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Re: Riding a wave

Sorry about the delayed response and for posting in the middle of a conversation.

@Phoenix_Rising, I’m so glad you’ve got some data to play with. It doesn’t seem geeky to me at all—I think it’s super cool. 😎

I’ve had to put attachment theory reading on hold while I have this housing bus sitting on me, but I’ll definitely let you know when I have a chance to get back to it.

@Zoe7, there are no words. (Well, really there are lots.) Smiley Frustrated I’m glad you’re in the cave. 💚

Hi @Former-Member. 🌷

I hope you all get some rest tonight. 🌷

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Re: Riding a wave

Well, when you do log off I hope you have a good sleep little butterfly.

Re: Riding a wave

yep @Former-Member I know Smiley Sad nothing left to say really!!!!

@Former-Member @Former-Member I'm going to drop off a present for F&H and log off - can't do this tonight Smiley Sad

Re: Riding a wave

Hi @Phoenix_Rising and all.

Not-friends don't vanish, you are correct 🙂 
I do think I accidentally spilled superglue in my pocket the other day as I seem to have become very stuck too, though upon a quick look through the ocean it appears you have also found yourself glued to the roof too. It may have also been one of those not-totally-completely-an-accident things for me, as having you stuck in there has been so helpful over the last tricky days (which now feel so long they feel like months!) that I am wondering whether I may have seen it coming and made sure we would be together-but-not when it hit. 
While I am not-here, I wanted to say a huge thank you for your post last night about being able to talk to you even when I can't. Getting that message made a world of difference to me at the time, maybe more than you might have thought it would. Following that, Pokey, you, the pocket crew and I talked (and not-talked) well into the wee hours of the morning in a pink fluffy blanket (yay for self-soothing skills). My "I don't have this" words were quieter after hearing your "You've/We've got this" ones. They are again after your post tonight. You truly are such an awesome not-friend and I am very thankful our oceans collided.
We did go out (though I don't think it was to Alaska - I didn't see any pyramids :P), which meant I left the house for the first time in more days than it should have been, and we went to the movies. I hit a wall. Like actually hit a wall when I walked into it. Being the not-friend you are, I heard you laughing a lot once you realised I was not hurt 😄 Laughing together always makes me feel a little better.
I really liked hearing the suggestion of why you may not have seen me the other night/last night/what day is it today?, which gave me big warm fuzzies. I have been in ninja bear mode, where I may need to be for a little longer yet (I am not sure and am working on it). I miss you when I am not-here, but I am always here even when I am not.
Night 🙂

Re: Riding a wave

Hi @CheerBear,

I am trying to dig deep to find it in myself to get over to Friday Feast, but I don't think it is going to happen tonight. I think I am well and truly super stuck in your pocket. I simply have nothing left in the tank at the moment. In the past two weeks, I've had a 30 minute conversation with my GP and a 30 minute conversation with the HC.  My next human contact won't be until I see TTT at 8am next Thursday. Methinks that isn't enough human contact even for this little turtle. Smiley Sad

I'm super super SUPER glad that not-friends don't vanish. I can't really find it in me to talk at the moment, so it is super good that we can sit together in our stuckness without needing to talk. Although, it's also good that we can sit and talk into the wee hours of the morning when we need to. I'm super glad you were able to talk out the muddle to me, Pokey and the pocket crew. I am right there with you and I know exactly what is going on...even though I don't. Smiley Happy I know what I need to know, and that is that you (and we) have definitely got this! 

Ps. I read your post several times to make sure you had actually really and truly literally hit a wall...and then I giggled a lot...because that's what not-friends are for. Smiley Very Happy


Re: Riding a wave

Hi @Phoenix_Rising 🙂

I feel sad thinking of your lack of human contact and how it isn't enough 😞

My tank is pretty empty also, making this a not-post really. I really appreciate being able to talk and not-talk with you. I will listen too, and sit when you can't find it in you to talk.

I'm glad you laughed at the wall. Something that made me laugh today was that one of mine fell in love with a pair of glow in the dark sunglasses. I don't get who thought glow in the dark sunglasses was a good idea, but mine think they're awesome 🙂

Night Phoenix_Rising and anyone on the ocean tonight

Re: Riding a wave

@CheerBear This is a not-post to let you know that I've read about your scary paper-not-going-to-be-there soon muddle. I understand and I can see why that would be super scary. There is so much I want to say, but my tank is still empty so I will just snuggle in your pocket and remind you that we will travel this road together-but-not. 

I super love that one of the LF has fallen in love with glow in the dark sunglasses. I'm not sure what is funnier - that glow in the dark sunglasses exist, or that a LF has fallen in love with them. Smiley LOL

I found something today which I think you may possibly want to either buy or crochet at some point after you finish your blanket. It strikes me as being so very VERY you. Smiley Very Happy

Good night my not-friend. I'm glad that if I have to be super stuck with an empty tank, then at least I can be super stuck with you. Smiley Happy



Re: Riding a wave

@Phoenix_Rising - Empty tanks definitely make things tricky. I am interested in hearing what's going on with the tricky you said you were having and the tank if you want to share, but understand that you may not and that even if you do it is so hard to do much with an empty tank. That and I also don't need to know to know and understand

That crochet is so incredibly me (and I so much like how well you know me!)! I love the colours of it! Thank you for sharing it ☺ I've been working on my blanket today and got to the next part (2nd last part now!). At the start of each part the designer writes a section usually about what symbolic stuff is in each part. This time it was a little different and part of it said this:
It gave me warm fuzzies as I thought of you and some of our chats even when we can't chat recently about lots of stuff that's happening. Thank you for understanding what and why things are particularly scary right now. It's so helpful to know you know and saying that you understand, and that I and we have got this together-but-not, makes a big difference.
I will keep sitting in the stuck with you also and we'll keep on keeping on as we do. 
So glad you're you. Night not-friend 
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Re: Riding a wave

@Phoenix_Rising and @CheerBear and @Zoe7, I hope you’re all as okay as you can be. 🌷

Re: Riding a wave

A bit angry right now @Former-Member Smiley Frustrated Hope you are as okay as YOU can be Heart