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Re: Good Morning!

Thats good, just dust off the top. I've made a regular habit of dusting my filters @TAB. Ah well I might call it an evening. See all you good people tomorrow I guess.  I cut my hair today myself TAB and it was the best haircut in a while. OK got to take my meds and get some sleep.

Re: Good Morning!

Sounds great @saturnzoon !


But yeah, I'm with ya @SmilingGecko  - time to call it a night


At you too @TAB  (and I guess all you lot! lol)



Re: Good Morning!

Re: Good Morning!

Same meds have kicked in so good night @TAB @StuF @SmilingGecko @greenpea @Oaktree @Meowmy @Zoe7 @Bill16 @Shaz51 

and all

Hope everyone has a good night 

Re: Good Morning!

Hope you are asleep now @saturnzoon 

Re: Good Morning!

Hello, @SmilingGecko. Well, for me, xmas is just December 25, but that's fine as it only happens one day in a year. I've been soloing the day for decades. I'll exchange a gift with my lovely neighbour and get on with my day.


No, I just couldn't be bothered taking the clock back. I'm putting up with it until I get around to figuring out how to do a factory reset. It does give instructions but for buttons that aren't there. It must work; it's a panasonic and they aren't rubbish. In the meantime, I get to listen to music that isn't static or that goes off the station when I walk away from it. Amazing how much I put up with sometimes.


As for the foodbank charities, sure there are many folks in need but perhaps just as many taking advantage of the generosity.

Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Historylover I have gone without xmas around 10 years now. Its no big deal for me anymore but I have wondered about things in the past ie. getting through a difficult time of year. It did used to bother me. It would bring up why things had been so wrong with my family of origin and just feelings of abandonment generally. It sounds as if you have a beautiful neighbour who has stood by you which is really lovely. I know its not family but your neighbour has been good to you going by what you said. I'm happy for you to have that person in your life.  


Yes Panasonic is a good brand. Its weird why it won't work. Anyway sounds like youre going to have fun tweeking with it.  I have a Now & Zen clock which gently wakes me up with a chime. Had it since my ex and I separated and its still going (!) and works really well. Its a well made clock. The alarm involves a pin hitting a metal rod to make a chime. I got it used off ebay heavily discounted. The owner did not want it anymore and it was a steal.


<image of Now & Zen clock>


Screen Shot 2023-12-19 at 10.07.43 am.png


Don't know what I'm doing today. Yesterday was exploring asteroids in astrology in my natal chart. It was a real eye opener and very affirming. I had never read analyses of asteroid placements in my chart before. Have done everything else but it took me deeper into my identity and personality makeup.  Nobody offered it as a service so it was really wonderful to read.


I hope you have a good day. Its drizzling here a bit. I'm waiting on my food delivery for xmas.  

Re: Good Morning!

@SmilingGecko @Historylover 
No siblings, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins that you adore and Christmas is an excuse for fun and silliness?

Re: Good Morning!

..welcome to my Life @Glisten  re post to xmas aloners  @SmilingGecko @Historylover well me too as rels just blew me off lolo ..

Re: Good Morning!

It's just another day for me, @SmilingGecko. I'm still without religion though considering a higher power. It is an unanswerable question in this life. There is so much nonsense talk about, even from intellectuals whose opinions I would normally respect. I guess we can't get everything right but leaving our thoughts and opinions open to continual refinement throughout life is the best course of action.


My neighbour is a lovely, youngish woman but I have a feeling that she has a beau which ultimately will mean she will move. If so, she would be sorely missed even though we only occasionally chat. The gift giving was her idea. She is like that, always thinking of others. She is a delightful person.


Your clock sounds delightful. Perhaps I'll get one if I can find a chimer rather than a bell and then use this one as a radio.


I finally have bought myself—or ordered—a car. The days of walking everywhere are over for me. I don't know whether it is medication or age, but it has become exhausting. Besides, I am sick of doing everything with the greatest difficulty. It is time to treat myself. 


I was looking last year and have been pondering ever since. Not having a car meant that I could only look about in my general area but there was enough to choose from, and in my price range. It's a 2024 model Kia Picanto, the smallest in the range, and just a nice size for me. I'm looking forward to getting it in about 6 weeks. I like it so much more than the 2023 model I was considering.


Love that clock!