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Re: Dissociation

@utopia  This might be helpful.

Re: Dissociation

@Maggie Thank you.  Very informative and explains a lot. 

Re: Dissociation

@eudemonism  here it is. Hope it’s helpful.

Re: Dissociation

Hi all, i think all diagnoses are just lenses to look through upon a person's problems. For themselves to look through and for others to look through. Giving the problem a name basically. Then there's the one size fits all/universal diagnosis and treatment. And society basically accommodates it in every possible way because everyone just worried about winning their game.


But yea when i think about it... I've had plenty of stuff happen that I've wanted to dissociate myself from. And there was plenty of stuff available to dissociate with. All along like everyone I've just wanted to get it right the first time. But like everyone getting it right the first time is rare. Just apart of life i suppose you could say .

Re: Dissociation

@LRA  here’s the info I mentioned.

Senior Contributor

Re: Dissociation

Thankyou to all. This info was the best!@just
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