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Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST


Swapping therapists because you are not getting the assistance needed or are a bad suit.

The change over of Mental Health Care plans and then you only get max 12 sessions per calander year .

How are you supposed to heal or resolve trauma in 12 sessions ???

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

When I say I have no family, I mean I literally have no family at all. Not one. I went to a psychologist for about 9 months and we still hadn't covered all the trauma story and we had not started any strategies etc. At $250 visit after a MHCP I just could not keep doing it. The GP I am seeing said he does not believe I have PTSD then he said he does not know about it. I have absolutely no hope in anything at all. I have nothing to hope for and nothing to live for. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

What has helped me regain some trust in people - 

Finding a really good psychologist who asked me what type of therapy worked for me. I like talk therapy, because I'm very verbal, love words, ideas, talking about concepts and feelings... And finding a psychologist who was skilled in several types of therapy, and happy to use whatever worked for me, rather than just using what they thought was best. And someone I clicked with, who had common values with me, and similar sense of humour. Someone who I might be friends with if it weren't for the client-therapist boundaries. Being able to have the old 18 sessions in a year under Medicare...

I've seen some useless psychologists, and a couple of really good ones. 


Also, I did a Cert IV in Mental Health at TAFE, and when I had a complaint about a teacher (some bad teaching methods, and inappropriate jokes), my Aftercare support worker sat with me while I wrote an email to the course coordinator about it (I felt sick with fear, criticising a teacher), and when I met with the course coordinator, she was very supportive, and eventually got what I was saying about the teaching methods, and there was a meeting at the beginning of the next semester for all the teachers to remind them not to do Death by PowerPoint  (way too much text! and reading out every word!) and to give enough time for discussion and practical exercises.

So it really helped that I was listened to, and my complaint was acted on.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

For me @Former-Member, it's not so much as what gives me hope, but more of what happens to my if I don't keep trying. If I feel this bad now, if I give up on trying to feel better, how bad will I be? Sort of anti-hope?

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

@Former-Member i have been ready for that step for a year or so now but it is difficult in finding someone willing to listen to my reality with no judgement and allowing me to work it out. I know 11 years of trauma and torture is a great load to deal with and i can understand mental health professionals not wishing to do this. However i would not be attempting it if i did not feel i could cope. I would not be where i am without family or many friends if i did not have an understanding. My esxperiences ahev been given to the comissioner for mental health and we will see what he makes of it. Yes the problem is distraction seems to be as far as the public mental health system appears to be able to take people.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

@Bonny this is a great question which i feel you could ask your local member of parliment or the mental health comissioner. I know it is not the road for everyone and some for whatever reason are unable to this, but they do not know unless someone speaks up. i think there are anomous ways to do it but will have to double check

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Hopeful thoughts, hmm

- I've made it this far, can keep going

- I have much more coping skills now than I did before, knowledge & experience...

- many all over the world survive the same, we are not alone.

-much of the help i have received is positive & will be there if i need it again in the future

- research breakthroughs in mental health are improving all the time

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

@Former-Member for me my son and partner are what give me hope and keep me going

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

@AussieGirl i am sorry to hear you are on your own 😞 wow that is super expensive. I do not know you but i aplaud yoru bravery and am glad you are here and sharing with everyone ❤️ ❤️ xoxo

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

@AussieGirl I hear you about the cost of mental health treatment!
I've hit on an affordable stop gap, which is better than nothing - University Clinic where Masters students have clinical sessions. All under the guidance of Senior clinical psychologist. I'm waiting for my first appointment. No MHCP needed, $30 per session, same psychologist each session