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Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar
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12 Nov 2021 11:18 PM - edited 12 Nov 2021 11:19 PM
12 Nov 2021 11:18 PM - edited 12 Nov 2021 11:19 PM
Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar
Hello , @Emelia8 , @Mumi , @Anastasia , @Appleblossom , @1stepup61
Hoping that the weekend will be pleasant for each of you.
My weekend will be a gathering tomorrow and lunch with friends. A swim in the afternoon/evening. Sunday, I plan to do some mechanical work and gardening. The "mechanical work" is really more a case of preparation. I need to replace the shock absorbers on my car. I have the shockies, but not the space yet to do the work safely. This may be an incentive, also, to get the motor-bike out and refresh myself with riding skills. While I have had this on my agenda for some time, I have recently been feeling more positive about the prospect, the weather is better for riding and the work required on the car may be just the combination of incentives that I need.
With Best Wishes
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13 Nov 2021 02:58 AM
13 Nov 2021 02:58 AM
Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar
A real handyman @HenryX
I wish I could sleep.
Do you have children?
I only have 1. She is distancing herself from me. I wish she wouldn't @Anastasia @Emelia8 I'd do anything for her. Perhaps too much.
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13 Nov 2021 09:32 PM
13 Nov 2021 09:32 PM
Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar
Hello@Former-Member , @Emelia8 , @Anastasia , @Appleblossom , @1stepup61
@Former-Member, I believe that I can understand how you feel with regard to your daughter. It is particularly distressing when there is distance between parents and children, that can occur and be evident for any number of reasons.
Some of what I relate in this note may tie in with other comments that I have made in this and various other threads. However, I am often circumspect about giving too much detail about my life, either on the forum or possibly more so in real life. Not on my own account, so much, but rather so as not to create any problems or in any way, show disregard or disrespect for, or toward my children.
Possibly, also, to not generate pre-conceived ideas or biases in the minds of people with whom I correspond on the forum and in other interactions in my day to day life. 'I guess' I can create biases with regard to my own present life, without adding additional details to the reality of that present life, so I ask myself if extra details should be of concern, if they are not likely to identify me or anyone else.
On the other hand, it is apparent to me that people may wish to know something of the person, or people with whom they are corresponding on the forum. Some details of the other person's position may, in a range of situations, allow us to feel more comfortable in our interactions with others. I also believe, that as far as mental health is concerned, by being able to connect with others with whom we know that there are common experiences, situations or reasons for experiencing certain feelings, we may be able to connect in more understanding and productive ways, with mutual concern and respect, than if we know nothing about the other person. People may become familiar with me in terms of my comments and responses on this and other threads. I wonder if other people on the forum will see me in the same light or differently, either positively or negatively, when they know a little more of my history and background. I hope that a little history may allow some connections to be more easily established and others, possibly, made more secure.
My life has been anything but what I had expected when in my youth, or subsequently wanted it to be like. I have been married twice, have two children with my first wife and three with my second wife.
Both those people decided that they wanted a different life, from that which they had, or projected themselves to have, in the future, with me.
Unfortunately, the separation and subsequent actions were far from pleasant, even vitriolic. Recently, in counselling, it has been observed, that where I might have even perceived the likelihood of problems existing for those about whom I cared and loved, my mother and my children, in particular, I would prefer to absent myself from their lives, rather than be the cause of disharmony or conflict that may, in some way, be passed onto them.
My oldest daughter, who was also caring toward my mother, in the last years of Mum's life, saw the way I cared for Mum. After Mum's death, my daughter visited me on her own. That signified to me that my daughter also cared about me, or at least cared to know me better. We have gradually been building our relationship following that time.
In that first marriage, we had a son. His relationship with me is one of distress. I believe that he suffers some sort of mental health problem. He is very "head strong" and combined with the stresses associated with the end of both of the marriages, has taken a very independent course in life, but primarily attached to, and I believe, somehow dependant on his mother.
