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Living with Ourselves

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @Emelia8 


I hope that it is not too hot where you live..

also that you have some form of cooling..


IMG_3596  art balm and mead with the help of bees  artist L L Pocock (1850-1919).JPG


Hope that you like this and find it interesting to read..

I love art with history..


You might also like to imagine sipping some mead..

no need to have warm as in cooler weather..


thinking of you



Re: Living with Ourselves

Thank you @Sophia1 😊💞  Its not too bad here, pretty warm but okay with aircon on at home.

I notice that you seem to have managed to get pictures onto the pages over the past couple of days. Well done!  And some lovely ones too.  Thank you for mine.  I actually really enjoy looking through old art books.  And would love to get back into doing some sketching and art once more. I used to like drawing or painting scenes similar to like you posted above. But sadly I have all my art supplies in storage, so it will have to wait until I find myself a home to buy.  Yes, thinking of you too lovely friend, as always.  


Thinking of you too @Jacques ... I hear you.  And love Sophia's response to you. She said it so well, and I support what she said to you wholeheartedly.  I also support you and your feelings and reactions around the recent death of the high profile church figure.  And so many others who would be feeling the same. 

Re: Living with Ourselves

dear @Sophia1 you are such a beautiful caring soul. you are such an amzing friend and such a wonderful part of the sane family. 


i hope one day i will be able to freely discuss what happened to me, i want the world to know, i don't care if anyone tries to sue me, i own nothing, so they can't take anything from me. 


im sorry the hollidays are difficult for you but im so so happy this year is going well so far. i will keep my fingers crossed it continues. 


it is really hot here, it has been 37+ for weeks now, i am hoping for a cool change soon just for a little respite. 


i got a little giggle out of your husband falling asleep at  new years eve, so did my partner, she tried so hard to stay awake but just could not make it. i hope we all manage to have a good 2023. we all so so deserve it on sane.


hugs my dear friend.

Re: Living with Ourselves

thank you @Emelia8 for your kindness and support. yes @Sophia1 speaks so well, she sumed up exactly how i feel. she is such an amazing lady. i do hope in time people will be able to speak freely and people who did wrongs to be held to account.

Re: Living with Ourselves

Yes @Jacques I hope so too 🌹

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @Jacques 


That is very kind of you to describe me in that manner.

I also accept the beautiful compliment of being an amazing friend let alone a wonderful part of the sane family...


You are definitely a member of my sane family within the larger sane family.

Relatives laugh.....


As I have said before you have always offered me kindness, respect and strong support during the years that I have known you..


I wrote a very deep response and then decided that I need to check in on you and see how you are feeling today...


Sometimes when we express ourselves passionately we can feel drained for a short period of time afterwards as we draw so much energy from within to write how strongly we feel..


This is healthy and as a follow up we need to be careful not to question ourselves..


This is another part of the whole complex parcel of trauma..


So before I write some in depth response please let me know how you are feeling..


I want to be guided by how you feel Jacques as I am writing to you.

You matter.


Big hugs to you my dear friend.


Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @Emelia8 


Good to hear that you have some relief from airconditioning..


The heat always affects me..


Yes I have managed to post a few pictures.


The only way was not from the computer as in searching on-line ( computers are not my friend)


I used saved photographs under my profile on here..


Recycling is a good thing isn't it....


comes in many forms...


I also took photographs with my mobile of my art book. I think that I wrote that somewhere ...cannot remember where...


So I still have not managed to work out how to get the pictures from the internet yet I could in the past..


Perhaps I have to take a photograph with my phone then download them to my photographs on my computer and attach them that way...

Seems very longwinded..


Apart from that....


Can you get a small supply of pencils, charcoal, a drawing pad on your next outing or via a support worker in the interim rather than wait for when you get your belongings out of storage?

Order online?


I think that it it would be very beneficial for you now...

You will not be able to draw at the same level that you did before which sounds very advanced until you are further down the track in your recovery....


That does not is the act of sketching on a pad that might help you mentally as well..

A reminder of what lies ahead for you...


What do you think?


Or is that not achievable and possibly too much movement for you at this stage..?


your friend gently hugging you...



Re: Living with Ourselves

@Sophia1   Hey there Sophia.  Liked your festive season liaison ,new friend, story.   Life realy is a box of chocys  . Sounds like your getting some heat down there.   don't stay out in it too long.  Slip,  slop, slap..  and hat.     who's the mother now...

Yes I've got a bacterial lung infection,  but I've got science in a bottle,  and a gadget to help breath at night, and that should  stomp out these feverish flames.  The area nurse always goes home with eggs and veg

Few days of bludgery  and barking  gripes and orders like a pain in the asss,  and I'll be tip top  and thankyou for asking my friend  


Not surprised you get cramps writing.   Do i need to put new ink in my lap top like i have to in the printer,  or is there just millions of little scrabble pieces in there and little people plucking at them with frantic fingers.


I hope you are not over doing it ,  trying  to be all things to all people.


Good to keep busy, and even better to just cruise a bit.   Every morning the world is still there when we wake up.  Why do today,  what i can put of till tomorrow.  


I  had a system where i took my boots inside because i know swamp thing likes to chew them, in the hope that he might find my leg in the middle.    A certain someone   decided to put them out side the door  and mess with my well planed chaos. 

What's the use.....    today i caved in and gave him the other boot.      3 left thongs or a gumboot,    thats my reality


Think I'll  bare foot it today.


You be good now Sophia and well  chat next time you make periscope depth.

Over n out    tonys mb1

Hey mate ,  I tried to send  the above kite 5 days ago.  Lets hope she sails this time ....  here goes



Re: Living with Ourselves

Hi @Sophia1 you are so kind and considerate, such amazing qualities. 


yes you are right, it does take it's toll talking and remembering past trauma, the past few weeks i have been struggling, very emotional time. i feel i am on top of it now. i don't know who first said time heals all wounds, because they are wrong, some wounds never heal, we just learn to live with them. 


life is funny how things come out of left field to knock the wind out of our sails. im so happy we do have a place like sane to be able to get support when we need it. 


hugs @Sophia1 i hope you have a good day

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @tonys my friend,


Lovely to hear from you and that you are managing your health..

Being the best patient that you can be???..

Or would your area nurse state otherwise?..

Barking, gripes and orders....brought a smile to my face almost "dickensian times"..


I hope that science in the bottle is a magic potion and brings with it a speedy full recovery..

You need your lungs to breathe...


Yes your turn to mother me as well...


I have taken note of your words intimating when to step back; notice the world; adjust the focus..


Yes I need to..


It has been rather heavy going here talking to this that and so many people with the situation only  getting worse..

sigh...the system is a shambles..

I alone cannot change the system..

I am but one mum...


I was meant to go to a carer luncheon today in my favourite hotel within the hills..

Sadly my time needed to advocate....

did not allow me to get there..

There will be other moments..

The hotel is going nowhere..



Have managed some gardening...

Not today..


Trying to alleviate some of the multiplying piles of paperwork..

Have achieved shifting piles from three other rooms to dining room table now..


We will have to eat our dinner on plates in amidst the paperwork..





Sounds as effective as your system with footwear and Swamp..


perhaps Swamp could come here and sort out my paperwork..


Periscope above the surface...


My computer skills are almost non existent...

Despite working with them for the majority of my life I hate computers...


I also hope that your workers who you look  after so well are helping out with your farm work and looking after those animals for you..


Your crops are hopefully abundant and rewarding you for all of your hard work..


Until next time..


Rest up ...





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