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Something’s not right

Re: Having a hard time

Yeah sure @Snowie - would you

like to come to the beach?

Re: Having a hard time

Going to the beach sounds like a great idea 😁

What do you love most about the beach?

Hopefully it is not too cold there

Re: Having a hard time

I'm not going now @Snowie

I'm cold and I'm constantly coughing. 
wanting angel baby

Re: Having a hard time

Well you can join me for a cuppa then @Fluttershy1 

Just watching tv and relaxing on the couch.


Re: Having a hard time

I'm in bed with the cat @Snowie

wishing today was eaiser 😖

Re: Having a hard time

Oh that sounds nice @Fluttershy1 being in bed with the Cat.

I have my dog sleeping next to me on the couch.


I wish today was easier too, but we just have to get through it as best as we can. If that means spening all day in bed then so be it.


Re: Having a hard time

@Snowie - yeah I guess so

Re: Having a hard time

Have to go do a few things @Fluttershy1 but should be back on afterwards.

I hope the afternoon goes ok for you hon.


Re: Having a hard time

Oki @Snowie - I just woke up from my nap

Re: Having a hard time

@Snowie @Zoe7 @MDT - this evening is really hard, I feel so alone. 

does it get eaiser? 
Am safe 



Illustration of people sitting and standing

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