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Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here šŸ™‚

Hi @Beachboots ,

How are you today?


My psychologist meeting was brought forward due to someone cancelling. It was interesting and I can talk to them. Next time I hope they can help with some strategies on how to regulate my emotions.


Sleep is still a struggle so I moved to the couch and that seemed to help a little. Some nights I get less than 2 hours and I feel my chest is tight and my heart is fluttering all day. @Judi9877 @Former-Member @Beachboots Do you have any pointers for me?



Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here šŸ™‚

Hi there @Kelly8 šŸ‘‹! Iā€™m so glad you were able to try some calming activities to help you with your mental health issues. Thatā€™s a great achievement so well done!


Iā€™m also glad you were able to get an appointment with a psychologist and you had some success there which is another positive thing. I found that talking to a psychologist helped me a lot as I spoke to him once a month for an hour on a regular basis. I did find though that in the end, I was struggling to find things to talk about for an hour and thatā€™s when I knew I was getting better and was able to deal with life issues and dramas on my own without his help which is an achievement in itself as there were times initially at the start when I used to panic and only believed he could help me so that was hard at the start. I can now see that the person I was back then was a person in crisis and who needed support and learning of skills that he gave me and that was important for me to utilise his skills and knowledge which I did so, including having a phone call with him when I was admitted to hospital for psychiatric treatment which really helped. I havenā€™t been in contact with him since July as he said it was up to me to arrange our next phone session and to be honest, Iā€™m not in any major rush to contact him as I think Iā€™m travelling along relatively okay mentally. I just canā€™t see myself speaking to him for an hour right now which for me is a good thing as it shows me how strong Iā€™ve become and thatā€™s a great thing for me to realise. I have had another hospital admission since then as well but I got through it and therefore, I donā€™t feel the need to contact him. All I can say is take the time to listen and learn from your psychologist and try and put into practice what they tell you in your daily life. With emotional regulation issues, I learnt that breathing is a good skill to utilise when emotions get too strong and take your time when emotions do become overwhelming. I like the method of Delay, Distract, Decide to help me with my emotions and Iā€™ve also learnt that emotions are like waves and they will eventually go away and ease up with the intensity in time. Emotions go through a period where they become full on and you feel like you have to act on them (often when you might not be in the right headspace 100% of the time) but they equally calm down and when they do, you often realise that it was good not to act on the emotion and you are better for that afterwards. Itā€™s a learning journey and one Iā€™m constantly on as I have Borderline Personality Disorder and that effects my emotions so Iā€™m fully aware of how destructive my emotions can be if Iā€™m not aware of them so I have to be sure I take time not to act on my emotions which often includes taking time out from my phone and emails and social media and having a soothing cup of tea or doing a meditation exercise instead or often, getting the knitting needles out and starting a beanie. Iā€™ll tag some others here who might have ideas about emotional regulation @tyme @BPDSurvivor @BlueBay 


As for the sleep thing, again, Iā€™ve been through that and still have issues with my sleep but I have had a change in meds which has helped me at night to a certain extent but not fully unfortunately. Iā€™m thinking there may be a physical reason for my sleep such as being peri menopausal but thatā€™s just an idea and something I need to follow up with my GP eventually when I see him. Have you tried a meditation app like Smiling Mind?I used to use it for 30 minutes when I found myself anxious before bed and it did work for me. Iā€™ve also been known to have a warm shower, a warm cup of tea  or use my essential oils diffuser with lavender in it as it helps get me off to sleep. I did purchase a lavender room spray from a supermarket back in June and found they made me feel calm as well when I sprayed it near my pillows and did help me with sleep. I now utilise my Fitbit as it has a sleep function on it which records how well I sleep each night and shows me how much time I spent in the various cycles of sleep with the majority of my time being spent in light sleep which is pretty good according to the app. Again, this helps me and I like it. There are some information on the internet about sleep hygiene that you can research as to how to get a good nights sleep so maybe thatā€™s worth researching as well? Maybe you could spend some time each night writing down this game that are on your mind in a book and get it out of your head so it doesnā€™t disturb you when you do go to sleep? Reading a book could also help if youā€™re a reader? Not using your phone before bed is another tip Iā€™ve found to be helpful as well as making sure youā€™re not too hot or too cold when you do go to sleep as I was told your room needs to be a certain temperature to help you sleep could also help. These are just ideas and things Iā€™ve learnt so they may help you as well. 

Take care! 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here šŸ™‚

Hi @Kelly8 iā€™m so glad you got something out of your first session. Great work!

For sleep the best thing for me is finding a light tv show i like and then letting that play. That provides me some comfort and helps a little.



Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here šŸ™‚

šŸø Welcome new members šŸø


Hello and welcome to @4evaUsed @Academica @Albert2 @AloneForever @Bambi20 @Former-Member @Blair @Blue5 @Charlie27 @Cloudyskies @coaxialdog @Depp @Donuts_0612 @Exist4Who @Grim-sleeper @Hanginthere @HappyHound @HChen @JaneBee7 @Jay_ @Jodezlee47 @JulzCee @Kinnane @Lisamagisa @M0nkey @maggot @Mumofawarrior @Naomara @NicWell @Nush @Pendulum @Pixiefifi @PJ2 @Prado @RedandBlue @Rewa @sariously_ @sdf-45 @Sera @Sia @Skitty @SoulCat888 @Squish @stinkymonkey @UnderEstimated @Wiggy @Zaina @Angela9 @Anxious22 @Athena85 @Aussie22 @buddy5 @ChristianTablan @Christopher22 @Complexflex @EeJay @eme @emir @Felixfenix @Grayson777 @HALLEY @Hannah6 @hannya25 @jayaruettidi @Jeremiah @kleinervogel @Leah04 @LOUISEMAY @Lyndon @Mrsomebody22 @Mumma75 @Mundy @nurtureindulge @Peppers @Phoenix27 @Quackery @Sab27 @Stevenvop @Sugarplum_Dream @tdk @Veranika @WorriedFriend 


Welcome to the forums! Iā€™m TuxedoCat, Iā€™m one of the peer workers here on the forums. There are a team of us who moderate these forums to ensure theyā€™re warm and welcoming for everyone, ensure safety and to offer support. It's so nice to e-meet you! I hope you find our forums a really special place where you can 

  • Seek support for yourself
  • Offer your experiences and support to others 
  • Get to know other folks who ā€œGet itā€ 


Firstly, if youā€™re up to it, I know weā€™d all like to get to know you a little better. Wanna have a go at answering these questions? 

  1. What is your favourite self-care activity? 
  1. What are you looking forward do in the forums? 


Iā€™ll go first: 

  1. At the moment my self-care activity is mostly listening to music. I feel like it changes week to week though
  2. I favourite thing about the forums is that I learn so much from the folks on here


I also wanted to give you some handy pointers for the forums 

  • Make sure you check-out our guidelines and FAQ by clicking here. They are in place to create a really safe space online where we can share our experiences of mental health and recovery.  
  • We also have some guides on how to use the forums and for creating safety online when discussing topics like suicide and self-harm. We know these are experiences many of us will have in our lifetime, but itā€™s important to discuss them safely and in a way that the community can support you! 
  • If you press ā€œ@ā€ and then type someone's username, theyā€™ll get a notification that youā€™ve tagged them 
  • You can always tag ā€œ@moderatorā€ if you see something that is outside of our guidelines or makes you worry about someone 

PS Some of you are also on the carers, family and friends forum so feel free to introduce yourself there by clicking on this link


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here šŸ™‚


thanks so

Much for this safe space.

my self care activity is swimming:

I find that being underwater and back for breath has a calming effect.

I also feel like I can scream cry or feel all that Iā€™m feeling and feel a sense of washing it away too and focusing on the repetitive task of strokes. Has helped me alot  . 

Favourite thing about the forums is being able to open up up people that get it  with hopefully no judgement 


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here šŸ™‚

Welcome @Nush ahh swimming.. such a great self care tool. I love it also šŸ˜Š

Thanks for being here!

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here šŸ™‚

Heya @Kelly8! So sorry to hear about your sleep troubles. I've had my fair share of challenges caused by medications, stress and a generally busy brain. What do you think is the main cause of yours?


For me, I've found the following useful

  • If I'm struggling to sleep, I get out of bed and make a herbal tea. For me, it usually works to get out of the bedroom before I get stressed or frustrated with lack of sleeping
  • When I'm struggling to sleep, I take big, deep breathes and focus on counting them
  • For me, "sleep hygiene" has not worked very well. But it works for a lot of people
  • I also love these podcast episodes on sleep. They really helped me šŸ˜Š 
  • Here is a Peer Group Chat from a few weeks ago where sleep was discussed


Also, I wonder if this could be a good discussion instead of posting in an existing thread? Just in case you don't know how, here is a step by step guide 

  • Click back into the Welcome & Getting Started topic area 
  • Click the ā€˜New Discussionā€™ Button
  • Type in a subject title 
  • Enter your post (there are some helpful tips on how you can introduce yourself below) 
  • Then click post! 

 Take care and keep us updated ā¤ļø 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here šŸ™‚



My name is Stinky Monkey !! Thank you for moderating the platform @Former-Member and creating a safe place for everyone to be themselves !! 


My favourite self-care activity at the moment is probably watching tv shows !! It helps me escape reality and distract myself from my anxiety šŸ™‚ I am watching Veneno at the moment !! Itā€™s about a Spanish transgender woman and her life, itā€™s really good !! 


I think what I am looking forward to on the forums is to see posts from other people I can relate to, and be able to interact with them and also share my experiences xoxo

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here šŸ™‚

ooh thank you for sharing @stinkymonkey, that show sounds right up my alley! Thank you for recommendation šŸ˜Š 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here šŸ™‚

Hi forgot to introduce myself. First time on something like this. I have been with my husband for 18 year and have 3 kids. I have been struggling in my marriage for 2 years as I want more out of life. I have lost my values and who I am and now I am finding finding it hard to find any purpose or meaning in life and I just wanna stay in bed. I had been on meds for 15 years and raised year weaned myself off them. I dontknow what to do with myself. What is the point of anything? I'm bored with Mt jobs and my life in the small country town I live in..


 I feel like I'm dying inside and now I am having difficulty getting out of bed and I'm not going to work