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Re: having a bad morning

Hi @BlueBay

I'm sorry to hear about your tough afternoon! That is a real shame that your DBT therapist will no longer be working at the place where you have been going, especially since you felt very comfortable with her. It is understandable that you feel upset and will miss talking to her! I'm glad to hear that you plan to continue getting treatment via the outpatient program with your regular therapist, good on you.

Your colleague sounds extremely frustrating! It's not good when annoyances like that compound an already hard day. Although the rest of the week will be annoying, I imagine it will be a relief once she is gone?

I'm glad you've jumped online to get some support while you're feeling emotional and angry. Heading to the "beer garden" is a great idea. Are there any other strategies you sometimes find useful to calm down a bit?

Take care,


Re: having a bad morning

Hi @Shimmer
I'm still angry frustrated and emotional. I know that tomorrow will be hard with all the stuff this lady hasn't done today. It's so not fair that someone can be like this at work. I've not experienced it before.
I'm laying on the couch playing a game on my phone.

Re: having a bad morning

I am hearing you @BlueBay. I had a really awful day yesterday, but I have got a bit more of my situation sorted this morning, so I am feeling better about it now, and taking nice long breaths to get myself over that emotional storm.

Sending 💜💜💜 and hugs your way ... 😘

Re: having a bad morning

Hi @BlueBay


My computer keeps giving up and I am getting a new one next week - awwwwww - this can be a regular pain when I find myself rebooting and running maintenance programmes and whatever -


So it has been hard to write to anyone - and yet I can read the site - let's hope this post gets through


That woman at work - there is nothing you can do about that kind of person - just all gang up and give her dirty looks - I have been an accountant in many places - and there is always someone dragging their feet and wasting time


IMO it is harder work wasting time - I'm glad she's going - I would come and dump the trash myself rather than interact -


She will be gone soon enough - and you have enough on your plate


I had a major breakthrough with my psychologist about my mother - I let go and cried how much it hurt that she couldn't come out of her precious state to let me tell her I loved her - but I must thank you.


What I wrote about finding out as much as I could about my mother and knowing she had a very tough life with losses of 1st place relatives when she was only a child - and how afraid she was - and I sent my psychologist an email before I left this morning so she could read what I had written - and it got right to the core.


And I saw how my mother was - and wept at the loss of a life that was never lived with depth and colour and shadows and light with all the emotions that go through the prisms of the mind - and even though I did not mention you - I was thinking of you as I cried


And I feel better - so - as well as hoping this lasts - I pray the same for you - that if you search for your mother's real nature - in a forgiving and loving way - though I admit I was sometimes very angry with my mother - I did see this truth - and having seen this I know I can never go back to not seeing it


I wish the best for you - and thank you for asking me and giving me the chance to find the answer I found - which will not be the answer you find - but you have to find out who your mother is - what she is - and I suggest you start with your Dad and tell him what you are doing and why


All the best - and keep in touch - I will be thinking of you - and as far as my son is concerned - I know that the dark days with him will not pass until I do - but he could not help himself either


My thoughts are with you



Re: having a bad morning

Wow, that's so powerful @Decadian.  What a huge leap forward you have made.  It's awesome.

What you write is so true !

My mother was someone really special - I worked that out when I left home and started to see how other families worked around me - but my MIL was simply awful.  She had a messed up childhood, and was damaged by war in the country she had come from.  I learned to see past her behaviour to how sad that was, but I had to grow through a lot of experiences along the way as a young adult, that many of you suffered as children.  I had my children small, and I remember thinking, "Okay, how do I stop all this damage and emotional baggage from rolling through into my children's lives ?"

It was stealing joy from me in the raising of my own children, and the life I wanted with my husband.  They were a tight knit family, and I hadn't seen how damaged they were, because they were so nice to me until I was married, and then it was all some sort of power game after that.  I was so devastated.  They were really mean and unfair, and didn't care what it cost to get their own way.  I had to learn to find my voice in that situation, and find the power to put my foot down, even if it was going to cost me my marriage in the process.  I could see that my kids were going to get damaged if I didn't.

Something else I didn't realise is this - anger turns to bitterness, and boy was I angry !!!  I was trying to be so nice to them, trying to be loving and caring and supportive, and it was all being thrown down into the dirt and walked all over !  The anger was causing me to stew, to walk around in a rage all day, and get snappy with my precious children, and then I would cry because I could see it was starting to make me mean too, without intending to be.

I realised I had to find a way to forgive them, for my own sake,  I wasn't going to be able to stop the cycle of damage and move forward if I couldn't find a way to do that, but I was so angry, and didn't how how to do that at all.  

Then I prayed that God would forgive them for me.  I wasn't capable if it in the place I was at, but somebody had to forgive them to get that job done.  So I passed the ball there - asking God to do that part, and I would just step back to a place of being polite - super polite in fact - but that was all.  They hadn't earned my respect and devotion, so I wasn't going to waste it where it wasn't wanted !!  I found loving friends to share it with instead, and I had my mother at that time.  I didn't lose her until later, when this storm had passed, and the healing had begun.

