16-08-2021 05:16 PM - edited 16-08-2021 05:25 PM
16-08-2021 05:16 PM - edited 16-08-2021 05:25 PM
Hey Gang
Having a boring afternoon after a full on weekend. So thought I'd add my 2 cents worth.
It is so nice to see everything sorted out, and the plot just nicely spinning along in its own jumbled little way. I truly love this thread for 3 reasons - you can have fun, we can share and help each other, and it does give a bit of relief from some of the heavier MH discussions elsewhere. Even better, we can sort out problems and share ideas without everyone imploding and getting narky.
I'm sort of pleased to be away from just Pooh and gang as well. I think it was getting a bit stale...'confined' is the word that comes to mind. Now we can play without boundries in the garden (or is it now 100 acre woodland?). I think it could be a lot of fun. Sooty is gonna run rampant with all his little friends.
I know this might stretch credibility, but Sooty has met the ancient greek King Midas - who knows all about gold. Sooty also met Ragnar Hairybreeks in Valhalla, the viking who stole that gold. And it gets more convoluted, Sooty and Dolgen had a drinking competition a few months back (as cats and dwarves will do), and the welsh dwarf king who buried the gold, let slip who really owns the gold...just as well Sooty is bilingual - greek, norse and welsh are really pushing it. 😭
Love the new avatar @Oaktree ! And that buried treasure has all sorts of possibilities. Sooty, the ex-boy scout (of course) has his little backpack full of all sorts of useful archeological tools to start investigating buried gold and is coming up with a plan to do a deal with garden dwarves who love gold. A plot for another day 😋
I have to agree that @HenryX is our sensible and practical one. Funnily enough I had always thought of him as a socrates-type. Just for info Henry, have you thought about CBD Oil for pain. My Mum has severe/chronic pain from degenerative arthritis and it has worked wonders for her. Just a thought my friend 🙂
Was having a think over the weekend about people coming up with new names. Why not just stick to your own. I think "Meggle" is a great by itself. Creates less confusion, but I have to admit I love being Sooty...because Flax is the straight trait-laced one. With Sooty I can let the inner child out.
I have a feeling though that @Sophia1 wouldn't mind creating an avatar alternative for this thread. As the polymath in the gang and with a superb vocabularly - so many places you can go with this Sophia - Skald (an irish story teller), maybe Artemis (goddess of day and night) or Aglaranna - the queen of the fairy woods. Just some ideas to get your creative juices flowing if your thinking of an alt. Hope this isn't out of line.
But I think @Sophia1 has hit the nail on the head - its about fun or light relief from real life problems.
I have to run away for a while. It takes me days to think of few paragraphs - you people get the big download. Now I have to figure out what happens to the gold. Counting on others to start embelishing 😁
Hope your all travelling well.
Stay safe and may the force be with you 🙏
Flax ✌
16-08-2021 05:47 PM - edited 16-08-2021 05:47 PM
16-08-2021 05:47 PM - edited 16-08-2021 05:47 PM
Somehow Nutty Bub imagined the WWW Wandering Womb with little arms and legs ... hence the ability to dance....
now I have realised where I might have gotten that idea from .... ha ha
Not as inventive as you @Flax but then I have resisted a lot of the recent (last half century!) rise in popularity of fantasy ....
@HenryX @Oaktree @Sophia1 @Shaz51 and whoever wants to join ...
Just a few tap tap taps here
Keeping the beat ...
No impatience in it ....
Ready to roll whenever.
Nutty Bub plus WWW
16-08-2021 07:10 PM
16-08-2021 07:10 PM
Hello all
Having a rest..
Shall reply tomorrow....
Lovely to see more contributions..
A great thread to explore the imagination which we all do have..
giving us a break from our mind...
16-08-2021 07:47 PM
16-08-2021 07:47 PM
17-08-2021 11:22 AM
17-08-2021 11:22 AM
Hello @Shaz51
That place certainly looks like a haven where one can let go of stuff...
Is this where you go within a secret sanctuary.....away from the secret garden.....away from the ocean and coastline.....away from the secret hut within the secret garden that is not actually the secret garden.....
water flows....meandering freely amongst reeds...water birds nest......birds fly over.....diving for dinner......
and Christopher Robin dreams yet again...
