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Re: Good Morning!

fair enough @Emelia8  yes , it can be tricky

Re: Good Morning!

@Historylover I've just about had the same level of bad luck and misfortune 


I will post something which I learned about the car industry later on today for you.


What you can do is listen to subliminals that can change this subconscious belief that was placed there when things starting to go wrong in your life.


I started doing a subliminal on this topic since last year when it was available as there were no other subliminals available for this subject


Things started shifting for me and my deep seated beliefs that had been reinforced by bad luck changed on very intrinsic levels


Then things will start to move in your favor. There aren't many long subliminals but I've found some that these are ones you can put in a loop


Read testimonials in the comments section. Its working for people who could not gain traction in their life.


It began working for me!


Everything MAGICALLY works out for me subliminal:


Everything always works in your favor subliminal:






Re: Good Morning!

@SmilingGecko @TAB @Emelia8 @Historylover @saturnzoon @Meowmy @tonys @Hopefulsoul @Bill16 @EternalFlower 


Good morning guys,


Much cooler day here today, supposed to be 24. Perfect for our family dinner. Need to pop down to the servo and pick up some ice for the esky. Dunno why but the fridge is packed full at the moment. Might have to clean it out. Quiet day, just doing dinner prep.



Re: Good Morning!

sounds nice @Oaktree  have a good day 😊

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB, 43? Aargh!! Don't send it on to Melbourne. We're expecting a cool 37. 

Re: Good Morning!

wellyou have 22 all this coming week @Historylover  by looks, so guess not lol. will be 30 allweek here. I can deal w that, no excuse to hide inside all day tho lol

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @TAB @Oaktree @SmilingGecko @Emelia8 @Historylover @saturnzoon @tonys @greenpea ...


and everyone else!

Re: Good Morning!

I can see you need some space with this,  so I'll say this and no more @Historylover 

The big purchases are best made before we leave home. A letter of Intentions and expectations in hand.   If my little contract is not signed or receipt of it acknowledged in front of a witness,  then I won't sign  there's.   Please never think these things are personally aimed at you.   Dept of Fair Trading 

exists because all of us fall victim to shonky   products and practices.   Its not your failing or fate.

 We all need to be   "lovers of History"  and take the lessons from it.   We all learn to take contracts home,  study them,  draw up our own.  Take a friend,  research consumer law and product reviews.

And we only really learn this from making mistakes.  Your no different to any of us.                         We've  all got   burnt  Fingers..

  The only thing that really matters is how we evaluate.  

Meantime,  your beaut little car will be there in good time and your not going to let some salesmen

shape your thinking and steel your sunshine...

My  last  word...   hand on heart..                                         your friend       😌               farmer tonys.  

Re: Good Morning!

Love you @tonys you write such beautiful posts to nurture and care for our small community! You use your writing to offer comfort and encouragement to us all! I love hearing from you and I'm certain other peoples sentiments are the same as mine.  

Re: Good Morning!

In my next life ,  I want to come back as a  puppy  at puppy  school.  Emilia 8..


Morning everyone..        


@Emelia8   @Oaktree   @Historylover  @StuF  @SmilingGecko   @Glisten                                    @Hopefulsoul  and @faithandhope   I suspect they're  twins. . .  kidding.     @Former-Member  @greenpea 

@Shaz51  @Appleblossom   @saturnzoon  @Meowmy  @Tilz  @SmilingGecko 


Hope your all in the green.                                                                                           tonys..


Having a day off.   bed picnic and movies.    Bye  folks..