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*Trigger warning* George Pell

Hi everyone 

I know this will be a trigger for some and I’m really sorry. The last thing I want to do is upset anyone.

 I just need to vent my anger. 

After hearing today that George Pell is sentenced to 6 years jail I am so angry. 

I was sexually abused as a child but not by the Catholic Church. 

But today I’m feeling a mixture of emotions - sad, anger, frustration. 

Im very angry at the decision the judge has made. Six years is a joke. How can the judge make this decision?

He (George Pell) has totally ruined the victims lives forever. The memories will always be with them. 

I’m really sad fir the victims. I don’t know how to express my sadness. It’s a sad day. 

Yes he did get jail but I feel nit long enough. 

I hope he suffers badly. Whst he did to those poor boys as innocent children was disgusting and he used his priesthood to take advantage of these children. 

I do understand and empathise with these survivors as I am a survivor also if childhood sexual abuse. 

Nithing he can say will take away what he did. I hope he suffers in jail all alone. 


If if anyone needs any support pls contact Blue Knot 1300 657 380


love snd hugs  to all childhood sexual abuse survivors ❤️❤️❤️

We are strong, we have survived 

broken or not we are still here 



Re: *Trigger warning* George Pell


It is good to "see" you and read your post.

I got a better offer today and went with son to a friend's place, otherwise I would have gone to the court again.

Smiley Happy

I would turn in circles as I examined all the aspects of the situation and drive myself totally insane. Pell probably will get plenty of visits by people who convince themselves he is innocent.  I saw him talk to one the other day.

Smiley FrustratedSmiley EmbarassedSmiley Sad

I am not triggered, my son was glad I did not go to the sentencing, its a sign of me letting go.

Actually I am triggered a little, but I am so glad I heard it from a friend first, rather than just reading news.

Thank you BB

I hope you are alright.

Smiley Happy


Re: *Trigger warning* George Pell

Hi @Appleblossom I’m glad you’re ok I didn’t realise you had gone to the court hearing. 

I’m glad he’s in jail but not long enough

I hope you are ok. I feel for you. Hugs @Appleblossom  ❤️❤️


Re: *Trigger warning* George Pell

I have levelled out again.Thanks @BlueBay

Had a beautiful walk this morning with support walkers and did a few practical jobs.

I hope you are travelling as well as possible.
