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Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

I was off yesterday and today I'm bordering on manic. I don't know what's worse. Ii hope you come out of it soon

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hey @Doog sounds like a rough day. Anything we can do to support you this arvo? 


Also we sent you a check in via email, just in case you missed it 😊

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hey @Doog @Spartacus1 ,


Hope you are okay.

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Thanks for checking in on me. All good.

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Is it something that triggers this change? Or do you just wake up that way. I sometimes get triggered thinking about my wife. But sometimes it's water off a ducks back. Most of the time I just wake up and see what the day brings. I hope you get back to a steady state soon.

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

I can’t find a trigger. Just in an extreme episode for no reason! It can just happen. No trigger needed. Is part of the  fucked up illness

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Yep. It sucks

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

@Doog sometimes anxiety seems to be a trigger for me. Other times it might be thoughts about past happenings or memories. Thoughts about my ex used to trigger me. Sometimes thoughts about my ex girlfriend that passed away has. Trauma maybe?

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Definitely have triggers thinking about certain things, have learned not to think to hard about some stuff or quickly recontextualise it.

Physical stuff like not enough sleep / even too much caffeine.

And then just randomly as well! The last out and out hypomania I had was completely out of the blue, I had been pretty badly depressed and then just started feeling amazing for no reason, heart beating fast wanted to go tearing off down the street. I timed it too, it only lasted 5 hours, very odd to be aware of it for a change.

Anxiety definitely ties into it, I used to think I felt good from beating anxiety but pretty sure it was getting manic and then having no restraint. It is all a bit of a mess of different emotion.

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

@Acanthiza @Shaz51 @Spartacus1 @Captain24 @Captain24 @tyme 


Sounds a lot like me. Some triggers and other times out of the blue.

To me this does not sound bipolar.

Ultradian, ultra fast cycling bipolar or trauma or personality mood swings.


I guess this is part of my struggle with my diagnosis. But this questioning, is also a symtom of the diagnosis!


Helping my son move house so I feel better. Yesterday my daughter visited for dinner. But still under some underlying  depression. But clinical depression should no be affected by activites? It sounds like mild depression mixed with rapid cycling up to "normal". But I guess I have had major depression along with mixed mood cycling. The mood cycling seems to be much more rapid now? Drugs affecting mood cycling?

As always lots of questions but no answers! I'll let you know tomorrow how I'm going.