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Re: Good Morning!

Yeh..   whoopee.     Give your self a cigar @Glisten   Just found your sleep post.  The most coveted of  treasures  do you hold in your hands.    A brief reprieve from,   this world. 


May our ponies  pass in the vail of the night..


Trick tune too.  thanks Glisten..                tns

Re: Good Morning!

Thankyou @Meowmy      May your sun dial show you no shadow.


Ooo    is that the bath I can hear running..    Coloured bubbles to you friend.                tonys

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks for the wishes @tonys 


As always, a pleasure to read your posts. I do hope they're treating you right 🙂


Oh, and re your last statement:




Re: Good Morning!


Hi @TAB 

How are you?

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Shaz51 

How are you my sister?

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

@tonys you mentioned you are autistic spectrum or you may have mentioned another intellectual disability if I am right going by memory. I think with your incredible writing talent you may have been born a Savant. These are people who are born with gifted superpowers. If so you are in good company. I have seen a few Savants over the years. This I have copied and pasted off my social media feed.


Born a savant, physicist Nassim Haramein has proposed a unified theory of the cosmos where science and spirituality meet. The video "Black Whole" covers his genius and while the mathematical terms are hard to grasp it provides an incredible overview of his theories which are ground breaking and illuminating.


The extremely talented autistic savant artist Michael Tolleson Robles. Please check out his website, learn about his fascinating artistic journey and enjoy his incredible works of art.


Derek Paravicini is a musical savant. His extraordinary talent developed alongside blindness, severe autism and learning difficulties. As a child his language skills were severely limited and for a long time he remained non-verbal. However, perceiving and manipulating musical structure came as naturally to him as breathing and improvising over complex chords is as easy for him as speaking is to most of us. In an absolutely real sense, music took the place of a first language for Derek, allowing him to communicate and interact with a world he otherwise struggles to understand.


Stephen Wiltshire is a prodigious cityscape artist, known for capturing intricate details of global skylines after mere glimpses. Honored as a Member of the Order of the British Empire in 2006, his artworks grace prestigious museums worldwide. At just five, he began drawing lifelike, accurate impressions of cities, skylines and street scenes after having only observed them briefly. He was awarded Member of the Order of the British Empire, and by eight, the UK Prime Minister owned one of his pieces.Dubbed "Britain's best child artist" by the Royal Academy of Art's President, Sir Hugh Casson, Stephen has since showcased his talent globally with record-breaking exhibits. Living by his mantra, 'Do the best you can and never stop', he sketches daily.


In 2006, Derek Amato suffered a major concussion from diving into a shallow swimming pool. When he woke up in the hospital, he was different. He discovered he was really good a playing piano. Derek is one of just a few dozen known "sudden savants" or "accidental geniuses"—people who survive severe head injuries and come out the other side with special gifts for music or math or art.


These are some of the Savants I have come across over the years. Anyway I thought I would share it with you.  Being a Savant is a rare condition, there are only 50 of them or so documented in the world.


Airdate: Thursday, April 29, 2016. World renown artist Michael Tolleson paints a masterpiece from start to finish on First Look at Four. Follow along as Brittany Hoke and Hattie Cheek checked in with him throughout the hour.

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @oceangirl  nice to see you here. Hope things are okay for you.

Having a few health issues and centrelink on my case again. So things not brilliant here . I need to get out more too . Was doing mini holiday once a month. Am overdue lol.

Was having trouble sleeping. Looked at phone .. its 29 deg at 2.30am never had that before, ok midnight but not hours after lol. Hope youre ok. Thanks for tagging me

Re: Good Morning!

Morning Trendsetters 

How are we? @TAB @Former-Member @oceangirl @StuF @tonys @Appleblossom @Historylover @ArraDreaming @tonys @Shaz51 @Jynx 

Think I’ve been grinding my teeth in my sleep.

Is it FriYay?

Re: Good Morning!

Hello my sister @oceangirl 🙂


Hello @Glisten , @TAB , @Former-Member 


The appointment went OK @StuF , his hand is out of plaster but tingleness and numbness is still ongoing 

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks for your thoughts, @tonys. It seems to me that Karma is a law of Nature. I realized in recent days how I keep dwelling on the same thing and haven't been able to put it aside; it's unresolved. Perhaps denouement of this dreadful saga is afoot. 🤞


I hope you have a pleasant day. It's going to be 31 degrees here today.