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On the edge
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02 Jan 2022 03:03 PM
02 Jan 2022 03:03 PM
On the edge
I'm having a very hard time right now. I'll try and keep this short, but it will probably get long. Sorry.
A few months ago I was diagnosed with autism at 55 years of age. Up until that point I didn't even really know anything at all about autism. If I had known the slightest thing it would have been glaringly obvious that I'm autistic and my entire life would have made a great deal more sense.
I got the NDIS. Finally felt like I would get the support and help I have needed my entire messed up life. But after just one meeting with my support co-ordinator, everything shut down for xmas and I have been feeling incredibly alone ever since.
My husband is American and his mum is in the hospital over there and going into a nursing home upon her release. He is going over there for a month to get her affairs in order and visit with family. I stopped going with him on these trips years ago due to the stress it put on me (not understanding I was autistic and just thinking I was overly sensitive and 'precious'). Now I can't really go cause I have animals to look after here.
I have no friends. My parents are gone. My 2 kids live in QLD (I'm in Vic). I haven't seen my new grand-daughter at all since she was born and haven't seen my 2 year old grandson since he was born right before covid hit. I am in introvert and gave up on friends a few years ago after too many painful experiences. This doesn't really bother me when I have my hubby around and my best friends all have feather, fur and wool. But it became very apparent to me when I was doing my NDIS application just how dependant on hubby I am.
He told me maybe a month ago that he was going to the US in March and I was not happy about it, but OK with it. He usually goes for 2-3 weeks. I hate it when he is gone. It is really tough but I get through. This time I had spoken to my support co-ordinator about putting supports in place for his absence and I assumed I would have time to have some sessions with my pysch before he left, just to get my head on straight.
But then his mum got sick, and now the trip has been bought forward to this month and he will be gone for an entire month. I'm freaked out.
I will have no time to have counselling before he goes. I don't want a support worker right now cause of Omicron. As it was I live in a small rural town and would have to drive 45 minutes to go see a support worker, which I already wasn't thrilled about. I'm alone. I'm completely isolated. I'm scared.
I contacted Amaze via email and they sent me some resources around suicide prevention. I am honestly scared of what I might do alone for that long. I'm scared I might get covid and then there will be no one to take care of the animals. So I plan to stay away from people and shops and everything to protect myself.
I understand why my husband has to go take care of his mum. I'm just really worried about him going to the US right now with all that is going on there. I'm afraid to be alone for a whole month. I tried talking to Suicide Call Back via chat but no one was there. Due to my autism I don't do phone calls or skype or zoom or any of that stuff. Lifeline is also not great for that same reason. I just feel really let down and abandoned, which is not good for someone who is adopted and already has massive abandonment issues. I know people have to have a xmas break, but why now!! Why did this all have to happen now.
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02 Jan 2022 03:21 PM
02 Jan 2022 03:21 PM
Re: On the edge
Hello @Molly22 and welcome to the forum. There are lots of friendly supportive people here and always someone to listen.
I’m sorry everything is so very hard right now and with hubby going away even to support his mum, you must be really feeling alone.
Please have a look around the different threads and meet some friendly folk. If you put @ before a perdon’s name they will see the tag and most likely respond.
I’ll tag some community guides for you @Shaz51 @Zoe7 @NatureLover @Anastasia
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02 Jan 2022 08:22 PM
02 Jan 2022 08:22 PM
Re: On the edge
That is a lot going on for you @Molly22 I also hear your dismay at the services not being available at this time. It is a common criticism here so you are not alone. I also find it ridiculous that in a time when so many need such services the most they are unavailable. Everyone deserves a break/holiday but the whole system needs an overhaul and more careful consideration of what is needed most and when. SANE has an online chat service that will be open again from Tuesday and I would encourage you to reach out to them then as I have always found them to be both empathetic and supportive. They are not just a great service to help you talk things out but also can help in finding other services for you to connect with if needed.
I do have a few questions for now - what is it you think would help you get through this next month? Is it people to talk to, someone to check on you, help with the animal babies or something else? We are here to listen and provide whatever support we can. I have in the past relied heavily on the forums to just get throught the day and it has helped me not only not feel so alone but also allowed me to get through each day - so we are here, listening and hopefully being a soft place for you to land.
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02 Jan 2022 08:48 PM
02 Jan 2022 08:48 PM
Re: On the edge
Hi @Molly22 just wanted to say welcome to the forums. It's a great place and I really hope that you find some connections here and supportive friends.
Really feeling for you with everything that you have going on.., especially the timing of it all. Like @Zoe7 said, it's a time of the year that a lot of people really struggle but the supports that are available are very limited for some folks. I'd encourage you to try and connect with the SANE help desk when they are back on Tuesday. They are a great bunch of folks. I'm like you and really struggle with phone calls, so much prefer chat services, and yes lifeline can be a bit hit and miss and the SCBS can be difficult to get on to.
