for. The 'universe' seems to love me, even if humans can't ☀️🍁🍂🐦🐾🍎

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