It was a very selfish thought at the time, but a genuine one ... I wondered why I had to lose such a beautiful, caring mother, and get stuck with a monster-in-law !!  Well, I have worked out since that the angels needed my mum, and there was still a lot of work to do with this monster-in-law to turn her into something I could remotely love.  

I got busy.  I ignored her and avoided her when she was being awful. Didn't use any of her gifts, or give her any space in my life, or my children's lives than I had to, when she was being horrible, and when she started to behave half-way decently, I relaxed my coldness a little bit and gave her glimpses of what life can be like when you deal in love and care for each other instead of trying to control everybody with power games.  

Its taken thirty years of blood, sweat and tears, but we're okay with each other now, and she has learned to deal in love, most of the time.  She still has her naughty days, and I detach from her emotionally when she does.

Part of the healing process was, as you said, learning to see the hurt and damaged little girl inside her, who had to learn to step out on the path to healing for herself, and she has done some of that.  Her life story was terrible.  Now I feel a lot of empathy about that, but at some point you have to realise that it's not an excuse to keep being horrible to everybody else.  

That doesn't fix it.  Love does.  Find the love inside you, as @Silenus said in a post a couple of days ago.

Find the love.  It helps you to let the rest of it go.


Re: having a bad morning

Hi @Decadian

Amazing stuff what you went through today.  Hugs to you and i am glad i could help you in any way. 

I know my mum is one of 10 children and the oldest.  she had to go to work at 14 and give her whole pay packet to her dad so he could feed the rest of the children.  her dad worked hard in a factory and her mum raising the other 9 children.  i know from what she told me years ago that she wasn't close to her mum (surprise surprise its now happening to me!!) and when she and my dad got married her own mother never went to the wedding.  and also her dad used to come over and visit after he finished work and not tell my grandmother.  it's like he had to keep it a secret that he was visiting his own daughter.

OMG - i can't believe this is so much like my own issues with my parents.

i remember my mum saying that her own mum was jealous of her.  gosh this is sounding like my mum with me.

this is so hard, i am crhying, i need to stop for now i am sorry @Decadian

big hugs to you @Decadian i hope you can help me in any way, which you are because we are chatting xxxooo


Re: having a bad morning

Hi @Faith-and-Hope

its hard - sometimes i lay in bed at night and I pray to God.  I tell Him if He could pray and help me and i ask if He could help me forgive my mum for how she treated me.  But - i can't see anything yet.  but i still pray.


I just replied to @Decadian and wrote some stuff about my mum, as much as I know from her from years ago.  it just got too heavy for me and i had to stop.

maybe i need to explore this a bit more but slowly.

take care xxx

Re: having a bad morning

It sound like it @BlueBay.  It sounds like you are on the road to healing, but there's time ...

Dont try to rush it, you have plenty of time.

Just take it step by step, as you feel you can, and try to just put it down some days and rest your mind and your heart a bit as you go.  That's what I had to learn to do.  But it has been so worth it !

Be gentle with yourself.  Don't mind the tears, they are part of healing.  I have cried bucket loads !!!  I cried on and off all day yesterday, afraid for my son, but we've got him sorted today.  The wheels are back on him now !

Baby steps.  Breathe ...


Re: having a bad morning

That is wonderful @Faith-and-Hope


And it is special to have other people opening up with the problems that can be so corosive in families - and work hard at making sure the ball stops in this generation - which is what I did


Having your in-laws (or were they out-laws) turning nasty after you married - ooh - that is a horrible one - I have yet to say anything about my MIL - and  I probably wont -


IMO it is better to walk away from toxic families - it is destructive - but how hard is that when it is your husband's whole family - I would have got divorced earlier I think


But as a believer myself - I definitely believe in forgiveness - and for some reason - possibly the effects my grandparents had on me when I was young - I forgave and my mother told me I forgave too easily - what a pity - she wanted her pound of flesh plus and held grudges she was proud off


Still - her behaviour is not my problem - and patterns of behaviour pass through the generations.


Had I but the time and space - I could write a saga on the stories in my family beginning before I was born - and the  anguish I suffered was only one part of the story and I pray this stops with me because I hear time behind me - and there is not enough left to spend with vexatious spirits - we can only hand it over to God and remember the issues we have forgiven and own our part in the story - and not hold the wrong people have done us is to be given up


Anger does turn to bitterness - but that is okay as part or a process - allow anger it's harmless expression in writing and tears and not allow bitterness to turn to being embittered - that is very hard to overcome


Many thanks for adding your thoughts



Re: having a bad morning

This is reallt great stuff @BlueBay


You have made a great start - and you have plentry of time to gradually sort the picture out - I am sure I have more work to do


But seeing your mother had a bad start to life as my mother did - in different ways - is hard stuff - but the way is through - and life is not the destination - it's the journey


And I have been on this journey I feel is a long time - and I don't remember when it began


So this is great news - and important to take it easy tonight - having stuff at home eating you makes it harder to do with unsatifactory people at work


Life is a sandwich or a pizza - you can pick the bits you don't like out of it -


All the best for a peaceful night