Just wondering, I know that you said you didn't want a support worker cause of the travel? And the covid risk? If it was the same person would a support worker that you spoke to over the phone be an option? Someone to check in with you on a regular basis. As I mentioned I don't like phone calls much, but when it's someone that I am familiar with I can managed it a bit better. I have a case manager who I see fortnightly but can call wherever I need and that bit of familiarity makes the phones calls that bit more bareable. Just a suggestion.
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02 Jan 2022 08:49 PM
02 Jan 2022 08:49 PM
Re: On the edge
Hey @Molly22
Wow, That is a lot to take in. What do you do with your husband that makes you need him so much? Can you break down what it is you really need from him and focus on what needs you require to be supplemented while he is gone? Your husband must love that you are so devoted to him and I bet he can't wait to come back to you when he can. This might give you an opportunity to do something really special for him for his return.
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02 Jan 2022 10:40 PM
02 Jan 2022 10:40 PM
Re: On the edge
Hello @Molly22 it sounds very worrying for you so I hope you can put in place some supports and reassurance in the days before your husband leaves. I live alone and sometimes get very anxious about the lack of contact too. Can you ask your kids to check in with you daily even if it's just SMS or email? There are also some social threads here on the Forums where people chat during the day or check in with daily achievements. You can set up notifications so you get an email when someone replies or tags you - it can be a welcome break in a lonely day.
What sort of fur or feather or wool babies do you have? They can be good company.
Most of all @Molly22 I wanted to add my voice to those saying "welcome" and I hope you find some comfort here. There's probably a lot to take on board with your new diagnosis and ways of coping and the Forums might provide useful information as well as mutual support.
Best wishes
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03 Jan 2022 04:29 AM
03 Jan 2022 04:29 AM
Re: On the edge
Honestly, when services can't be available when you need them most, it's so frustrating! I totally understand this, we all do. Perhaps it would be a good idea to hang out with us on the forums as often as you're able? I'm sorry you'll be without your husband for a month while he visits his mother, this must be frightening for you! Please know we want to keep company with you through these forums.
It sounds like you have a lot on your plate because of your new diagnosis and now having to cope with temporarily having to separate from your husband which is understandable yet scary and emotionally draining at the same time. It's also very sad to hear that your new support coordinator can't be as helpful as you'd like. Is there a way you can speak to your psychologist over email or some other webchat service? And maybe you could email the support worker and interact that way until you can see them directly? I hope I'm being helpful. We're all here for you. Please reach out if you can.
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03 Jan 2022 08:39 AM
03 Jan 2022 08:39 AM
Re: On the edge
@Zoe7 thank you for the reply. I agree that so many have such a difficult time at this time of year. I have always struggled with xmas. Firstly cause of being an undiagnosed autistic person and not understanding my sensory issues, but also because of being separated from family and just feeling lonely.
I will definitely get the SANE chat a go. Thanks for the suggestion.
I am worried about a few things in my husband's absence. Just being alone is one of them. I do enjoy and actually need some alone time every day. But everyday alone for a month is a big ask. I get scared at night. I live on an isolated property and I have joked (only half joked) that someone could break in and murder me and no one would even find the body for months. I have fallen on the property several times, even with my husband at home and no one heard the scream. I don't usually sleep when he is away, and a month is a long time to be that tired.
I would appreciate having people to talk to on this forum, just so I don't feel quite so isolated. Even now, having to hide my feelings about his trip as best I can (not doing too well unfortunately). He already feels a tremendous amount of guilt for leaving me, but his mum needs him so I'm caught between a rock and hard place. But having somewhere to vent now and then will be a great help.
@Bow I had actually thought about having a support worker phone me. I am better on the phone when it is someone I know. Better still if we have spoken in person previously but that might not be possible. My husband will phone me everyday he is away but to be honest I both love and hate those calls. I always end up sadder after he gets off the phone. And he is a really emotionally cut-off person, so the calls are very 'matter of fact'. Just basically telling me where he is and what's going on. I can't exactly tell him too much of my own struggles alone cause that just makes it harder on him. But I might see if I can get a support worker to phone me maybe a couple of times a week. Thank you for your input.
@AussieRecharger Hubby does so much for me that I didn't even really realise it until I had to break it down for my NDIS planning meeting. He does all the shopping cause supermarkets are a nightmare for the autistic. But I have already figured out that I might just order online and get stuff delivered since I don't want to be travelling during Omicron. He walks our dog up to 3 times a day because he is a dingo hybrid and can easily pull me over. He helps me with the animals and does all the 'man' things around the property. I live with chronic pain and only have a few 'good hours' during the middle of the day when I am much use to anyone. I guess I'm lucky it's summer and the grass is all but dead, so that is one less thing to worry about. But it also means supplement feeding for the sheep which is work. I think it's just knowing he is here. If something goes wrong he fixes it. If a tree falls on the fences, he fixes it. He makes phone calls for me. Handles the finances. Takes care of a lot of day to day stuff.
