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Re: Riding a wave

Keep swimming turtley friend .... here with you too .....

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Re: Riding a wave

Also here riding the wave and getting my morning laps in, so I am close by but not too close 🙂 @Phoenix_Rising

Re: Riding a wave

I am lying on the floor verbally stimming in a sunny spot with my toy turtle. My psychologist has emailed to say she will call in an hour. I can survive an hour. I have a twenty year track record of surviving every day living with BPD. That means I've survived about 175,320 hours thus I can survive another one. I feel super super super yuck. I know I am flooded. I know that when the big feelings subside, I will be able to work through this muddle. I have survived a whole lot worse than this one dumb a*se person. I can survive this - it just feels yuck NOW. But it will pass and this will become another story that I can share to help others feel less alone when the people who are supposed to help actually do harm. I can do this.

Re: Riding a wave

@Former-Member I am super super super glad you are there. You "get" it don't you. What happened yesterday (see my neurofeedback thread) is not ok. That shouldn't happen!!!! Thanks for being close...but not too close. I think I need a tinsy tiny turtle hug. Congratulations, you have made it onto the extremely exclusive list of those I will accept a hug from...but only a tiny one. Smiley Wink


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Re: Riding a wave

Oh thank you, a tiny turtle hug 🙂

You can do this @Phoenix_Rising, you have done this before so I know from fact that you are able to !

Re: Riding a wave

Sending hugs across the waves to you @Phoenix_Rising .... only grab hold of any that you want to ... the others can just stay floating around out there, it's okay.


Re: Riding a wave

@Faith-and-Hope I super appreciate the sentiment...but I let all those hugs float by. I'll let you know if you ever make it onto my list. Smiley Happy

I spoke with my psychologist, but realistically, only time is going to settle the storm. The events of yesterday triggered so MUCH of my muddle and even though I super like A, I know there is really nothing that can be said or done now with respect to this situation. The big feelings just need to run their course. And for that reason, I'm now going to go and curl up in my bed, telling myself that it is totally ok if the only thing I do today is stay alive. I feel totally destroyed and utterly hopeless...but I know it will pass.

Thanks for the tiny turtle hug @Former-Member...and thanks for knowing, as I do, that I will get through this storm just like the bazillion other storms that have gone before it. Smiley Happy

Re: Riding a wave

@Phoenix_Rising. I'm nearby. Happy to sit nearby and watch over you.
Sending love. ♥♥

Re: Riding a wave

@CherryBomb I'm really in a pickle right now. I saw your response in the worry room. This wave is a super super big one. I tried calling the SANE helpline but the person who answered wasn't a Forumite and didn't know my story, and I couldn't find my words to get it out. I feel super alone and super hopeless. Will you please ride the wave with me?

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Re: Riding a wave

Hi @Phoenix_Rising, we're doing a bit of mod baton passing at the moment - or whatever the equivalent under the water action would be - so I'm going to cruise along with you for a little while until Rockpool catches up with us.  Cherrybomb needed to get out of the ocean as she was a bit too water-logged and her fingers had  started to look like prunes.