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Re: Good Morning!

Not my birthday @MDT. It's @utopia's

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @outlander


Yes - we can hold each other's hands as we wait for the results


I'm so sorry you didn't have enough pain tablets - it's important to take them every few hours for a few days to give yourself a better chance of healing - ask your pharmacist about how often and how many you can take


Your wound will heal pretty quickly - the first few days are the time when it needs rest to heal - then it will get itchy


My knee is playing up - I will be glad to have the MRI and find out what is causing this - my doctor thinks I haved a torn cartilege - something I do remember doing a few weeks back - this is something I would rather not have had happen


So yes - hand-holding time is beginning




holding hands.jpg

Re: Good Morning!

let the hand holding begin then @Owlunar 

ive gotta go to the shops soon. just stalling atm becasue im tired and just want to laze around today.

i hope the MRI provides some answers though, even if its not good news at least youll know whats casuing it then and then can be treated. good luck though Heart

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Re: Good Morning!

Hi @outlander 👋💜
Look forward to catching up on your news soon.
I have to get ready to go out now, sorry. 🍰

Boo to you too @TAB 😺😎👋👀💪
Look forward to hearing your news.
Will be back on when I can.
School holidays keep me busy.
Need more sleep, but have to kretend and keep moving.
Chat soon. 😀

Hi there @Owlunar 👋💜💟
I hope that you have a lovely day.
It's going to be pretty hot here.
How's your week going?
Might not be on here until later,see how I go. 🌻🌼🌻
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Re: Good Morning!

Not sure how to kretend 😂 but I can pretend @TAB 👍💪😊
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Re: Good Morning!

Hi to you too @soul 👋💜💟 🍰
Have a nice day.

Sorry if I missed anyone. In a rush 😀👋💟
Senior Contributor

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Former-Member 😀 Um developing as we speak lol hope you get more sleep/get through. I slept yest then didn't go to work then slept again lol no shortage here. Made up excuse to leave here. Waiting to hear back re flights. No regrets. It was/is crap. Better thinga waiting for me. Well will be. Life's too short lol
Senior Contributor

Re: Good Morning!

Haha ok @Former-Member 🙀 .. game face 💪

Re: Good Morning!

Will catch up with you later @Former-Member ❤❤ want to hear how your going too

Re: Good Morning!

how has everyone been this morning?