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Re: Good Morning!

Yep. Weather intense here. Humid and hot.
Can't wait for autumn.
Beach was good though

Re: Good Morning!

@MDT @Glisten @ENKELI @Meowmy @tonys @Shaz51 


Yay well done to the Wolves. Haven’t done much today. Uploaded a new video to my youtube channel on tarot. Thinking I might experiment with a video of a reading for the general public. Might film that this arvo and schedule the upload for another day.

Re: Good Morning!

@Oaktree Cool. Will Tarot cards give you the winning lotto numbers?


Re: Good Morning!

@Glisten awesome that he won 🤗.


Yes, Freo Dr would be great right about now. I can only hope March is cooler!


Not doing great. Not sure where I'd be without the anti anxiety meds. Read a message from my father that triggered me and reminded me that I am a waste of time and money in his eyes. 

In a bundle of tears and no one to talk to about it since my psych told me I was a selfish unChristian who should think about others feelings first. This is why the Christian faith gets such a bad rap.


I'm safe, just freaking miserable 😓😢

Re: Good Morning!

Hope you can find some comfort tonight @ENKELI That seems unprofessional of a Psych to say anything like that.

My Psych can be tough, yet she's never called me selfish.

I can relate to what you said your father said (he sounds harsh) - My Mum has said similar to me, my Mum can be very judgemental.

((ENKELI)) Hugs.



Re: Good Morning!

thanks @Adge.

To be fair she wasn't my psych when she said it. I made a comment about my ex best friend who screwed me over, spreading false rumours about me to mutual friends and refusing to pay me back money that she owes and my psych who was friends on FB with both of us took my ex friends' side and told me it was inappropriate to say anything about her, and that I was being very selfish by saying things that my ex friend couldn't defend herself against. All I'd said was that I will never trust her again and my faith and trust had been shattered. 

I resigned from my job last year to go be a carer for my dad and then after to and fro-ing he changed his mind. By this stage I was out of a job, had paid for a ticket to NSW and spent a substantial amount of my savings supporting myself while he vacillated between demanding I fly over, then telling me not to as he didn't want me caring for him. He then proceeded to tell me I must be a difficult person to like if my boss was happy to let me resign and not work my required two weeks. He knew the boss had bullied me but that was my fault too.

Not wanting to be awake right now tbh

Re: Good Morning!



I hope that you will be ok. I had my ex- psych say sone inappropriate things while she was my psych.

Apparently I have no compassion (not true) and my life is meaningless and unfulfilling 

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah  @MDT .   I loved it.  Does that make me twisted..  Like the word they used to sum up



Nother   Yahhoo from me.  @Glisten ..  But then tell me,   is the game rigged..  need the inside 

guff ol mate..    You know how it is.    Old timers like me even bet on snail wrestling.


   So . . .   if there's some action going on,   ol tonys  wants in. .   


I can feel your thoughts   Glisten...   sad  case ol tonys..     lol..


Hey @Meowmy   How did you finish up mate.   Ignore the racket in your yard.    Its just me rummaging through your bin for empty  Zero  tins..   want me to put the bin out while  I'm here... ?


Well     I hope everyone found a little fun in there day.   

@Oaktree   You got your show up and running,   Mate..   Thats big news ..  Good on you ,  you little champion..   I hope it gives you a lot of satisfaction and a sense of completion. . . .   and me and   @Glisten   the lotto numbers. .    Im kidding..!    Proud of you   sis..


Now @ENKELI   I need the address of your soursop ol man if thats OK.

Going to swap his slippers for bear traps,   and a jar of fire ants for his undies drawer. 

And you can bet,   I'm going to enjoy it too. . .       Just hope I don't mix it up with the old lady's house

across the street from him.     She might shove an  umbrella  up me . . . .  and open it..!  ouch.


Jokes aside...   Mate ,   you know how much we all think of you.  Your a good sort and  I'm 

lucky I get to  share a table with you now and then. specially with my manners..

Please be kind to yourself   Enkeli..                                    tonys..


Nite folks.. @Adge   @StuF   @TAB  @Emelia8  @Dimity   and . .   oh  well ,  just  everyone..   

         sweet dreams folks..                            

Re: Good Morning!

Nightie Nite @tonys and all 😂💖🌹😴

Re: Good Morning!

nite Em and Hannah 😎