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Looking after ourselves

Senior Contributor

Recovery Wins


I post a bit in the worry room thread about the positive things happening in my recovery. I like it because it's a good place to just cut loose with no expectations of a reply. I can get things off my chest publicly without dealing with people. Sometimes I feel people in my life don't really understand how big a step it is to do the basics at times but I still feel the need to tell someone. 

While I like the worry room thread I think it's the wrong spot to post positive stories.

So why not have a place to shout out the positive stories? 

It doesn't matter how small or big the win. Getting out of bed is just as important as a major break through. Had a bit of a stumble but you were able to pick yourself up (see pic)? Awesome! Want to let people know you're getting your shit together? Go for it.

Post a win and then bask in the awesomeness that is you. 

Same rules as the worry room thread - no need for a reply.


Re: Recovery Wins

My win this week happened while getting over a bit of a down period. 

Being on medication that's been really good for me for about six months and continually going to therapy I'm finally learning about feelings. My sister reckons I started getting sick around 15-16 (I think 17) so I haven't really known what normal feelings are like. I've always found it hard to explain bipolar and now I know why. If you have nothing to compare it to it makes it tough to explain. 

Being bipolar is intense. But I'm finding normal feelings to be a bit intense as well but also kind of nice. They actually help when before they got me into a lot of trouble. I even find feeling upset to be a pretty good/useful feeling. They are helping me understand what I want out of life where before I just felt lost. 

Truthfully, before I didn't really understand why bipolar is considered an illness. I mean I was managing it. Now life is so much better with normal feelings. 

That's my win for this week. 

Re: Recovery Wins

Congrats @mrkotter

I found coming to recognise my feelings was a huge step.  A bit of ah ah ... oh that what these rumblings or tremors mean ....

It is important to celebrate wins.


Not applicable

Re: Recovery Wins

Great thread @mrkotter.  Recovery can be such a circular process with steps forwards, backways, sideways and pretty much every other direction.  It's a great idea to keep a record of the wins to provide solace when things feel like they're moving the wrong way.

Noice 🙂

Re: Recovery Wins

I am shouting out at the top of my lungs how glad I am that my son and I got through an intense Easter workload and still get along.


Re: Recovery Wins

@Former-Member wrote:

Great thread @mrkotter.  Recovery can be such a circular process with steps forwards, backways, sideways and pretty much every other direction. 

I like the steps that seem to be both going forwards and backwards at the same time. I had one recently. I'm still not sure how I feel about it; except optimistic. 

Re: Recovery Wins


Just realised something while walking home tonight. I've given the 's' word a go but I'm here now because I made the explicit decision to be here.


Not many people can say that.

For those that have made the same decision I suggest putting on Genesis - I Can't Dance while it sinks in how awesome it is to be alive.


Not applicable

Re: Recovery Wins

Thanks for sharing @mrkotter.  It's wonderful that you're feeling so good tonight.  Those moments of gratitude and apprecation are gold.

Re: Recovery Wins

Love that you're holding this space for us to celebrate wins!

Today I dragged myself out of house despite crippling fatigue, and it being now over a week into my current migraine.

I bought myself a book as I walked through our local shopping centre and just generally enjoyed my brief but needed break from house and parenting. Can't wait to get started on the book tomorrow!

Much love to all. xx

Re: Recovery Wins

Great subject @mrkotter

After feeling really down yesterday with depression and very high anxiety I got myself dressed and went out for dinner with my husband and my workmates.  It was for a workmate who was leaving.  Didn't want to go but I got there and the night was okay 🙂

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