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Re: Taking the plunge

Good morning everyone. I slept in 🎉🎉🎉 So nice to see you all here this morning.

@Maggie I loved your talky post 😁

Huuuuuuge yay you for submitting your letter! How did it feel putting it in? That's massive. A stand against the wrong. Very, very cool 💪👍💜

I was wondering when the fundraiser was. Do you have much to do for it?

Loved hearing about your ice-cream adventure and treat. It's so nice to indulge in sometimes and extra nice when you do let yourself have that treat and it was worth it! Last time I did it was with Little when we went to the arcade. Ferrero Rocher ice cream - best 🤤 Interested in hearing how kind of friend is going, but only if you'd like to share.

Mr and I had a great chat last night. A couple of hours of easy, fun, deep, funny, interesting conversation, as we do. It's hard for him at the moment. I asked if he had any regrets with us and he was very sure of his answer of no. He said he doesn't like that he's feeling excited, happy etc about me/us but has to keep it a secret (for now at least). It was really nice to hear. Hoping to spend some time together early this week as I have my gig two days (no kids). I haven't felt or experienced this with a he person before. It's risky putting myself out there as I am especially given the situation, but it's worth it to take the chance I think.

I don't know about staying here. Our lease hasn't been renewed, for all the owner said it wouldn't change anything, and it expires in less than a month. Sib is definitely with us for a while now after things with their ex went super belly up recently. We need more space as it's tiny here. Too much to think about right this moment though. Big's textbooks are my next stress, then the house I think. I still get overwhelmed quickly 😏

How's today looking for you?

Morning @Zoe7 🙂 Another big one for you last night. Are you OK with being up and buzzing as you are at the moment? It sounds like you're getting a lot done but I wonder how much it's taking out of you to do. Hope you get some rest as you need.

Hi also @Former-Member. Hugs, big hugs, for the struggle ❤

Waving hi to all who might call by 👋

Re: Taking the plunge

@Maggie @CheerBear @Former-Member I suspect midday will be just about slow down and sleep time for me. I am still powering through things here but my eyes are certainly not as wide open as they were even an hour ago. I have crossed off some massive sorting though - some of it has been in boxes and baskets for years. It is good to have it finally done 😁 There is still a lot to do but easier to sort than what I have just done. 


So much dust that I feel like I have been rolling in dirt Smiley Surprised Going to have a shower soon then get something to eat - that should keep me going for a bit longer. 

Not applicable

Re: Taking the plunge

It will be sooo good to finally have it all done @Zoe7 . 

Re: Taking the plunge

It really will @Former-Member Actually feels a bit like a fresh start getting all this done 👍😁


Little Tobes is asleep again but gets up as soon as I do to follow me - he must be so tired after doing that all night the poor little mite. He is out like a light atm having puppy dreams ....soooo cute 🐶💖


Do you have any plans for today?

Not applicable

Re: Taking the plunge

Yes @Zoe7  a good way of looking at it ... a fresh start. 👍😀


Dear little Tobes .. I am beginning to love your little fellow like my own. Dont tell Holly though. 😱🐶


No plans for today. Wanted to stay in bed this morning, but hubby was up earlier than usual. Very teary today.


We had some rain yesterday, and more expected today. Lovely. And yes @Maggie @CheerBear @Gazza75  I was out there in it .. of course. And got in trouble .. of course. Silly me. 

Will do the same again today when it happens .. and jump in shower after, so he wont know. Even Holly was out there with me yday., and she hates getting her feet wet. 🐶


Still no NBN here. And to top it off I got a text yesterday to say it will be out for maintenance on Monday. I wonder will it be back on, before it goes off again? What a joke!


Frustrated, angry, sad. worried, defeated, over it ... and more.


