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Re: Daily Achievements!

Thankyou @Glisten I clicked through and watched the ABC News video and they were mentioning it was for type I Diabetes. I am Type II ❤️

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Former-Member  Doctors have that new weight loss medication for Type 2. 
My uncle was on it last year. Lost a heap of weight.

He did his blood glucose test every morning while he was on the medication and continued monitoring his blood sugar until he got a consistently normal result.

He doesn’t need the medication anymore and is maintaining his health very well.

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Re: Daily Achievements!

Yes is that the diabetes drug that everyone in Hollywood is using to trim down? If so I've read a lot about it but it comes with some major risks that are only just coming to light @Glisten. I have been following it quite closely. I'm glad your uncle is doing ok now not requiring it though! Have heard of people getting all kinds of side effects plus I noticed there was a shortage of it on the TGA website. 

Re: Daily Achievements!

My only 'secrets' were removing myself from as much stress as possible, eating well and exercising regularly @Former-Member. It took several years but I could feel every little improvement. It's tough that you have to put so much work in yours but still have to keep working on it. A lady I bowl with has gestational diabetes but she's a senior who never recovered from its onset. Diabetes takes all forms, doesn't it, and is so very prevalent. I'm always wary that if I start getting lax that it may flare up again.


By the way, I managed to get my clock working almost as I wanted, waking up to my beautiful music. I'm not sure what I did but I couldn't believe it when it began working wellish. Perhaps I'll get the other bug ironed out one day too, but I don't want to tempt fate by fiddling about with it.


I hope you're walking as well as chi machine? I've been getting a walk in on most days or keeping busy on the others. Doing my best.


I went into Target locally yesterday and found signs that they are closing it down. I hadn't heard but I remember hearing that change was in the wind. They are closing David Jones at another of my major centres too. They just get too big, hold too much stock, have too many staff moneywise (and too little service) and enormous overheads. Serves them right. I hope smaller stores are now able to fill the void.



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Re: Daily Achievements!

Thats really good @Historylover - food, exercise and stress reduction. Mine was brought on by my medications. I'm so glad you're free of it now. I'm just back in from another walk in this heat with a weighted vest on.  It was hard going but I made it! I hope you dont get diabetes back, just be careful. I think you obviously know what youre doing.


I'm pleased to hear you kind of got your clock working. My ipod was a bit like that when I first got it. The battery died a few days ago and I'm trying to make an insurance claim on it. It was a 4th gen ipod so very old tech and not worth much but it broke within the Xcover warranty period.


Its so hard trying to get your money back - they want details, correspondence plus photos and even then they may want you to get it fixed? I wouldn't think so with an out of date ipod. Well its been a learning curve. If I buy digital tech online I always took out insurance cover. You just can't afford to shell out money to just have something break on you.


Will do chi machine tonight I do it every day as soon as I wake up. I usually wash my face then head to the room where the chi machine is and give myself a session. Its really great for stress.


I think most business people will be doing is with Amazon. Its gobbling up lots of the retail sector. Heard on a podcast in future people will be doing their real estate with Amazon in future. That plus drones dumping your purchases and driverless vehicles dropping by your house. Saw one man hop in a driverless vehicle on a podcast a while ago. Its the way it seems to be going. I think these shopping malls will be a thing of the past. Most people prefer online shopping so these stores are eventually all going to close down. The mum and dad businesses are going to end up getting squeezed out too.


In a way I'm glad I've lived the life I've lived. I don't know what kind of future we are leaving to the newer generations, it seems to be getting worse. 

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Former-Member  WOW I did not know about the side effects. Goes to show the lack of adequate drug testing.

How are your layers going?

You inspired me and I while I was looking at old photos while unpacking storage boxes. I wondered how many of my 3 significant relationships were with narcissists.

Memories are not an objective source of evidence, so contacted an ex-fiancée.

Overt narcissist 

2/3 Confirmed 

It might be a hat trick if I get 3/3

🪚 Sawing through layers.



Re: Daily Achievements!

The 'market place' certainly is changing, @Former-Member. I buy all study books from online sites but not much more. I prefer to touch and feel before buying other things. With Target gone (if that's what is going on) that leaves an enormous hole in the shopping centre and changes the whole tone. For me, that only leaves grocery stores, the $2 stores and Reject Shop that I frequent from time to time. I must admit I didn't use it much, and perhaps that is much the same for others of my generation. But David Jones? It and Myer are where I buy most of my clothes but walking from one end of the centre to the other, then often back again, to compare and buy is just too exhausting. Other stores are too young in clothes styles for my liking. It seems that food courts are doing the most business in these centres! It's interesting the changes that online shopping must have wrought.


I guess the future is for the young—be it what may. Technologically they love it; climate issues not so much.

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Chuck77 @Judi9877 @Historylover @Former-Member @TAB @tonys @Appleblossom 

Slept 3 hours. That’s better than a slap on the belly with a dead fish.

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Re: Daily Achievements!

@Glisten I tried to find the article for you its was breaking news by a doctor or scientist. While this med offered so much hope it looks like there can be severe complications. I wish I could find the article. I will dig some more until I can get it for you!


Yes I've had my share of relationship disasters. I think empaths naturally attract narcissists unfortunately. I realise now I have to be aware of my own emotional dynamics to avoid them. Its funny the younger generation knows what a narcissist is. When we were that age we just did not know. 

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Former-Member - the saying “Be kind to your parents. It’s their first time at doing life.”

Cheers to the next 30 years and discovering what we didn’t know lol.

Onward we go, my friend.