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Re: Living with MI and Making friends

Trust me loopy there is nothing to be sorry for.  Friends require time and energy and like my trust I don't give that out to just anyone.

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

@JT I truly admire the acceptance that you have for yourself, and how expect nothing less from the people that you choose to surround yourself with.  Heart 

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

Being alone in a crowded room is much more enjoyable when you don't have a vested interest Smiley Wink

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

@Alessandra1992 , I've noticed that the '@' feature to other members did not work in your post. Still can't figure it out, and I have logged the issue with IT. But in the mean time, I thought I'd '@' members for you. 

@chemonro @kristin @Uggbootdiva @kato @PeppiPatty @Ma60 - what are your thought in respnse to Alessandra? Hope this makes sense, but I'm tagging you on her behalf. 


Re: Living with MI and Making friends

Totally re. stop hiring in 30s /40s. so much harder to make new friends in this age group. It takes ages, by which time I have swung either up or down again on the moodometer...

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

@JT so so true! re. crowded room.
I don't work like that, but great for you. sound like a lot of self acceptance and wisdom.

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

I think it was because she didn't leave a space and put commas straight after?
eg. @chemonro,@cherrybomb,
as opposed to @kato @CherryBomb ?

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

Like many here, the trust thing is the biggest hurdle......once it has been abused many times, you do thing I have learned the hard way is to manage friends in this fashion. I am the centre point like a stone in a pond, and friends are allocated to the rings about me again using the parable of the stone and pond. There are far more on the circle at the outermost ring, and very few on the innermost ring. How they are sorted is the trick of it!

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

Have you ever gone out with someone who spent the whole time complaining about the expense and the service and the food and the expense and the expense? And did I mention the prices?! 


For me friendship and good times spent together is what makes life worthwhile, and about the only thing I've never regretted spending time and money on. Call it an investment in your mental health! 

Re: Living with MI and Making friends

Sandy, very wise and true words. Anominity is good because you can ,pardon the phrase, spill your guts, and no one will judge you only offer words of encouragement and or wisdom. This forum is super.