The three children of my second marriage experienced a high degree of manipulation. However, when the older of the three daughters had a disagreement with her mother, I was informed, by letter, that the daughter would be coming to spend the last term of the year with me. It was only a short time before this that I even knew where they were. It was evident, as soon as she came to stay, that the only reason that she was with me was because of a disagreement between she and her mother. That was an exceedingly difficult 3 months. While the mother was pleasant and courteous when I picked up my daughter for that term, it was a very different attitude when I took this daughter back. The only consolation that I had, was knowing that the mother, obviously, had no fear for the safety of the daughter while she was in my care.
The other two daughters, I know little of, except on three occasions when administrative matters required attention.
I am very pleased that my oldest daughter and her son have fairly regular contact with me. From our interaction, I may have the opportunity to get to know my other daughters.
As far as my own life goes, I had one further relationship and that not being successful, I have lived a relatively simple life on my own, before my mother lived with me, and since her death.
A very brief reflection on my past and present
With My Best Wishes
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13 Nov 2021 10:52 PM
13 Nov 2021 10:52 PM
Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar
I'm sorry to learn this @HenryX
Relationships are hard, children are hard. I'm happy you have a good relationship with your daughter 💕
I was married once, I was his second wife.
He was the love of my life. He remarried many years ago when the boys were babies.
Definitely not the life that I envisioned raising two sons on my own for the best part of 20 years. Not whinging just sharing ☺️
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14 Nov 2021 12:20 AM
14 Nov 2021 12:20 AM
Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar
A note to @Anastasia , @Former-Member , @Emelia8 , @Appleblossom , @1stepup61
I do hear what you are saying @Anastasia and thank you for your response. We often worry, when we state facts about our lives, that others may think that we are whinging or complaining. Because of this we are often hesitant to even talk about our lives, even here on the forum. But, I hope, in line with the purpose for which this website and forum was setup and functions, that maybe we need to be able to feel free about discussing such issues in our lives that have a profound influence on our mental health, while recognising the pupose and value of the Guidelines & Info. In some ways, also, this is why I have offered a feeling of ease in this thread. With this in mind, we do not have to feel that everything we talk about has negative connotations, but in reality, life has a balance to it. There can be fun, positive imagination and among that we can talk about things that concern us and still have the feeling that the balance is not tipped one way always, or all the time.
In a sense, that is also partly why I have responded to @Former-Member 's valid invitation to talk about whether I have children. The other reasons I think I have covered in my post. If something else comes up, that I believe may be relevant, either to myself or others, I will mention it or them, and invite others to do the same.
At the present time, I am addressing issues in my life because I would like the next/remaining 20+ years to be as good as they can be. They are my last 20+ odd years, so I certainly don't want to spend them "crying". Not that I do much of that now. However, something on a tv program, or in what I might be reading, sometimes, unexpectedly pushes that button. For that reason, I rarely watch programs that involve abuse or mistreatment of people, unless there is or are reasons in the subject or story-line, about which I want to, or feel that I need to know. But that is a conscious decision that I can make. Certainly, if I were to find myself becoming unduly distressed, then I would see that as a reason to bring the issue up in the discussion with the counsellor with whom I speak.
Thank you so very much for your invitation @Former-Member , in asking me about whether I have children and thus giving me the reason and opportunity to talk about my children. Thank you to you @Anastasia for your response to what I have written. Thanks also to each of the members who participate in conversations and discussions on this thread and those with whom I correspond here and on other threads.
With My Very Best Wishes to All
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14 Nov 2021 04:04 PM - edited 14 Nov 2021 04:05 PM
14 Nov 2021 04:04 PM - edited 14 Nov 2021 04:05 PM
Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar
So sorry to hear. @HenryX
Big genuine hugs to you. I'm not great with writing much. . But I do care very much
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14 Nov 2021 07:53 PM
14 Nov 2021 07:53 PM
Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar
Thank you @Former-Member , for your response
and to @Anastasia , @Emelia8 and @Clawde for your regular responses and company and other members for your company on the forum.