I do wish I had a project for whilst he was gone. Something to focus on. In past trips I have set my mind to achieving things, which in reality I have never achieved. And I think is why this trip seems different. Apart from the really long time frame, I have just come to realise that him being away really SUCKS and no amount of trying to trick my mind into thinking 'oh yay, I can do whatever I want when he is gone, I can watch what I want on TV, and come and go as I please and do whatever....' none on that kind of thinking actually works anymore, cause I have lived this too many times before. The last time he visited the US which was 3 years ago, we were living in a town by the ocean and I told myself that I would go out every night and photograph the sunset and it would be awesome. I only went twice in 3 weeks and I was miserable the whole time he was gone. I'm just a wake up to my own mind games now and nothing seems to be making me feel any better.
@Dimity I would love to hear from my kids more often. My youngest is not at all talkative and I am lucky if I get a two word text message every month. And I always have to text first. My eldest is in contact more often. He has the young kids, so I do get pics now and then, and he has a habit of phoning to ask to borrow money. I have a rescue cat who has been my best friend and the light of my life for 9 years now. She is my closest confidant and my soft place to land. I have a rescue dingo hybrid who has turned out to be much more work than I ever anticipated, and pretty much nothing I ever wanted in a dog. I love him to bits. He had a really rough start to life and was near death when he was rescued, so I really feel for him and feel like I can relate to his story. But he is not affectionate. He seems to love my husband and only tolerate me and I have no idea why. He requires a lot of walking cause he is one big energy ball, and I just can't keep up with him. He is a real handful. I lost my labX 10 years ago and she was the love of my life. Took me this long to be able to get another dog and I really wanted someone who would kiss and cuddle me and snuggle with me in bed and love me and being very 'dog like'. But that is not what I got. He is very boisterous and I bruise easily so my body looks like a war zone. I am hoping that some time without hubby around might give us a chance to get to know each other on a different level. But hubby usually walks him at 5am, and again around 6.30am and then again after 9. I can't do that. So that will be a challenge for both of us. We have two pet sheep. One we rescued after she had been attacked by a dog almost a year ago. We are still tending her wounds. Everyone wanted to shoot her in the head but I couldn't let that happen. So knowing nothing about sheep, I decided to take her on. It has been one huge emotional roller coaster. Every time I think we have finally gotten her well she has a set back. But she is happy and limbs around the paddock. She is sweet and she loves cuddles and attention and I love her to bits. My husband has been giving her her daily injections of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, so I am just praying like crazy she can get well before he leaves. But we have been doing this since last March, so that is scary. We adopted a friend for her from the local animal rescue, a ram. He is HUGE. He is the single biggest sheep I have ever seen. And he knocks me off my feet often. He is a handful as well. And we have over 100 merino's in the paddocks. They don't belong to us but the sheep farmer across the road who just lets us borrow them to keep the grass down. But lately a couple have been coming through the fence and eating my garden, so that's a worry too. And we have families of native birds that live around the house and love our birdbaths and we put seed out. I adore the little birdies. I'm just a massive nature lover at heart.
@Former-Member Thank you for your input. I am so appreciative of everyone who has responded. I think I need to make the effort to interact with others on the forum and maybe even get out of my own head long enough to be of help to others. I have talked with my pysch via email before. I can't really handle any kind of zoom or anything like that. But if I am honest I think just connecting with other people who have experience with struggle is far more helpful. My pysch is a lovely young girl but she is the same age as my own kids and there are just somethings she is not able to understand. Not that there is anything wrong with being young. But unless you have gone through some serious crap yourself, there are just things you can't learn from a book. If that makes sense.
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03 Jan 2022 09:53 AM
03 Jan 2022 09:53 AM
Re: On the edge
Hey @Molly22 You have so much on your plate and to deal with on your own when hubby is away. I am so glad you found us and hope that in some small way connecting here with us will help. I would be more than happy to check in with you most days (everyday if I can) to give you a place to come to have a little support and connection. That feeling of loneliness is a hard one to alleviate but here you are not alone Whilst we cannot fully understand everything you are going through we can listen and be that soft place for you to know you are cared about and supported.
The counsellors at SANE are wonderful - so reach out to them also to help you through. I know a month is a long time but hopefully connecting with the chat service and us here will make that time go just a little quicker. You got this ...and we will be right here with you
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03 Jan 2022 09:59 AM
03 Jan 2022 09:59 AM
Re: On the edge
@Zoe7 Can't tell you how much I appreciate that. Thank you new friend.
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