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Looking after ourselves

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Haha @Ali11  before we moved there was a good view out the window in front off the treadmill. Now we have a brick wall to look at as it is in the garage. I need to get a decent fan as unless I open the door for all see there is limited ventilation. One of the joys of now being in town unfortunately lol. Being on display was not a problem before. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Living in close proximity to lots of people has it's drawbacks doesn't it @Determined? A lot of conveniences in higher populated areas, but forget privacy Smiley LOL

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

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Re: Self care- walking and cycling

LoL @Former-Member 

That's kind of what I'm expecting my gp to say when I go for my appointment. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

my GP says exercise but not overexercise @Determined  arrrggggg

Hello @Former-Member , @Ali11 , @Former-Member , @soul 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Are you a water babe @Shaz51 . Aqua aerobics is a more gentle exercise.

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Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Hi @Shaz51! So walking is ok but you're not going to go out and run a marathon anytime soon? Smiley LOL

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

ha ha yea @Ali11 , like yesterday we cleaned 2 houses and mowed 4 lawns

and today we did 2 hours cleaning and then 4 hours cleaning

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

That's pretty much the equivalent of a marathon @Shaz51! Do you wear a step tracker to see how far you walk each day?

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

That sounds like enough exercise for a day @Shaz51 , would wear me out.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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