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Re: Good Morning!

Still here, lol, @TAB @outlander 😮😊

Managed to shower and get dressed, put washing on, back lying down for few minutes. Soooooo tired, D wants to go out, I don't like to disappoint.
Managed to stop sleep meds recently, ,because they were causing me to feell WORSE 😮😨😣😠:pile_of_poo:😭😶😩
But sometimes it's so agonising being awake most of the night, I have to take some.
Took some 4am this morning, now I'm paying for it. 😩

Sorry job didn't work out @TAB
Better things ahead, hopefully.
Not so easy getting on with people sometimes. I've noticed alot of rude, unhelpful people lately. At bank yesterday b#### went to other lady, so kind and helpful. I don't understand why people can't be more helpful, they're getting paid.
Anyway, I noticed on other thread 23 yr old boss not easy to get on with.
I've had some terrible bosses. Not easy.

I should go on your thread to read your news @outlander
Is the "when is it yome to go to hospital" one the best one to read?
I will do that when I'm not so stressed. Unless you feel like writing a little here, but not if that's a nuisance for you.

Ok, will try and move again. 😀
Senior Contributor

Re: Good Morning!

Tis what it is re job @Former-Member I gave it a shot, have my limits tho. .. anyhoo.. well look after you. Surely daughter understands if you aren't up to it
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Re: Good Morning!

Trouble is, I never feel up to it, lol @TAB

Have to push myself.
Sometimes I just can't push.
Today I'll try, just not a big day.
Getting there. 😮😣😨😀

Years ago I lasted one day in a job, 2 weeks in another etc......
Always ended up in another one where I was treated with respect.
I was always a loyal, trustworthy, hard worker and can't tolerate rude, disrespectful people. 😀😆💪

I'm sure you'll find something else @TAB

Senior Contributor

Re: Good Morning!

Im not thinking about job atm @Former-Member but thanks. And yes going thru motions can be better than not doing well much

Re: Good Morning!


Thank you...I havent been online for a few days....... my husband has been ill and it's just lovely LOVELY to see this .......

I am smiling and looking at the very nice green on the background.....


Senior Contributor

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Former-Member 😀 Made it out 😎🎩 lol

Re: Good Morning!

Dear @Former-Member

I'm listening to you, how are you? I want to read @outlander story too 

But lately, I'm really into self care and it's all changed

 Mr X has spent a long time sick and I saw that my self care was not helping. I decided to change. 

The first thing I do is meditte with my support worker every week. We listen to Jon Kabat Zinn every Friday. It has given me a nice energy leap of get up and go. I bought an audio cd of Jon Kabat Zinn in 2006 but only started using it regularly about 6 months ago

Perhaps it will be nice for you to listen to? 


Re: Good Morning!

I dont know if the topic for mine suits here but to be brief. Im finally out of the wars from the car accident. Now dealing with recovery from an op with 8 sutures for the next 10 days. Mums going on holidays for the next 5 days so will have full responsibility of my 2 younger sisters.

@peppipatti my story is spread a few threads on here. But the main stuff happening right now is this stuff (above little bit)

Hope you both had a good day. Good work on the self care stuff too ❤❤

Re: Good Morning!

Thank you everyone for the lovely birthday wishes.
Senior Contributor

Re: Good Morning!

Well happy birthday @utopia 🎂🍭🍾