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Re: Stopping medication

He @PlantLover ,


The side effects off coming off my meds were more physical including headaches, jitters, heart palpitations, sweats. I was slightly cranky, but as I said, I was ready for it and knew I had to ride it out. So I quietened myself for about a week. I made sure I timed the med reduction during a less demanding time with my job. I also told people around me beforehand that I'm sorry if I snap at them during this time - they were very understanding. 

As for the meds itself, I took a lowered dose every ALTERNATE day for a week. Then I took the lowered dose everyday and monitored it. Pretty soon I adapted. Then two months later, I reduced again, taking the lowered dose every alternate day for a week, then lower dose continuously.... you would need to speak to your dr about it because sll

meds are different.


It's been really good so far. I didn't want to come straight off them altogether. I gave myself a few months in between each lowered dose to ensure I work with my baseline and not shock my body - 15 years after all!


I also had the support of my treating team who continued to practise coping strategies with me. 

All in all, it's been really effective and I am totally satisfied with everything.

All the best!


Re: Stopping medication

Hi @PlantLover ,

It took me a few months from start to finish.  I'd only been on the meds for about 2 years.  The main trouble I had was with weight gain.  My issues didn't get any worse, I felt better in myself that I wasn't taking drugs that I didn't think were really helping Me.  

Re: Stopping medication

Thanks for your messages and support. 

I'm going to the psychiatrist today in regards to getting off my meds. It feels weird going back to supports, It's been years. 


Re: Stopping medication

Good luck with your appointment with the psychiatrist today, @PlantLover ...let us know how you go... šŸ™‚

Re: Stopping medication

Thank you @NatureLover 

It went really well. He is lovely. We have a play. As I go down on my current medication (let's call it S) I'm going to be starting on a new medication to help me get down on S. So the lower my dose of S the higher my new medication dosage will be (let's call this one O). 
Apparently O is safer and easier to get off of than S. 

He said I should have gotten off S years ago. I didn't realise my heart palpitations and chest pain from the medication weren't normal because I've always had them since day one of being on it. 

Re: Stopping medication

Plan not play*

Re: Stopping medication

@PlantLover wrote:

It went really well. He is lovely. We have a play. As I go down on my current medication (let's call it S) I'm going to be starting on a new medication to help me get down on S. So the lower my dose of S the higher my new medication dosage will be (let's call this one O). 
Apparently O is safer and easier to get off of than S. 

This all sounds good, @PlantLover ... I'm so pleased that it went well for you and that this psych is a good fit for what you are wanting. šŸ™‚ I'm glad you won't have heart palpitations and chest pains much longer! 

Not applicable

Re: Stopping medication

Hi @PlantLover, just popping in this thread because I'm thinking of stopping my antidepressants after +10yrs because the SI has been gone for couple of months now (if it wasn't my enemy i'd say I lost a friend, there's a noticeable void), I want to fill the gap before something bad jumps in there. I have a theory that many meds mess with creativity (šŸ¤”then again, maybe the anxiety would come back to cripple that anyway. idk). Have you gone off medication S successfully? Is medication O better?? I have had a lot of heart issues lately, nobody has thought to review my meds. Wish we could mention names here (I'll have to go to an online mums bk / drGoogle). One psychiatrist told me I'll probably be on antidepressants for the rest of my life (as is her experience). Unfortunately I don't have much if any support, or a MH worker since moving back here, i think becoming a 'senior' makes me dispensable, and my new GP isn't interested in why she keeps prescribing my antidepressants (+ too many physical issues I guess, & MH is more time consuming). My one friend here doesn't believe in antidepressants so can't have a nonbias conversation there, plus's she needs to talk about her troubles atm. So, have to know what I'm doing going it alone. I'm scared of not being objective..
@BPD survivor - you've done so well managing your 'recovery'. Can you tell me a more about what you mean "I have learnt to love life. I have learnt to live with my BPD and appreciate it for what it is"
I was diagnosed with BPD in my 20s but more recently it's said that "it was annunkind diagnosis she believes I have "trauma with a capital T & an unfavourable childhood" I've been such a mess. Shouldn't have had kdz looking back and losing one of them 'finished' me (it seems), I am not strong since, and nobody likes being around me, not really.. Oh dear, crying now. Not sure if the SI pressure has gone because I realise i haven't got long anyway or if God has healed me (as is my prayer for so long). Anyway, love to talk about this if someone has the time.
What do you think @Appleblossom, @Smc, @Adge, @Eve7, anyone?
Thanks šŸ’™.

Re: Stopping medication

@Former-Member, going off medication is an "approach with caution" thing. (I'm sure you know that. Heart)
Could you find some other professional who could supervise you trialling reducing the medication? So sorry to hear the ones you're working with currently seem unsupportive. Definitely don't stop it suddenly- your body/neurochemistry will miss the chemicals it's been supplying and either crash, or try to overcompensate.

If the SI is the biggest worry, it would be very important to work on long term solutions to that too. SI is closely linked to low self confidence and self value. Some of the biggest protectors against it are a sense of hope, a feeling that you are valuable as a person, and are loved for who you are. Annnd I think they're all things you struggle with. Needlessly, I might say. You're a very lovely and caring person. xx

Not applicable

Re: Stopping medication

Thanks @Smc - you are right on all fronts. There's So much I feel powerless to change. You know my only real hope is in heaven really, where i hope to 'belong' at last. Isn't it sad that 'family' has been replaced by a little white pill šŸ˜ž Guess it will have to do, and I don't have the support or resources to risk coming off. Thanks for replying šŸ’—

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