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Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

@CannonSalt - good to remember, I tend to not drink enough water, (i drink waaaay too much coffee). Yes, definately housework, yard work any physical activity is 'exercise'. I have added a column to my exercise spreadsheet to capture that kind of exercise too, so I don't get too down on myself if I haven;t done the 'set rputine' because i havebeen busy vacuuming or something.

I walked 1.2 kilomtres today in 25 minutes with the doggits. Despite being very sore all over and headachey ecause of the sinus infection. Gentley Bentley! 

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Heya @MoonGal Great work today on getting your walk done. How you feeling? Did that sinus thing pass?

Great work at getting to the beach @Mazarita

I did yoga today. I got some weird leg tingly pain thing in my leg, which forced me to back off a little.  My teacher said something that resonated with me today, which I thought I'd share: "Pain can be a great teacher". So the lesson that I learned today from my teacher, Mr. Pain: - do what the body says it needs, and not get caught up in the head thinking about what the body 'should' be doing.

How's everyone else going? @Shaz51 @CannonSalt @Former-Member


Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

hi        we cleaned 2 houses today and hubby mowed a lawn

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

That sounds like a productive day @Shaz51!

The house must be feeling so neat and tidy now. Smiley Happy

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

not my house    , I do house work for a living , I still have to clean mine

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Oo, sorry @Shaz51. Still good exercise! 

Hope it wasn't too hot where you are. Seems like lots of parts of Aus have been stinkin hot. 

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

very hot , but we were able to put all the fans on

Not applicable

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hi all...

I didn't do the gym set workout I planned on Wednesday. My mood went downhill + heightened anxiety at 3pm. It turns out I had missed my morning dose of antipsychotic. I only realised this when I took my night time medication. I had already ran that morning & I was telling @MoonGal that one thing to start with is a good way to go. Time to take my own advice!

I had a rest day yesterday, as I went to Brisbane to see psychologist & catch up with a friend.

This morning I have another headache 😞 If I went to yoga it would be very difficult to focus & uncomfortable....

I might go to a yoga class tomorrow instead of parkrun....

I need to record these headaches. My psychiatrist has asked me several times if I've seen a neurologist about them....

Time to rest my eyes!

P.s. Very interesting yoga practise @CherryBomb - sounds awesome!



Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

@Former-Member, Anna - Sounds like you have been through the mill, the headaches are worrying, hope if your see the nuerologist it is something easy to treat.

I currently have a sinus infection (i get them regularly my face shape and sinus formation is a bit wierd) so have headache all the time making it harder to get up and 'do' anything. I

 like how gentle and realistic you are being with your capacity to do exercise, yoga etc - this reminds me to be gentle on myself too.

@Shaz51 - Many years ago I also cleaned for a living, I did hospitals and houses, it sure is a workout! This work is every bit as important in terms of the amount of exercise we are doing, AND there is also the calming aspect - I get from doing a disipline like Qi Gong or focussed walking that is a bit different from work (home or paid) related exercise... the calming of the mind, the setting of the intention, like in Yoga too... Although mindfulness is available to us at any given moment - the Exercise for me is physical, mental and emotional...

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

@MoonGal, and @Former-Member, hope you are feeling better soon HeartHeart