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Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @tonys @Sophia1 


Gosh @tonys ! If I could tell you how much your last couple a' kite's have meant to me....


Another huge morning today. I went to see a different lawyer today. He was way more informative. He gave me so much information I feel like my head could explode.🤯


I feel proud of myself that I could do that.


I'm back home now & read your recent letter. It made me laugh & feel happiness. I like your little poems at the end too. You are so clever.


We all need friends, don't we.

@tonys @Sophia1 

Check your basket - you will find me.


I don't want you to worry. I worry enough - what does it do?


We need to support each other - only if we can. That is all there really is.


Seagulls & doors

Colours & more 

Patience & No 

'then green man says GO! 







Re: Living with Ourselves

@tonys I found both purple & red hair dye in my collection. Now to research photos on the interwebs how I want to mix them. Maybe one colour on top & the blending the ends into next colour..... Or I might do streaks if both..??




Photos to come - if it doesn't break any anonymity rules.


Thinking of you & wanting good things for us all❤️💜

Re: Living with Ourselves

@maddison hooray.......    I finally found the purple chicken......     and it was worth the hunt...   

So you may have to hide your face with a '   some thing or other' ,  to show me your hair when its done....... this could just be your finest work .....  i still can't copy and paste yet.   attaching pictures and links ,,,,,,,   its still a bridge too  far.    and besides ,   i saw what happened in that movie ,   The fly........ It will be a while before i trust this computor.     Did you google that story about it raining gem stones on Jupiter.  I know it sounds like something i made up , but its actually true.   I really hope the clouds are parting for you a bit Maddison,    I have my eyes down days to ,  you know,....  no eye contact,... light,  sound, and feelings plugs, all  pulled,    Then i'll think about something in one of your letters,    The big old door protests on its rusty hinges as it opens,  and light comes spilling in......   Theres no perfect life,....      There's just life. .......    Fields of flowers and rose petal showers,....       Tonys   moonbase one.

Re: Living with Ourselves

@maddison   just sent a kite your way,   then i found this one,   with a sprightly little poem at the end.  Very  Nice   work mate..........     I will have too keep digging,  I always worry that i miss posts from you.   Trust me,  its not for the lack of digging. .  need my truffle hound. .............    Tall sails  filled with sailors tall tales...    Tonys moon base one,.....   try saying that three time quick..

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hi Maddison!

Have fun with the hair dying!


Re: Living with Ourselves

Hey @tonys 


Oh I'm glad you found the purple chicken. Computers & technology..I don't know .. It's all a mysterious magic. In fact, first thing that happened in lawyers office yesterday when I sat down was him apologising to me because he was learning the new system that had been updated!


So, I have lots of jobs to do, take out rubbish, pet chores.... I'm surviving off 4 hrs sleep. My brain wasn't able to rest last night. All this new information.. how many 'implications'. What is my best move now?


I thought, I will quickly stop by at tonys now & say hello.


I cannot say how long this ray will shine. It is the first glimpse I have seen in what feels like a very muddy, heavy dark time.


I think maybe by taking action & educating myself I feel like I have slightly more control & power. People cannot intimidate me so much, because now I have a good understanding of the facts. I liked the lawyer too. Maybe he was unscrupulous.. Who knows? What I saw was a man who knew what he was talking about, explained things well, appeared reasonable, impartial & neutral. 


I think the other thing that is good for me is that I learnt I can do these things. I can look out for myself. I know if & when I get in trouble in future, that there ARE resources (& people ❤️) who I can employ to support me.


Getting back to more serious things now - raining gems on Jupiter, you say? I can't stop giggling about this one. 

At first I thought you made it up!


I decided the hair colour of choice will be cherry red. Maybe later in the week🍒


It made me sad to read of your eyes down days. It's ok. Thankyou for sharing with me. If my letters help you see a tiny lighthouse on those days, it's an honour xx

Not applicable

Re: Living with Ourselves

heya dear @maddison just popping in to say hi and how are you? ❤️ 

Re: Living with Ourselves

So nice! Hello @Former-Member I'm going ok. It has been super difficult. Support & friendly hello's are so precious. Hope you & 🐈 are good. Thankyou for the support you & the other PSW give to all of us xx ❤️

Not applicable

Re: Living with Ourselves

@maddison ❤️ big hugs. We're here ❤️ 


The kitty cats are good. Lacey (my Tuxedo) needs surgery on one of her knees. Poor thing has had a bung knee for a few months and it isn't getting better :'( 


But otherwise I'm just holding out for a break ❤️ 

Re: Living with Ourselves

Oh no. Poor Lacey. So stressful& difficult with animals, they can't tell us what hurts and we can't explain things like the vet & operations. Great parent skills noticing Lacey needed your help😻 My 3 cats are good. I gave one a brush today, to cheer her up & give attention. The other cat hears the brush from the other room & comes running. Then they both demand to be brushed - & each look at me bewildered if I brush the other. They are so cute.


Yep, a break sounds beyond wonderful! 


Thankyou @Former-Member