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Re: Taking the plunge

My second ️ is long gone @CheerBear . 


Yes, fundraiser is for counsellor. They don’t get paid. It’s a choice they made a few years back. I can’t say too much without identifying them. But big respect for them down this way,


Sometimes the social being stuff sucks big time @CheerBear   Brain mesh ok.

I don’t know if kind of friend has picked up my plan. It’s a guessing game. I hope I stick to it. She knows how to manipulate me. But, I’ll keep trying.


Heading out this morning for a few hrs, then some garden stuff to bin. Quite day ahead.


You are heading for a big day. I hope it all goes really well with the moving stuff, and he person. 💙💙💙

Re: Taking the plunge

I remember you saying that about counsellor @Maggie. It's absolutely massive to do. Triple everything crossed for them today (and wishing I could buy some stones) 🤞🤞🤞

I'm guessing kind of friend might take a while to click if they're quite unaware/uncaring of you. You're strong and smart and this is not something you've decided to do on a whim. That will help with any manipulation I think.

Is heading out this morning OK or for something enjoyable?

I'm looking forward to helping out sib who had a very tough afternoon emotionally yesterday. Break-ups can be very messy. Sib is an incredibly generous and feely person - an easy target for manipulation too. Their ex (who I adored but could see the not-great) is quite opportunistic and played on Sib's feelings big time. It left Sibling with the big, tough "I'm a terrible person. What's wrong with me?" stuff 🙁 It will be good to have today done for them. Forecast rain and storms from around when truck is coming though. Really hoping that stays away!

He person will be good hopefully. I'm looking forward to seeing him 🙂

Re: Taking the plunge

I do all that “ i’m A terrible person”  “ What’s wrong with me “ stuff @CheerBear . MI along with the other stuff feeds it all I think.


Sib is lucky to have you there, whispering in their ear,  the positive things.


I’ve been going to a small church since Christmas @CheerBear . Trying to find some meaning somewhere, in something. I’m hoping to work with the children, teaching dance, sign language to songs, maybe stone painting. I’m not sure if I will fit, as my views are out there now, so I could be setting myself up for another fall. But, it’s in progress now. Time will tell. For now, I’m not committing to anything, just watching. It’s scary, I’ve been deeply hurt before. Sometimes I wonder about my sanity @CheerBear.


Big smile with looking forward to seeing he person today. Enjoy you time with him. ❤️❤️❤️

Re: Taking the plunge

Oh wow @Maggie. I can imagine how scary that is particularly given the little I understand of your experiences. Another huge thing that's going on for and with you and another way you're challenging yourself. I'm seriously inspired Maggie ❤ So enjoy watching and hearing about the things that you're making your way through (even when they're blanketed in fear, self-doubt and struggle). Big stuff. Lots of respect. Hoping it feels good ❤

And thanks again 😊💜

Re: Taking the plunge

@CheerBear  I can’t put words around what I’d like/want to say as I read your post. Just warm nice feels. Thanks for that. 💜😊

Re: Taking the plunge

Hi @Maggie 


I can see you taking the plunge here - I wish you well - taking new steps is fraught with concern but also stepping stones - yes - they are there


I stopped going to church years and years ago and I miss it - in the last couple of years I realised why and don't feel like going back to anywhere I have been and maybe a different church would be better even if it is a different denomination - I am not looking for a social life - just the services - and I don't know whether I will or not.


But yes - I heard you saying you want to work with children. Let's not set you up for another fall so you do rock painting and sign, songs and dance - let's present them and learn about what the people at your new church want to teach kids and work out a programme where you use your skills and focus on what you like about what this church and it's people want and focus on these things


And this would fit you and the new church and I almost wish I was young enough to start again teaching CRE again


I learned so much about people then - and for young children I would use the handbook and do visual aids for them and with them and my plan was "Look at what God has given us - isn't it wonderful" 


And for you and @CheerBear  and other people who think they are "terrible people" - Jesus spoke to and ate with what the world called "terrible people" - tax collectors and prostitutes etc - he came to earth for us - all of us - even the people who judge us - we all need him and we are all good people in his eyes


I left the church but never lost my faith Maggie - I wish you the best




I could stand up here admiring the view foreverI could stand up here admiring the view forever

Re: Taking the plunge

@Maggie I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow Hon Smiley Tongue Slept through the night and then again for a couple of hoirs after I fed the fur babies this morning. Not helping my sister now - she rang and did not ask (and I did not offer) but she seems to have it all under control for now. I am more than happy to stay home as I still have a lot to do myself - and still very tired - so happy to potter around this morning. watch the cricket this afternoon and then get stuck into my house again afterwards.


Toby is a great supervisor Smiley Tongue He loves to be where I am and make sure I am doing what I need to lol He does stick pretty close. When I was working at my sister's last week he came and sat under my arm and tried to help me fill the holes was like having a tedHeartdy bear snuggled under neath me quite. 


Going to need another sleep this morning before I start anything - so will do thst soon.


Hugs and love to you and @CheerBear @Former-Member @Shaz51 and all reading here Heart

I hope your beautiful pendants sell out today ...would buy one myself if I was there 

Re: Taking the plunge

Hi @Zoe7 


I am happy to hear that you are taking today for yourself - to potter about your own place and then take time out to watch the cricket - it will be time to go back to school in a very short time so you need to make the most of your own time


And  your sister didn't ask - that really does give you the choice 


I love the story of Toby helping you to fill in the holes - my old cat - Sparky - loved to supervise anyone who came here to work - and a tree fell here which I have mentioned - before and a man came with a backhoe to fill in the hole.The cat loved this - I think she wanted a machine like that to dig her holes - it would have taken her weeks to use it all up


Enjoy your day at home doing whatever - that is the best kind of time - and today it's pleasant in Melbourne so far but we have rain and storms forecast - gotta look at the radar - it doesn't feel like a change coming



Re: Taking the plunge

2 more weeks of holidays before I go back to work @Owlunar - so there is still time to get things done. The tennis starts tomorrow too so will be watching that. The first week is often when I watch the most as all players are playing and there will be several matches on at once that I will flip between.


I love the story about your cat and the holes - they are such funny little creatures with their own personalities and peculiarities hey Smiley Very Happy

Re: Taking the plunge

Hi @Zoe7 


The tennis - yes - it would be comfortable at home watching it - I went to see the Davis Cup one year - we won - it was fantastic - one of those days we never forget


And the cricket - I used to go and watch the Test every Boxing Day - I got a seat and stayed there all day drinking my themos of luke warm coffee in sips - never wanting to take my eyes off the match for a second


One year - it was the ashes actually - was really boring and mid-afternoon I had my moneys-worth and decided to leave when someone streaked on the other side of the MCG - of course this delighted the public - enough said about that anyway - I went home - feeling I had a good day out


My cat used to love it when anyone came to the house - she was the supervisor for everything - always checking things out - funny - yes they are. My son's cat used to supervise the buses going around the corner where we lived at the time. She would rush to jump on the buffet under the window every 15 minutes. One day we decided to move some of the furniture and she didn't check the buffet was there and jumped up and fell to the floor on all fours (say that fast four times) - and we laughed at her - she ran behind the piano and got stuck there - of course we had to move that too and vacuum behind it - I love those memories



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