Did I see @outlander around this morning? 👋



Re: Taking the plunge

morning @Former-Member @Maggie @CheerBear @Zoe7 @Shaz51 and everyone passing through

hoping todays a good one for you ❤

Re: Taking the plunge

Tobes has taken himself off to his bed in the spare room @Former-Member He didn't even come out when I had a shower so he must be exhausted. Smiley Sad I promise I won't tell Holly 👍😁 Tobes would be happy to have another Auntie and would no doubt love you to bits I do Heart I am sure I would be the same with Holly. I love that you have her and she is such a comfort to you. Give her a hug from me Heart


I hate what you are going through Hon - it really is not fair - you deserve such much better in life Smiley Sad I do wish I was there with you and you could cry on my shoulder as much as you need ...but being here is all we have so sending you my love and a huge hug Heart

Re: Taking the plunge

Hi @CheerBear   I didn't get a notification of your post.  Tai chi was as good as ever, thanks.  Sorry to hear your home stability is now insecure.  If you have no actual lease you are what's called periodic and you actually get 6 weeks notice if they want you to move.  Worth checking that out as my info might be old.  You can contact your tenants' union for the details - probably online. 

Very much hope your new Mr person works out well for you.  Complicated can be tricky - take care x


Hey @Zoe7  no notification of your post either.  Hope you've had some good rest by now and your bruises from your fall and burnt hand are clearing up well.


Hi @Shaz51  no notice of your post either   Nice to hear you had your hair done - you definitely deserve a little pampering between working so hard and being a carer for others.


Hi @Maggie  and thanks for your interest.  I'm not sure what the letter you refer to is about but I hope it gets published by the newspaper if that's what you want.  I'm curious - you've probably posted about it already but I can't find it.  Glad to hear your counsellor ap't went well for you.  And that you had a nice time with your kind of friend.


Thinking of you @Former-Member  and hoping today has started gently for you and continues peacefully.  How frustrating that your NBN is still down.  Hope it comes good today.


Hi @outlander @Gazza75  and anyone else around here.


Take care all and have a pleasant day.  Off to kick start the Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!  for the day.  Late this morning as I too slept in.  For a blessed change!

Other than that I have some banking stuff to sort out and also plan to type up the story I finished yesterday so it's ready for my writing group tomorrow afternoon.  Hoping it's not too long to share there.  I do get nervous sharing my writing but it's always good to have it critiqued and receive advice on ways to tweak it.  And good for the self-esteem to be doing it at all and have made some new friends through it.  I highly value freely given friendship when so much of my life is with support workers who I employ.


Love to all xx

Re: Taking the plunge

@CheerBear  It felt really good submitting the letter. Not sure how I will feel if it gets published to be honest. There are always the hecklers and support for wrong. I had my say. I will try to hang on to the fact that, my viewit is as important as anyone else. Thought there will be moments, I’m sure.


Thanks for the vote of confidence. 💜💜


I could have done more for the fundraiser if I had my head out of the clouds @CheerBear . But I have a good enough stock. Lots of others contribute, so variety there. I won’t be selling, too embarrassing, and I just about give my stones away, so I’m banned. Lol.


Things with kind of friend have been strained since Christmas @CheerBear. I got offended not being invited to their Christmas celebrations. I know there are no obligations to anyone, but I am sick of just being useful when it suits. I only live five minutes walk away, and would have just gone for coffee, as I’m vegetarian, so would not have had lunch. It hurt. I’ve decided not to be available to them both now, they can call on others for dog sitting etc. It might be an over reaction, but it’s actually good I’m beginning to react to this kind of stuff. Sigh. I find it hard being negative about people, when they can’t put their side of the story out there too. Can’t win it seems. Gripe over. 😩😩😩


Things are sounding positive, good, warm and challenging with Mr. once the secret is out, it will feel better. 👍👍👍

Taking a chance is all you can do.


2 gig days this week. It’s going really well there. It must feel good being valued, valuable, worthwhile and all the good and challenging stuff. You have worked hard to get this far. Good on you. You deserve being valued.


👍👍👍 The house situation. It will happen soon enough. 💙💙


Back to school stuff is huge, expensive and exhausting. Lots of 💜💜💜


I feel like I’ve swallowed a talking pill. 😂😂😂😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


@Zoe7 @Former-Member @outlander  ❤️❤️❤️❤️






Re: Taking the plunge

Had an hour's sleep @Maggie @eth @Former-Member @CheerBear It's enough to function this afternoon so I can do more work. I suspect I will have another nap later but for now I am okay to keep going. 


Tobes finally came out of the spare room and snuggled next to me before moving to the top of the couch when I was falling asleep. He is back on his pillow on the couch now so normal order has returned to the Zoe house 👍


Hope everyone is doing as okay as they can be. Sending extra big hugs to you all 💜💙💚💛🧡

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