Within his dream he has journeyed to a place that brings him calm....soothing rhythms calming his breathing.....
....insect life has entered the serene spot......normally camouflaged by nature.....
frogs can be heard ....thrup...thrup....thrupping....
ta da da da......thrup thrup thrup thrup....
but wait the frogs are in tune with the rhythm and singing of
do the hokey pokey.......
from where have they heard this singing and witnessed dancing...
has someone been practising secretly away from others who live in various areas of the 100 acre woodland?
Has Christopher Robin been practising do the hokey pokey with his secret friends.....insects that look like scorpions...frogs whose long legs love to dance...?
Stay tuned....
17-08-2021 11:39 AM
17-08-2021 11:39 AM
Hello @Adge
The one hundred acre land.....where a swamp can be found deep within holds many treasures for apprentice bats that have graduated and now hold a diploma..
The bat with a diploma....known as Horrace.....can now be referred to as Horrace the bat with a diploma....should he so approve.....
You shall receive documents consisting of 100 pages....whereby you must read every word and every page....initialling at the end of each line of every page ...totalling 100...
On the second to last page you will find a declaration that must be signed in secret code....later to be revealed....
Once revealed and said second to last page signed by you Horrace the bat with a diploma....You may then proceed to the last page ever so carefully...
It is of vital importance that this whole process be followed as directed on the accompanying letter, with the 100 pages...
You will also note an addendum to the 100 pages that advises that you need to log onto an online training course to be completed within 24 hours.....Sleep?...Don't be ridiculous!
Having assigned yourself a username, password and logged in....complete said course...
Should you have any difficulties please do not hesitate to contact us as we value your....hmmmm
You will find an email address within the 100 pages ....so you had better start reading hadn't you......
We shall avail to respond to your email once received.....we allow 365 days for this to occur..
Having waded through all of the above......feeling none the wiser....trust me you are not alone there....sign on the wretched dotted line...regardless of whether you can get into the online course or not....
Beckon Aloysious the grumpy bat to collect all 100 pages initialled and signed where indicated as above...you might have to go back to the beginning and read several times...
You will be notified herewith....
Of what you silently think?
You did not read all of the 100 pages did you?
So Horrace the bat with a diploma is a horticulturalist within the 100 acre woodland...in an area near the swamp land..
You are welcome to continue in your own words.....
17-08-2021 11:53 AM
17-08-2021 11:53 AM
Dear @HenryX
Professor Henry Rush X .....a very professional.....inquisitive journalist....who sometimes if you look very very closely...can be noticed hiding behind a bush...or several bushes....alright then..in the woodland somewhere...
Do not be fooled by his silence....or attempt at disguise....
At this point in time it should be revealed that Professor Henry Rush X has many guises.....He is able to transform into various creatures.......considers himself qualified in the art of transforming into a chameleon....
As far as what his journalism specialties provide.....we are yet to discover...
It also needs to be said....there is another figure in the world of Professor Henry Rush X.....no not a chameleon...
Be patient...
This has to form in my mind first....tut tut tut...
Somewhere near the coastline only recently known about within an area in the 100 acre woodland...no not near the secret garden that is now no longer secret and not the real secret garden anyway...
A little girl had been digging way way down....dirt flying everywhere in all directions.....quite some achievement as she was digging with her beach shovel....Imagine her delight when she hit something hard which was found to be ......
a beautiful golden box with intricate patterns. She reached down and lifted up the box. It was very heavy. She wondered what could possibly be inside the box and why it was buried in her backyard. Slowly she lifted the lid. She couldn't believe her eyes. The box contained buried treasure. Beautiful golden coins! Pirates must have been here she thought. She wondered to herself if the pirates had made a treasure map where x marked the spot. She did live quite close to the coast so it was possible that it was pirate treasure. She didn't want anyone to find out about her treasure so she carefully returned the box to the hole and re buried it. Then she placed a large flat rock on top to mark the spot. She would make plans and come back for the coins another time.
17-08-2021 12:27 PM
17-08-2021 12:27 PM
Hello @Flax
Meanwhile in another part of the 100 acre woodland....no not the secret garden that is no longer secret...
