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Re: Living with MI and Making friends

There are some beautiful metaphors here..the ripple effect of friendship..sometimes I find it can be a bit of a juggling act, but thanks to our digital era it is a wonderful means of keeping friendships going overseas..mind you, I cannot remember the last time I wrote a letter and posted it!
A moodometer..what a great tool!
My son invented a mumometer that measured where he thought I was..happy, sad, angry, explosive..was a real eye opener but over time we've taught each other that if you carry on like pork chop..yep, mum will crack it..
Friends whingeing about the price of spending time together..sometimes money can be a real constraint for us depending on our income..and sometimes it's cathartic to whibge about something we do have control we send our money! Reminds me of Monty Python skit "is this the right room for an argument?".
What I really enjoy about being here, is our support of each whilst we may not have many close face to face friends, we have quite a few here!!
And I am convinced of the merits in the quality of friendship, that you s is mutual, equal and definitely takes time..

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

JT, the reason I said sorry was that over my life experience that is what I have found out but, it may not be the same for all.


Re: Living with MI and Making friends

chemonro, yep, and I ended up being very rude. I did say thank you then walked out. Next time I went by myself and ended up being invited to a table with some great people, whom I did no know, and had one of the best times in years. I have, unfortunately, never seen them again. Just another piece of useless info for all.Smiley Very Happy

Regards and a happy future sooner or later to all.


Re: Living with MI and Making friends

@alessandra yeah sometimes my kids pull the ol' I wish your pills would work and you weren't so cross, whereupon i have to explain that spitting green cordial on the floor to see how green it is will make any person cross!!

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

I have no friends.  I sabotage them . people dont want to hear me, I can tell it's too much for them. My mental illness, depression and anxiety has defined me.  I can't take this isolation. 

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

@Allesandra1992. I've made few friends in the last 20 yrs. but those few have endured because there seems to be an un-conscious awareness that there are shared "life difficulties" that don't need to be explored but can, from time to time, be spoken about.
These are the ties that help.

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

Hey @WackyWorld, it is never too late to change the way we relate to the world. You can learn new ways to communicate that don't push people away, this Forum is a great place to start!

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

Hi @WackyWorld ,

I really agree with @Alessandra1992  - these forums are a great place to start to get to know people. Believe me, you have friends here!!

Reminds me of a quote by Ghandi - "you must BE the change you wish to see in the world"

Keep coming on to these forums and talking to us - we care!


Re: Living with MI and Making friends

Hi WackyWorld. You may be living your life like it's a minute to midnight but really, with your understanding the sabotage thing ( and don't we all do that from time to time), it's more like the dawning of a new day-- early, dark, unclear, but still a new day.

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

Isn't amazing, one day you are ok then some mongrel pulls the mat from under you, happened over the last couple odf adys, I just sit around and take medication and cry like a baby. I am sorry but I needed to say it to some one and who better than other MI sufferers, I know what I want to do but who wins ??? no one I am sorry to load you all up with my crap.
