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Re: im back..... i think

@Anony18 thank you friend safe travels 💜
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Re: im back..... i think

I know you have @outlander and you've been doing really well; and I know it's a struggle to keep at it, try not to be to hard on yourself, no-one knows you like you. Definitely tell your Doctor each time you see them.

Hugs Heart

Re: im back..... i think

Can u sit with me for a while @Former-Member
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Re: im back..... i think

Here I sit, quietly beside you @outlander. How's the doodling going?

Re: im back..... i think

Thanks @Former-Member
Im studying at the moment. Ill be able to draw more after wednesday morning as thats my exam. I might be able to start one tomorrow after i study it can be like a break

If i grab your hand and start squeezing let me know if im squeezing to hard
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Re: im back..... i think

Squeeze as hard as you need @outlanderHeart My Mother used to get me to hold her hand, she'd tell me all the pain would go from me to her though our hands - it really worked! So squeeze as hard as you can!

Re: im back..... i think

I dont want to give you my pain @Former-Member
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Re: im back..... i think

And there's that sweet, caring soul that is you @outlanderHeart

Re: im back..... i think

Hi @outlander


I'm here - I just came on line



Re: im back..... i think

I can tell you something about the way people feel okay about saying unjustifiable things to you - when you are ill - in hospital or not


When I injured my spine I was in hospital and having lots of horrible tests and strong pain killers - I was sh^t scared and a real mess


One of the nurses asked me if I was afraid that they wouldn't find anything wrong with me - and I remember staring at her and then saying


Are you crazy - I am scared out of my wits that they will find something wrong


To this day - so long ago - I wonder what on earth this nurse was thinking - sheesh - how great if there had been nothing wrong


I hear what you are saying Outlander

