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Re: Happy Boxmas

Yeah @TAB
Feeling pretty rank still but getting by haha.
Worth it though
Back to work in couple of days then moving places

Re: Merry Xmas All!

Thankyou @Blackbird11   Love  tones and I , A lovely song .   I never sleep for sleeps sake. Its for dreams  Its the dreams that free us to fly away to the far side of my windows.  Once I woke still clutching a feather.  Next year,

well  maybe mankind will soar for real. . .

I do hope we can get to know each other better next year,   and your festive season brings peace n joy 



Re: Happy Boxmas

gee that's pretty busy @MDT  sounds like you're living Life. Hope trip was good.

Re: Happy Boxmas

Yeah pretty much @TAB

Somehow I've landed

Feels odd. But gotta try to enjoy it.

Watching Seinfeld now. Main housemate went to Melbourne. Other one to beach. Got whole house to me. Haha.

Re: Happy Boxmas

okay thats good re house @MDT  just watching Seinfeld here too. not sure I know the episode. Unusual. lol

Re: Happy Boxmas

Hi all!

So sorry to the people I missed tagging in my original post. I won't try to correct those oversights here, cause I know I'll miss some people yet again which will just be insult to injury. Please just know I (belatedly) wish you all the best for the festive season, even if I forgot to tag you. 🙂🤗

Been pretty tied up here. Haven't had the time or energy to do much more then hit the "support" buttons on your posts. And to top it off, the weather's been hammering us, meaning that my internet access has been intermittant for the past couple days. We pull all the plugs here at the first hint of a storm, because trying to get our ISP to try to replace a fried NBN box is an absolute beaurocratic nightmare; and the darn things are just so sensitive to lightning!

Re: Happy Boxmas

Good to see you @chibam 


@StanD @TAB Now U2 roomies keep the hanky panky to a minimum.


@tonys You lift my heart, and lift the quality in the room.


@MDT Good to hear you are doing well.  

Re: Happy Boxmas @Appleblossom  the 'roomie' thing came when @StanD was worrying about becoming homeless, as in may have needed a room @ Schloss von Tabbenstein .. lolo




pics from the Tabbenstein brochure lol. No star accomadation with mutual obligations lolo..

Re: Happy Boxmas

Holiday was what I needed @Appleblossom

Plus meeting my partners family was fu

Re: Happy Boxmas

Hi guys,


Thanks for all the tags. Sorry I was missing in action yesterday. We had our Christmas celebration with 2 of our kids and their partners yesterday. Hubby and I were quite busy preparing a lovely feast. We made beef in the slow cooker with a bottle of nice shiraz and beef stock. Potatoes 3 ways, corn on the cob, carrots, brocoli, sage stuffing and gravy. Then quite unexpectedly son’s girlfriend brought with her some pasta salad. Everyone had more than enough. I had bought a chocolate Christmas pudding but noone wanted it. We cooked all day, anticipated the gathering but then it was all over so quickly. We played a game after dinner and had a good laugh. Then everyone went home. Most of the kids were working today. The only child not here was my daughter who is in Hawaii studying for 4 years. She actually spent Christmas with some friends of ours in Utah and they massively spoiled her. She had a great Christmas. Not going to tag anyone because I can’t possibly manage to remember everyone. So if you are reading this, this is for you.


