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Re: Good Morning!

Ah you're so funny @tonys yes its a skin serum thats great for boosting collagen. I used to buy a generic brand called "The Ordinary" which is a great no-name brand with no fancy packaging, celebrity endorsements, marketing etc.  Look up "The Ordinary" doing a google search. The beauty products they make use the same ingredients as top level brands but minus the hype. But got the price even lower by making it myself to save money! All it is is distilled water and hyaluronic powder which you shake and dissolve inbetween refrigeration. You just add Vitamin C when youre about to apply it. Heres a picture of the cheap brand I used to buy. It was around $8 but I can now make an all over body serum for pennies!


Screen Shot 2023-10-26 at 7.36.13 am.png


Re: Good Morning!

Good morning, @Former-Member. Nice to see you about. Have you been for your walk yet? 

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Re: Good Morning!

Hello lovely woman @Historylover good to see you on here. Yes have been walking every day except at the end of the week which is my day off. I'm really physically fit. I started getting in the habit of walking in the afternoons but am itching to go this morning. How are you by the way? I have been thinking of you and was wondering if you were still a friend of the forums. Nice to hear from you again. I just signed up to a free yoga class with Life Force Academy. We have a lunar eclipse this weekend and the energy will be very destabilising. Yoga helps me to stay centred during times like these.

Re: Good Morning!

Great idea re a budgeting thread, @Former-Member.

Re: Good Morning!

Good to see you too, lovely @Former-Member. I'm pleased to hear you've been behaving yourself. Me too. I'm getting back into the way of walking again as much as my poor feet will allow. When it's not possible, I keep myself occupied with more sedentary activities. My keyboard learning is occupying a good bit of my spare time, but progress is so slow. There is just so much to learn and my brain cuts out when it's done as much as it can for the day. Anyway, it's still fun, and while it's fun I will continue. Rather a change from more academic pursuits, but it's good to change  things around and challenge different parts of the brain. They've been dormant for too long.

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Re: Good Morning!

Have you ascertained why your feet hurt @Historylover? Do you see a podiatrist. You did mention that you found it hard walking awhile back. I remembered it as I know lots of people with diabetes have foot pain. I don't know if its related to your situation. I used to have bunions and after my operation it changed the ball of my foot so in the past feet used to get really sore. I wear a Rivers brand walking shoe - its very cushioning and I no longer have sore feet around the ball of the foot when walking. I don't know you may need a cushioning shoe or something like I did.


Its great you are learning stuff - so am I, however I do think these psych meds account for brain shrinkage. I have been doing heart/brain coherence meditation to increase my learning capacity. It improves memory retention and makes it easier to learn stuff and have incredible improvements in learning ability.


Apart from that have been doing subliminals each day to improve things in my life. Have had a lot of misfortune so am using subliminals to change my subconscious. Have a subliminal audio "Everything always works out in my favor" which I downloaded off you tube. I've been doing it a few weeks and have noticed dramatic overall improvements. 

Re: Good Morning!

Best way to start a day..  Laughing ..  thanks  @TAB   Hello everyone.                                   tonys

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Re: Good Morning!

Yes @Historylover there was no budgeting thread on here. I just made an update on that thread this morning. You can download a spending tracker, monthly budget and future fund pdfs and use them to keep your budget in check. With rising inflation things are going to get a whole lot worse. I have more exciting ideas in store to share on how to stretch your budget further. 

Re: Good Morning!

How have things proceeded with bitcoin, @Former-Member? Did all your prior study stand you in good stead? You're braver than me.

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Re: Good Morning!

@Historylover Still moving ahead with Bitcoin but yes it was freaking me out with security especially and also what I needed to learn with digital technology. It can be risky and it kind of deterred me to begin with. Was a bit put off but they have said its like anything just because the banks have money doesn't necessarily mean you will always be subjected to fraud. The more knowledge you have the more safeguarded you are. But still moving along with it but progress is slow. Having brain drain but still having a go.  Did a 7 day free crash course in Bitcoin which guaranteed I would know more about it than 99% of the population apparently. It was an easy course I signed up to.