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Looking after ourselves

Senior Contributor

Looking after ourselves

Have become a foster 'Mum" for a dear little kitten and finding it challenging but rewarding. Looking after our wellbeing is important and I'm sure all those folk who own a pet get lots of unconditional love. We  should care about our emotional well being as much as our physical. Enjoing time with others is a great forum as are the other categories. Sending hugs and well wishes to each forum member. Bimby2

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Re: Looking after ourselves

Hello @Bimby2,

That is lovely that you are looking after a foster kitten, I have a cat but if I didn't I would definitely be looking after foster kittens, so cute! I am always stopping to pat the street cats on my way home 🙂

I definitely agree with you, looking after our physical and emotional wellbeing is very important and pets help so much with that, always loving and they know when you aren't doing very well. Hope you taking care of yourself too!

Lunar 🙂


Re: Looking after ourselves

Thanks Lunar for your comments - much appreciated. Yes my kitten named Fleur (French for flower) is a darling little moggie and I love her to bits. Hope I can keep her, not just fostering. Do hope you have a grand week and once again thanks for your kind thoughts. Hugs and cheers from Bimby2.

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