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Re: Tabaluga's

I have wondered about your suggestions some time ago but had shelved it. Will look into it more fully. Usually when I wake up I'm so damn sedated that I struggle to do anything. When I was not on meds I used to swim most mornings and do aerobic but its just not possible now @TAB But will do some research. Have tried exercising as soon as I get up and it just makes me ill.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

sorry, am missing something @Oaktree they have to look after someone for you then ?  Sorry I couldnt piece it together

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

hmm dr or medical person may be able to modify it if you tell them ? @Former-Member  its always a balance, but i suspect they would prefer if you had some sort of life. i did that once ok 3x wk re swims maybe

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Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB I currently don't see my shrink only went to see her for medicine management but I can't seem to lower the dose without a resumption of symptoms. Theres no other meds to try I just have to accept my situation unfortunately. Some days are better than others but I've been on this med for 20 years and can't come off it. Trying to taper off meds youve been on most of your life has its risks. But right now am symptom free. Sometimes you just have to accept a less than ideal situation which is what I do - pacing myself and just being self tolerant with my overall capacities or lack thereof

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

okay sorry for stirring the pot @Former-Member  couldnt you swim in the afternoons? at least you are walking 

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Re: Tabaluga's

Nah you're ok @TAB. I'm looking into the stuff you suggested but its been difficult having get up and go in the mornings. Hey, in doing so I found a 6 month supply of a cheaper quality supp I take. It will balance the budget, my current supp only lasts 2 months and is kind of pricey for a Dr. recommended brand. I spoke to this supp manufacturer this week and don't like the way its made anymore so will shift across to another brand. Thanks for getting me thinking. Things are getting so tight financially. Will be able to save money in future.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

only just saw this @Former-Member  yes, i am still paying back centerlink for dodgy student loans took out 25 years ago, was like $50,000 and 25 years at 2% adds up lol  HECS i paid off 6 years after finished uni from working in mines. wish i hadnt really then could have bought a house10 plus years ago and saved 150k in rent and inheritance would have been a bonus not an essential Oh Well. 

um with this qual i could be trade lecturer at Tafe or teach forklift courses or any of the other tickets I have done like heights spaces , rigging etc $1500 ok these days

was looking at qual in library studies thats over $12k for grad dip lol degrees cost 3 times what they did 20 years ago now. Vice Chancellors on $1million a year now with a cash its degree factories half the people who get themjust use it to get citizenship and cant speak english barely at all anyway

Re: Tabaluga's

@Former-Member  pulling yourself out of sedation is the hard. I have to have my meds in the bedside drawer, smoothie prepped in the fridge the night before.

Otherwise I’m in a small coma & eat nonstop.

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Re: Tabaluga's

The education system is just getting so difficult for people by denying them entry. Once these debts start getting paid off the graduate is less likely to buck the system. They'd rather hold onto their degree and keep the wheels of the system churning even though it goes against their principles the jobs they are doing @TAB because they have to pay off their HECS loan and raise a family etc...



Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

pay off a mortgage, but yeah. @Former-Member  read on twitter yest journalism is now a job and no longer a profession as people will say and do anything to keep their jobs and with Zero Accountablity