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Re: Does anyone feel like talking

Not every round when they play at home sometimes @tyme
I’m not sure why but it’s usually just offered to us through the Aboriginal worker

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

Ooo! That's so cool that there is an Aboriginal worker there. @ArraDreaming 

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

They aren’t there all the time @tyme often when I go in they arent there but they do come in and run activities with my boy and some others
We get the photos and the little write up haha I love the write ups they put up on apps about the kids

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

The photos they send make me laugh so much when I’m at work and they come through @tyme

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

Awww, I'm going to have to love you all and leave you now @ArraDreaming 


I'll see you around over the weekend. @ArraDreaming @Former-Member 

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

@tyme have a good night 😊

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

What are you doing tomorrow @Former-Member

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

@ArraDreaming i don't know what's happening tomorrow to be honest. My world is all up in the air right now. 

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

Don't know if you're still around @ArraDreaming @Gremlin24 - hi if you are and goodnight if not 😊

Re: Does anyone feel like talking

Hello @Vyv I'm still around. How are you?