With My Best Wishes
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14 Nov 2021 09:58 PM
14 Nov 2021 09:58 PM
Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar
”Flying Boat” Operations from Another Perspective
Empire Air Mail Scheme (EAMS)
{From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia}
{Links in the script give access to any additional details}
Empire Air Mail Scheme (EAMS) was an attempt by the British Air Ministry to regain leadership of world civil aviation in the late 1930s following the establishment of The Air Mail Route from Cairo to Bagdad in the early 1920s. Conceived in 1934 by Sir Eric Geddes, chairman of Imperial Airways, EAMS sought to greatly expand British civil aviation by shifting all 'first class' mail within the British Empire by air. Imperial Airways was a private company, but like most airlines of the era, relied on public subsidies (in this case, from the Air Ministry) to support its operations.[1]: 59–60
A critical driving force behind EAMS was Sir Christopher Llewellyn Bullock, KCB CBE, Permanent Under-Secretary at the British Air Ministry from 1931 to 1936. Appointed at the age of 38, he remains one of the youngest civil servants to have headed a British Government department.[2][3]
EAMS was a hugely expensive plan, and to make it financially acceptable to the British Government, subsidies were required to support it from the dominions (especially South Africa, India and Australia) and colonies of the Empire. In this way, EAMS served another of Geddes' aims, namely to prevent local Indian, South African and Australian operators from opening up international air routes.[4]:Ch 3
Political agreement from within the Empire was finally reached in early 1937, after the Australians held out for a better financial deal. Australian aviation experts were deeply sceptical about the Scheme from the start, and were especially concerned that Imperial Airways had decided on the use of flying boats to operate the new services, even before final agreement was reached. Geddes preferred flying boats because he thought the cost of expanding airfields throughout the Empire would be too great, and the cost of fuel would be lower along the coastline in comparison with inland airfields.
The use of flying boats quickly exposed the frailties of the Scheme once it became operational. The first service from Alexandria, Egypt began in December 1936, and that to Durban, South Africa commenced the following year.[5]: 318–331 However, the service to Australia did not begin until July 1938, owing to difficulties in building alighting stations in the difficult geographic and climatic conditions in northern Australia. The Short C Class Empire flying boats were over-weight, meaning their useful load and hence profitability were down on specification, and structurally weak, so that the aircraft were easily damaged.[6]
In December 1938, the Scheme was wracked by crisis, as the fragile Shorts flying boats went out of service due to accidents and maintenance problems, while the cheap subsidised mail rates offered to the public attracted a flood of letters that the British Air Ministry never expected. To shift this huge quantity of mail while their own fleet steadily diminished, Imperial Airways scoured Europe for aircraft on short term leases, including American Douglas airliners from Swissair.[4]: 86 An official review of the Scheme in early 1939 then concluded that the amount of mail to be carried at peak times like the Christmas season could never be lifted without an uneconomic number of 'reserve' aircraft that would then be idle for the rest of the year.[7]
The outbreak of the war in September 1939 brought the Scheme to an end; by then, British officials had concluded the original selection of flying boats was a mistake, and British aviation needed to shift back to landplanes.[7] However, the demands of war prevented British industry from building new prototype landplanes for which orders had been placed, the Fairey FC1 and the Short S.32.[5]: 341
Hoping that this material may be of interest,
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14 Nov 2021 10:26 PM
14 Nov 2021 10:26 PM
Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar
Adult children distancing is very difficult and an issue for a lot of people, me too.
I am going through a lot at the moment with family and cannot write too much but want to say thank you for this thread.
Thanks for sharing about your personal life. Yes there are all the issues around being identifiable, but often a feeling word does not express as much as talking about situations we deal with, that are distressing.
a Hello and Hug.
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14 Nov 2021 10:31 PM
14 Nov 2021 10:31 PM
Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar
@HenryX @Former-Member @Emelia8 @1stepup61 @Clawde
I hope you are as ok as you can be @Appleblossom 🙏
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