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Re: A long and self indulgent rave

Good morning, all. Went to bed for the first time last night about 6.30pm. Up about an hour later, then back into bed about 8.30. Then slept until about 3am. Up for a while here now before heading back to sleep again.

Anti-viral meds seem to be doing some good for the suspected shingles. Itchy redness around my eye is easing. Doctor examined eye again yesterday and said there was no sign of problem with the cornea or other areas of the eye itself, which is great. One sided headache is there for less of the day. The meds themselves may be giving rise to more tiredness than usual (hence bed at 6.30pm), and maybe also increased depression, which I was certainly feeling yesterday.

But that may also be to do with my friend who I've been hanging out with a lot more than usual lately. She is talking regularly about suicide. I am there for her with it. But it's of course saddening to see her so down and in trouble. And I feel pretty useless to her with it too.

Spent some time today working on a new video. Taking it slowly. I haven't done as much of the video making as usual just lately, due to waning inspiration and a lot happening in my 'real life'. Will keep trying to get back into the video as I can. I'm usually happier when I've got a project I'm working on.

I'm writing this in the quiet middle of the night. Thinking of friends here and hoping everyone is having peaceful dreams and that awakening is gentle. Heart

Re: A long and self indulgent rave

Hugs @Mazarita HeartHeartHeart

Re: A long and self indulgent rave


@Mazarita .... 💜💕

Re: A long and self indulgent rave

I hope Mazy gets just as much, . . . no much more, enjoyment out of your picture, than I do @Faith-and-Hope - it's beautifulHeart

I so glad to hear the itching is a little better @Mazarita and the headache is there for less of the day. I'm sorry your friend is feeling bad, your an incredibly caring person and know you would be taking some of that on. I still have my arm crooked with yours, cyber-friendship can be anywhere, anytime - all places, all the time, I am with youHeart My heart is stretching out to reach you XxX

Re: A long and self indulgent rave

Good morning, @Zoe7, thanks for your middle of the night hugs. I went back to bed and only got them in the morning. Lovely to know you are reading and caring. Smiley Very Happy Heart

Good morning, @Faith-and-Hope. Thanks for the beautiful image! Makes me feel buoyant and wishful and glad. Smiley Very Happy Heart

Good morning, @Former-Member. Thanks so much for your warm friendship. I feel it! Smiley Very Happy Heart

May the day bring unexpected blessings to you and everyone reading. Heart Heart Heart

Re: A long and self indulgent rave

I  like your likes @MazaritaHeart Thank you 🙂

Re: A long and self indulgent rave

hugs @Mazarita HeartHeartHeart

I was awake and on here 13 hours ago xx

Re: A long rave

I am here now, @Shaz51. oxox


Re: A long rave

Hi @Mazarita is the first time I've had access to the iPad for several weeks but I've been seeing your posts On my laptop.  Still can't access the forums on it.  So sorry to hear about the roller coaster life has been for you over the last weeks.  I've been thinking of you a lot.  Hope the shingles is clearing up well by now.  

Re: A long rave

Hi @eth, so great to see you! I'm guessing you are on a mobile at the moment. Have wondered how the NDIS process has been going and, well, how everything has been for you! I'm about to start putting together materials for the NDIS with my phams worker, beginning of the process with her in about 10 days. Yes, the shingles has almost completely cleared. May not have even been shingles (doctor hasn't let me know about the final swab result). But treatment is working either way, so that's great. Looking forward to when you can be around a bit more regularly. Have missed you. ox