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Re: Craft Corner

That looks pretty cool @outlander but it only has one hook (a 4mm which is a good size to start with) and there's not really that much yarn in there. You're paying for a bit of packaging there and for a book which, although I loooove books and can't get enough of them, probably has a lot of patterns you can find the same or similar for free online.

Big W sell individual hooks for about $3 and the "carnival" brand yarn they sell is about the same ($3.50 I think). It's great yarn to learn on as it's sturdy. Aside from scissors, that's really all you need to start with.

If you're brand new to it, like you've never picked up a crochet hook before, it may be worth learning (the really annoying but so worth it!) basic stitches in a square or row to begin with and then going from there. You don't need to master them and it doesn't have to take forever to do, but it can set you up for the more tricky (but not too tricky) counting and shape making stuff.

Also, if you are going to do it that way (with a square or row) chosing a lighter colour yarn to work on first can be helpful. It's easier to see stitches in lighter yarns ☺

Hope that helps and isn't too much info all at once!

Re: Craft Corner

@CheerBear ive no idea
I barely knew what crocheting was till i come here! So basic is the best place to start i think.
Do i only start with one colour? Or do i need 2?

Re: Craft Corner

You really only need one ball of yarn and one hook @outlander but it won't hurt to have a couple of colours you like to play with if you want to. Single coloured yarns (not multi colours) are also easier to count ☺


You'd probably be best starting off making something to understand how it all works. So it would end up being something that looked like this (as in nothing like a toy or a blanket) so colour is really up to you.





Size 4mm hook or 4.5 is the way to go I think (maybe a 4.5). Even a 5mm would be fine. Sometimes they run out of particular sizes at Big W, so any of the above if they have them and you're looking to pick one up would work. 

Re: Craft Corner

I was just watching a clip on it @CheerBear she seemed to explain it well so will try to run off hers 

Re: Craft Corner

A really quick flick through it from me but it looks like a great one you've come across @outlander. It has exactly the stitches you need to know to begin, is clear, slow and easy to hear. Perfect 👍

Woohoo! This is a little exciting 😁

I'm heading off for the night but happy dreaming of all the cool things you might be make one day (or at least all the hours you can spend in distraction/brain exercise land until you get there!) ❤

Re: Craft Corner

U don't have to watch it all you know how to do it 😂 @CheerBear but thank you

Ill see what my local big w has tomorrow. Probably nothing knowing my luck!

Re: Craft Corner

@CheerBear and anyone eho knows who to crochet
I cant get the chain started. I am following all the directions but when i go to do the loop thingy it just pops off the hook?

Re: Craft Corner

Oooh you picked up a hook and some yarn @outlander?

Have you had any luck since your post? It's so fiddly when you first start. Definitely worth keeping on trying though (I think anyway) ☺

Re: Craft Corner

yes i did @CheerBear and yeah i finally got the first step done but i cant get the second one. the part where you have to loop it through each chain

Re: Craft Corner

Yay! Great stuff.


So you did a row of chain stitches @outlander?