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Does anyone feel like talking

I don't have much to say because my mind is blank, but I feel I want to talk to people.
Is anyone free for a chat? 

Not applicable

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

@ArraDreaming I'm here and would love to chat 😊

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

Sometimes it's good to have a 'blank' head @ArraDreaming ... coz mine's mush sometimes! Better blank than mush I reckon


What'd you get up to today?

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

@Former-Member hey
@tyme hey
Today just had 2/3 kids at home so we went for a bit to the play ground
Helped get some stuff sorted for my Mrs market stall tonight for her while she was at work

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

@ArraDreaming the playground sounds like fun. You got anything planned for tomorrow? 

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

We got tickets to the footy @Former-Member round one for the team we are watching as they had to cancel the first game last week cause of the cyclone in qld

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

Oh nice @ArraDreaming . Hopefully it's a good game. What's the weather like where you are? It's horribly hot here at the moment but a cool change is coming on Sunday. 

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

Yeah it’s been hot here for what feels like 3 months we haven’t had a drop of rain in ages
I’m in Vic
It’s cool cause our son got free tickets to the game through his kinder @Former-Member @tyme

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

@ArraDreaming I'm in Adelaide and we haven't had any rain for ages either. 


That's awesome that they gave free tickets. Hope you enjoy it 😊

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

That's cool he gets tickets through kinder @ArraDreaming