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Re: A long and self indulgent rave

@Zoe7, I think I am getting so used to discomfort at this stage! I think I laugh and cry. Smiley Tongue

Hugs back to you, lovely. Heart

Re: A long and self indulgent rave

@MazaritaIt seems to be a very fine line sometimes between laughing and crying - sometimes both happen at the same time lol

I think that is something most of us can say - I am getting used to discomfort - it's a sad indictment on our lives and society in general when discomfort becomes the norm rather than the exception - that alone would make anyone laygh and cry at the same time Smiley LOL

Re: A long and self indulgent rave

Oh dear @Mazarita

Shingles is intensely painful! I'm glad you were able to get the anti-viral injection within the allowed 72 hours. Unfortunately I didn't (even though I was in hospital at the time) and the intense pain from the shingles stayed for a couple of years.

I so hope you're feeling a lot better very soon.

LnH 💖

Re: A long and self indulgent rave

I'm glad you went to the Doctor @Mazarita 🙂 and even glader that your going back tomorrowHeart Thinking of you and sending you positive healing.

Re: A long and self indulgent rave

Thanks, @Zoe7, @Kurra, @Former-Member ox

Alone at my friend's place now. She has gone to have a laptop checked at a computer shop. It's really nice to be at her place on my own. I've always found her home to be a haven. Just sitting here decompressing with you wonderful friends while the crows call out.

The doctor seems to agree that this ailment relates in some way to the attack of trigeminal neuralgia I experienced about 15 years ago, also around a stressful event. I trust that I will be treated very well by my lovely doctor, who has been caring for me for 9 years.

Kurra, perhaps some illnesses are traumas in themselves. Two years with it would be horrible.

Nigua, thanks for your healing. ox

Zoe, in drama, that I once studied, the symbol is the comedy and tragedy face side by side. Makes sense to me of what I have experienced.


Re: A long and self indulgent rave

@Mazarita Know that drama image well Smiley LOL So apt in regards to most of our lives Heart

Enjoy the peace and solitude of your 'haven' Maz - so nice to feel so comfortable somewhere Heart

Re: A long and self indulgent rave

@Mazarita .... I had shingles across my left front and back abdomen last year, but started the anti-viragos within the 72 hours ... each new round of spots that emerged were half the size of the previous ones, the last of them being the size of chicken pox .... you could see how fast it was having an effect. Good job on catching it early ..... ❣️

Feel for you @Kurra .... ow-wee ....


Re: A long and self indulgent rave

Thanks, @Faith-and-Hope. I hope it clears well as it did with you. Bit worried about my eye. Also concerned about the possibility of the one-sided headache persisting. Not sure I really have got it early as I needed to but keeping fingers crossed. Heart

Re: A long and self indulgent rave

oh no @Mazarita I hope that it clears up for you quickly and the dr has some good news for you today,

thinking of you!


Re: A long and self indulgent rave

Thanks, @Former-Member, hope the day treats you well!