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Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

great idea not to share too much on here. For lots of reasons, but also for our anonymity guideline ❤️ 


And yes, being in a small industry really makes it a bit more complicated ❤️ I think it's really understandable that you would be worried about this. Sounds like maybe speaking to someone external could be really helpful in this situation.


And I'm so glad your partner is is there for you. That can make a really big difference. Are there occupations you might have in mind if you want to change?  It could be a chance for some big changes.

Also, I'm not sure if this is useful, but for times when you are a "mess" at work or want to talk, we have a counselling phone line and web-chat where you could speak to a counsellor? If you click here, you'll be able to find the options for it

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi @Kelly8 welcome and thanks for asking. I have been down for a month or so. It seems to come in waves for me throughout life but lately it seems more frequent and worse each time and i fear it is becoming a permanent state. I have never struggled quite this much before to get myself out of the hole and i’m using very unhealthy ways to cope at the moment.


Have you seen a psychologist before? How long do you have to wait? I hope not too long. 

A good manager knows they have a vested interest in supporting employee health and I hope yours comes to this realisation soon and you get treated with compassion.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

@Beachboots, thank you for sharing your story too. 


I'm sorry that the state is feeling more constant than it has in the past. It sounds like you've been able to get through it in the past. What worked for you then?


I think about my mental health like a building project. Sometimes I need a hammer. Sometimes I need a screwdriver. But sometimes I need to fix my mental health with a tool I don't have yet. And I hope the forum can can help you find the right one ❤️ 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi @Beachboots ,

I hope you don't mind me asking is a month a long time compared to other times you've been down? Is there something pushing you back in the hole each time? Is it the same trigger...


I have never seen a psychologist. It's all new to me. I have two weeks to wait hence me reaching out on the forum.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi @Judi9877


Thank you for my warm welcome ❤️


Do you prefer crocheting or knitting? Making things for charities very admirable! Warm things are always needed. 


How has your day been?  

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

@Former-Member That’s a great analogy, I haven’t heard that one before but it’s so true! Thank you for the encouraging words.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi @Kelly8 a month is a longer one for me. When i get like this anything and everything can keep me there.


Don’t be afraid to change psychologists if the first doesn’t work for you. I went through 3 before i found someone i was comfortable with. It seems like a waste but it is worth it when you find one that really helps.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi there @Beachboots @Kelly8 ! Hi as well to @Former-Member! Welcome to the forums👋! I hope you both find the support you need here on the forums like I’ve done in the past and continue to do so. I’m a Community Guide here who has a lived experience of mental illness including depression as 1 of my 3 conditions that I deal with on a daily basis with schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder being the other 2.


To help me with my depression, I find that often, just doing simple things is the best like getting out of bed and having a cup of tea or even doing some knitting of a blanket. Each thing adds up to an achievement in my eyes and I reward myself by just saying thank you to my body and mind for being able to do this. It’s small but it all matters and that’s the main thing in the end. I’ve also had several hospital admissions and I’ve slowly learnt and accepted that I’m better off at home dealing with my mental health episodes as I don’t like the restrictions of a mental health ward such as time being able to knit for example. Hospital has a place and time and can be a great place if you need it but for me, it’s definitely a last resort. I find that knitting helps me with my mental illnesses as I’m able to be creative with the wool I use for my blankets and it’s a relaxing and calming hobby as well. The same with crochet as it’s good for when I experience panic attacks and anxiety so I’m known for having a crochet hook in my coping toolkit for when times like that happen. Give me some knitting needles, some wool or a crochet hook with a cup of tea and I’m 1 happy camper! Add some music on my iPhone and it certainly improves my mood. 

As for work issues, I’ve had an issue in the past whereby I kept on making mistakes due to stress but not knowing that the cause of it was undiagnosed depression which caused me to resign from my role in the end. That was 20 years ago so I’m not sure if it’s really relevant or helpful in any way. I’ve struggled to work since although I did complete a uni degree afterwards so that’s an achievement. I’m now looking to recommence my studies in mental health soon and work in mental health as a worker so that’s also a positive thing. I hope your work situation improves.


A psychologist is a good ally to have as it gives you an opportunity to talk things through and build up your skills in relation to mental health and make you a stronger and better person for doing so. The psychologist can give you ideas and coping strategies and new perspectives on how to handle your issues and that’s a good thing. I’ve had dealings with a psychologist last year for just over a year and now, I’m finding that I don’t need their help anymore as I can handle my life better thanks to their skills and advice that they gave me. I hope you find this helpful!


@Former-Member to answer your crochet and knitting question, I’m more a knitting person than a crochet person but I do have several blankets of each hobby on the go to help me with boredom. The blankets will get completed in the end with my current knitting project being an 8 strip blanket of 120cm high and 20cm wide per strip to make an adult blanket of 160cm in total length for charity. I’m on the 8th strip currently with 90cm to knit before I can sew it up to the rest of the other 7 strips to make what I call a Crazy Blanket - different coloured yarn in different lengths which changes when I either run out of the wool (acrylic) or I get bored of it and add a different yarn to it. I calm it a Crazy Blanket as each blanket is unique and different and not the same and it helps me use up my yarn stash as well. I’ll post the finished object in the Knitting forum thread and on my own discussion thread Jude’s Jungle which will hopefully be sooner rather than later - I’m aiming for the end of tomorrow as a goal to try and achieve!


I look forward to seeing you around the forums soon!


Take care and stay safe!



Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi @Judi9877

Thanks for the suggestion for doing small calming things. I do like candy crush so have spent a little time playing today. Last night I found it really hard to sleep, I was bouncing between awake and asleep most of the night. I woke up at one stage because I felt I couldn't breathe. The other self care activity I did today was walk on the beach, the water was churning and loud but it helped me block out work for a while. @Beachboots I haven't cried today (yet) so that's something to be proud of. And thank you for suggesting changing psychologist if I don't feel comfortable, that's good to know I have a choice.

Hope today is a little better for everyone.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Sounds like you have it all going on in the yarn world @Judi9877! Can’t wait to see it. I think your use of different yarns and using up your stash is very sustainable. And I bet your crazy blankets look amazing. I live a splash of colour 🌈. Isn’t it funny that in the modern world we create so many different materials, from plastics to a range of things for technology and yet wool is still in use?? It’s just so practical AND warm 🛌

How has your day been?