I do wish you would keep up whoever is going on and on about the secret garden...who is it?
Oh me .....oops....
Now who am I actually......
I have been a few things actually....apparently....
The last attempt at a new character...I seem to remember....was that I am a Selkie...Now I can be a Selkie fowlk...
who also has an interest in ..................
dah dah..dah....
having an alter who is referred to as a Skald (an irish story teller)...
So Sophia the Selkie fowlk (Scottish) has an alter who is a Skald an irish story teller....
Perhaps this is why the Professor Henry Rush X is reticent in printing any of his stories......accompanied drawings (who is the artiste?...yet to be revealed....)
Meanwhile....in another other very different far far away part of the 100 acre woodland roams another character
called Sooty......
trumpet sounds heralding the revealing of.......Sooty.....
Now Sooty has a somewhat checquered past as he landed within the 100 acre woodland previously in what was deemed to be the secret garden and was not....
Yes I know ....it will go eventually....
The sleek black cat with the beautifully slanted green eyes floated down from somewhere accompanied by a stylish fairy wearing a sequinned gown that glittered...ok not at night....wearing the now infamous red prada boots and carrying in a suave laid back style a gucci handbag complete with 100 carat gold chain...
hmm where did that 100 carat gold chain come from......read back...didn't the little girl find a beautiful golden box with intricate patterns containing gold pieces???....aaarrrr aaarrey be.....oh oops another story...
now Sooty the multi bilingual or is it multilingual....sleek black cat with beautifully slanted green eyes is not speaking to Ariadne as a result of her carrying a 100 carat golden chain handle of her gucci handbag..
Sooty is now to be seen in the company of ....
Dolgen...who if you read further is apparently a welsh dward ....dwarf....why not dward...
Sooty and Dolgen had a drinking competition a few months back (as cats and dwarves will do), and the welsh dwarf king who buried the gold, let slip who really owns the gold...just as well Sooty is bilingual - greek, norse and welsh are really pushing it. 😭
It appears that the 100 acre woodland might have been transported across the seas from one ocean to another and landed plonk in the middle of the British Isles..
Scottish, Irish, Welsh...
The question now is did the 100 acre woodland travel from ancient times far too long ago to be written in numerical figures........where ancient roman villas were found to be inhabited by greek and norse creatures....
Or is the 100 acre woodland actually a myth....
Is it really a piece of a map travelling on the back of a WWW containing a gumnut baby...or sorrry......a gumnut bub...
Australia??....that is a bit far from the British Isles as in from one hemisphere to another....
It is incredible how far this WWW carrying a gumnut bub can stretch it's long muscled legs and travel faster than the speed of light....
Having said that...practising the do the hokey pokey on a daily basis leads to very muscled long legs, arms...
Bearing in mind....child bearing......the gumnut bub is inside the WWW....
The WWW has enormous strength from working out.....This incredible WWW has possibly been carrying the 100 acre woodland or is it just a map?.....far and beyond .....Where might it land next?
@Appleblossom can help out with the image of the WWW gumnut bub transportation I believe similar to an image drawn a long time ago by a well known artist.....The creation of the magic pudding who also does not look very happy in the last image seen...
Has .....
over to someone else now....
over and out....Sophia the Selkie fowlk who is a Skald (an irish story teller)...........................
17-08-2021 01:35 PM
17-08-2021 01:35 PM
Wow @Sophia1 How did you know?...
The Census Online Training has been just like that....
Plus numerous attempts to download, install (& make work) their Work Mobile Phone Apps (programs) - So that they can monitor my Location & activities at all times, etc, etc....
17-08-2021 02:13 PM
17-08-2021 02:13 PM
You wrote about the harrowing ordeal earlier....scroll back...
you were worried over the weekend...
I suggested that you let the dipswitches sort it out themselves as you would not be the only one...
I have worked in the federal government and am fully aware of dinosaurs....cobwebs...hiding in cupboards..
I thought that my weaving it into the thread might help you to look at the whole experience with more levity..
After all have you ever watched Yes Minister, or Yes Primeminister....nothing in government changes after decades...
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