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Re: isolated and very lonely

i would like that

Re: isolated and very lonely

my post is still in the over 50's groups.I got lots of replys but when i tried to chat to people who said lets chat anytime,only 1 person replied.Going out with my support worker today grocery shopping and maybe coffee..

Re: isolated and very lonely

Hello @seven1164 


I am in a similar predicament myself and understand how upsetting it can be. 


I have since become more happier with my own company but it would be nice to have suitable friends.


Many of my friends and family have died as well as my dog and I find myself alone.


I don't know what to say to comfort you.  


I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better Heart


You would be surprised at the level of loneliness in society now 


I just started  constructing a crystal grid for friendship. I bought the crystals cheaply from overseas. 


Crystal grids can draw in anything you desire. 


Crystal Vaults dot com has a crystal grid product which you can buy.


Just a suggestion.


Sending love your way and hoping that the ill at ease feelings can go.


I feel compassionate towards people who find themselves struggling


I just wanted to share what I'm doing about it.


Much love 

S.G. xxoo



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Re: isolated and very lonely

Don't forget @seven1164 that if you want this thread to continue, press '@' to bring down a menu of all the people following your thread.  That way we know the thread is ongoing - otherwise some of us won't check. 


Sending best wishes and hope today is a good one.

Re: isolated and very lonely

@seven1164 hello I hope the day is being kind to you.

Re. chatting there are different styles in some of the different threads. Eg in Good  Morning there are brief messages and banter during the day.  People come together for Friday Feast and Saturday Soiree. Otherwise it's more like email where people post comments as and when they have time online. If you're using a smartphone you might like to use Notifications to get real-time emails letting you know when someone has posted. There's always more threads and functions to explore.

Give Susie and Stevie a pat for me.



Re: isolated and very lonely

 @SmilingGecko @frog @RedHorse @NatureLover @Historylover @FridaKahlo


hope the day is going well for you. I like the crystal grid @SmilingGecko . Good luck with the gp @frog it took a couple of years after my trusted gp retired before I settled with a new one. There was a lot of turnover at the clinic which didn't help. It's worth persevering.

Re: isolated and very lonely

Hey @Dimity  yes crystal grids are powerful. They amplify intentions!


I recognise it may not be for everyone but its worth learning about crystals even if you think its new age woo-woo!


I wish I had got into them years ago...


I learned about them from a practicing catholic who was also a geophysicist (she mined them) Go figure Heart


When she was at uni she brought home a big sample of moldavite which she put under her desk and had a massive kundalini experience and was into crystals ever since.


My first crystal I used was black tourmaline and I was sold on crystals after that.


S.G. xxoo

Re: isolated and very lonely

@SmilingGecko @Dimity @Historylover @frog @NatureLover 

we will be going into lockdown from 5pm today.So happy i found this group and everyone's kind words..just so grateful  to everyone

Re: isolated and very lonely

Hope case numbers fall quickly for you  @seven1164  we have the possibility of another lockdown looming atm.

@SmilingGecko I have a jar of little amethysts, idk what their properties are but they're pretty

Re: isolated and very lonely

Hi @seven1164 ,

Susie and Stevie sound lovely. I'm more used to big dogs but it would be a relief to be able to pick them up when they need to go to the vet and they would fit on your lap. You should see a Labrador who still thinks they are a puppy and tries to sit on your lap LOL. Hope you are feeling ok today,
