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Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea @Ant7 @BlueBay Good morning, hope your Friday inspection go well. Wish you all a great day. I made it again to the morning, Will be going walking. @greenpea Love you,little pea, have a lovely morning, hope to talk later.Take care all.

Re: Good Morning!

@Meowmy  Good morning how are you doing today?

 I hope you are well 😊

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB Good morning, hope you had a good sleep. Wish you a good working day today from late to very late. Take care of your back. I made it to the morning again. Will be going walking then a bit more grocery shopping. Have a great day. Take care.

Re: Good Morning!

@Ant7 Good morning. Hope you will have a good day. I am feeling ok in the morning, which is rare. Will be going walking and a bit of grocery shopping. Have a good day. Take care.

Re: Good Morning!

@Meowmy  Have a lovely walk Meowmy. Love you too :)xxx

Re: Good Morning!

Hi  @Meowmy  Thankyou yes I already had a walk ok a short one here

hope your day goes okay I think have tomorrow off cos work late today

Re: Good Morning!

@Meowmy  I hope you have a good day. Enjoy your walk 😊

Re: Good Morning!

Wow @greenpea , u must get up early! Its 8.30 here in wa and it says u posted 6 hours ago, so 4.30 depending on where you live. Is that bcoz u cant sleep or ur just naturally an early riser?

Iv got psychiatrist appt today and i just dont even know what to say. Things arent getting any better snd i dont hav any confidence that anything they do is going to make it better. The burning sensations throughout my body, head, face that i wake up to every morning, i think they are from excipients in the meds that dont agree with me, so no matter which ones they give me its not going to make ne difference. I feel like im stuck betwn a very large rock and a very hard place! Just dont know what to do anymore. 

I hope u get this full msg @greenpea  and not the one that got posted before i finished.

Take care lil pea and hav a nice day. Xxx

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @greenpea , I mentioned i had psychiatrist appt today. Just thought id let u know its bn cancelled - hes off sick. Next available not until next tuesday. Oh well, didnt know what i was going to say anyway. 

Take care @greenpea 

Re: Good Morning!

@Doglover  Hi Doglover good luck with your psychiatrist today. Yes I do get up insanely early but I also go to bed around 8.30 as I am so tired. I think the night time meds do it .... well could be the meds accumulating thoughout the day as I am continually tired lol. Sorry to hear that you are having med problems seems to be such a common thing for everyone with one thing or another. Hopefully the psychiatrist can think up something which will help alleviate those burning symptoms .... I haven't had those but I have put on weight and am tired. Will be around later if you want to catch up and just have a talk. Am here for you greenpeaxxx

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