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Re: Riding a wave

@Phoenix_Rising  Do you want to talk about anything, I'm certainly up for just bobbing if that's all you need.

I am SUPER  uber impressed that in your time of need you still used capriciousness.   That's super uber impressive by any standards.

and have you looked at your turtle therapy thingo your psych sent you?  You probably have but that's so super cute thought it might be worth mentioning.  

Re: Riding a wave

@Spookytookims giggle. I only lose my words when I'm flooded. That was this morning. I am more settled now, just bobbing around on the choppy waters.

I haven't looked at the turtle technique stuff today - thank you for reminding me of it. My psychologist and I did talk about it during our session last week. Given that I spent 95% of the session under the blanket she got for me, it was kind-of apt. And when I say under the blanket, I mean including my head! X made the obvious observation that the turtle technique does seem to be a perfect fit for me given that I seem to naturally withdraw under a blanket (or under a desk if a blanket doesn't happen to be around) when distressed.

Nah, I don't need to talk. Just floating is fine. Smiley Happy

Re: Riding a wave

Glad it isn't a mega wave @Phoenix_Rising. I'm bobbing around too. This is me in my jetski which is actually a cloudmobile but it looks like a it could be a boaty kind of jetski and there's no need to burst any bubbles with important things like detail and stuff 😉

Capriciousnes - cool word! I had to look it up.

Hope everyone who's floating, bobbing or whirlpooling feels better soon.


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Re: Riding a wave

Mwhahaha  @CheerBearThere's no need?    Lol...  see that's just it, it's not a choice, it just happens!  

INFP's *rolls eyes and shakes head*  😛

Re: Riding a wave

Haha i said that for you @Spookytookims and Phoenix_rising to hopefully get a giggle out of 😛
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Re: Riding a wave

Hi everyone @Spookytookims @CheerBear @Phoenix_Rising @Former-Member ill ride the waves with you ❤❤❤
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Re: Riding a wave

Oh and if course @Former-Member too i know your hoing through some crap too ❤❤❤

Re: Riding a wave

And...we are here again. @Former-Member @NikNik@CherryBomb @Former-Member can someone please ride the wave with me. Right now I need to be reminded that there are SOME mental health professionals out there who "get" it. My brain is flooded with utter hopelessness and despair due to yesterday's adventure, which I wrote about on my neurofeedback thread.

I feel utterly utterly worthless. All my giant feelings have been triggered because one damn psychologist couldn't spend five minutes reading through my file and then having a meaningful conversation with me. I try SO HARD to stay alive. I try and I try and I try and I try...and a psychologist who is getting paid a whole lot of money to help me couldn't spend FIVE MINUTES reading my file so that she could at least pretend to know my story.

I'm flooded. I know I'm flooded. I don't need anyone to try and challenge my thinking or anything. My brain is flooded. The thinking part isn't working. I just need to ride out the wave and I need to SEE that there are those out there who get it.

big waves.jpg

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Re: Riding a wave

That's a pretty big turbulent wave @Phoenix_Rising. Here with you. 

Re: Riding a wave

Not a mental health professional yet but might be one day @Phoenix_Rising and I "get it". You've helped me get it more too, and I won't forget that.

You're in my pocket with me and I am in your ocean alongside you.