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Re: My Mosaic

I'm here, how did it go @Bow ?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

It was pretty rough @Ru-bee @and didn’t help that they made me wait nearly 20mins. 

for starters he was like … ‘what can I do for you today’? Like no pdoc has ever started an appointment with that. And how am I suppose to answer that? I’m here cause the last pdoc said to make an appointment for 4 wks time. So threw me from the beginning. Oh but before that, my old case manager came in with me, which was good, but we didn’t really end on good terms. But oh well, at she knew me. And then there was the medical student that was accompanying the pdoc, I immediately said no thank you. Not happening. I’m anxious enough. 

he basically wanted to know what my current struggle are which I think I was able to verbalize my struggles with my sleep/ nightmares and my daytime struggles with flashbacks, dissociating, sh and si. He then just focused on my sleep, adding yet another pill. 

I walked out rather frustrated. 

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah it does sound frustration @Bow 

It's so tough starting again with a new practitioner and I guess they have to start somewhere, and it sounds like they've decided to start focusing on your sleep which I'm gathering might have felt a bit like he skimmed over the other serious concerns?


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah @Ru-bee 😩

Re: My Mosaic

What area do you wish they'd addressed or focused on instead @Bow?

Or did you need more of an acknowledgement like "I know that we've got multiple things to work on together and we will in coming appointments, but lets start with this"? 


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

That’s a difficult one @Ru-bee @days are so freaking hard at the moment. I mean I’m having flashbacks multiple times a day, nearly always end up in a dissociative state and often end up SH’ing. 
so I don’t know. And yeah an acknowledgment along them lines would have probably helped a lot too. 

Re: My Mosaic

It's really understandable that you'd be feeling frustrated after today's appointment especially if you were hoping for more relief from what you've been going through lately @Bow 

Do you have a follow up appointment booked?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah for 3 weeks time @Ru-bee 

Re: My Mosaic

Okay @Bow do you think there's opportunity for you to ask him to address some of your other really pressing concerns at that next appointment?

Maybe you could use today's frustration to write a note now, whether it's something you share at your appointment, or just a reminder to yourself on what you want to highlight when you next talk

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I hope so @Ru-bee 


hopefully when I see my SW I can give her an update on how my appointment went and I can tell her my frustrations and then maybe… hopefully she will be around for my next appointment and she can help me.