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Re: not feeling good

Me too @BlueBay
Let's support each other today hey 🙂

Re: not feeling good

Hey @MDT 

I don't want to be at wirk today 


I so badly want yo self harm 

hiw are you going my friend xxx

Re: not feeling good

Average @BlueBay
I am sick. Coughing and spluttering.

I'm also over people playing games with my feelings. Particularly when it comes to dating life and all of that.

I just want to go on Christmas break already

Re: not feeling good

Oh @MDT 

@hamza don't be hard on yourself. 
I wish I was away 

I need a break 


Re: not feeling good

Thanks @BlueBay
You are a good pal.

I am probably being a bit hard on myself but idk. I can't help but think it's warranted.

Re: not feeling good

big breath my @MDT , @BlueBay Heart

sending hugs and sitting with you xx

Re: not feeling good

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well and having a hard time at the moment @BlueBay 

@MDT it is not easy with relationships and at Xmas time, I find is the hardest of all, families are not like you see and hear where everyone is close and are there for each other anymore.

@Shaz51 I hope you are feeling better 

I hope everyone is doing ok and coping the beginning of Xmas period I find is the hardest for me where family members can be cruel, insensitive, and put burdens on us and make us feel guilty some times, I hope you are not caught up in all of this as well.

@Owlunar @Gazza75 @TAB @Bimby2 @Former-Member @Adge @Maggie @Zoe7 @Appleblossom 

@Molliex @CheerBear @Former-Member @Determined @greenpea @Angels333 @eth @cutiepiekitty 


Re: not feeling good

take it easy @saturnzoon  I dont have to worry about what rels are saying there is no xmas get together here anymore, house sold, mum dead, ti what it is

Re: not feeling good

Hey @saturnzoon 👋

Re: not feeling good

Yeah true as well @saturnzoon
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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