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Re: not coping

are you ok @outlander 😍


hello @tyme 

Re: not coping

Sorry to hear you have having a bit of a tough day. Anything we can do @outlander ?


I'm pretty okay. A little a tired, but I can't complain. I haven't had major abdominal surgery. How's your recovery going?

Re: not coping

i dont know @tyme @Shaz51
probably just having a day. these last few days have felt especially long.
ive been scrapbooking for the las few hours but im tired now so have stopped.
been watching crime documentaries today.

i am suppose to be going back to work tomorrow night.

Re: not coping

recovery is ok @tyme just long.
still finding it hard to do some things but im only 2 weeks in so to be expected. getting some on and off pains esp when ive been sitting in certain positions or been sitting for to long/standing for to long.
i have started going for short walks though

Re: not coping

totally understand my sister @outlander 

I have done lots of different things today but have done nothing 

going to have my second cuppa for the day now @tyme 

Re: not coping

ill have a cuppa with you @Shaz51

besides scrapbooking i have only done the dishes and taken the rubbish out.

Re: not coping

Are you on light duties tomorrow? @outlander 


In a way, at least it'll help take your mind off things. I know you usually keep so busy so I can see that two weeks at home can be frustrating. 


@Shaz51 - hope you are okay in terms of the cyclone up your way. Thinking of you.

Re: not coping

well done for what you did today @outlander 


I have only put the clothes on the line , have to take them off soon 

what kind of cuppa are you having 

I am having a caramel latte coffee sachet 


Re: not coping

it is only light duties @tyme the shifts i have this week i will be working but its not much difference to what i would be doing at home. there is still plenty of time to rest, minimal work and mostly just monitoring clients. i just have to be awake all night but ive not been sleeping till around 4am at home anyway depending on my pain levels.
i have to be on light duties for a few more weeks while the internal side of things still continue to heal

Re: not coping

At least that will work for you then @outlander . So you start work tomorrow evening?