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Re: Is there life after hospital.?

Hi @sotty. I live with schizoaffective disorder (a mixture of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder). I am currently two weeks out of hospital (where I was for a month after a relapse of symptoms and a depressive episode). 

I believe, given a good support network (family, friends, MH professionals, GP), there can be a productive life after hospital. Even at this early stage, I am planning my future life and taking steps to get there. For me this includes study (both Tafe and University) as well as reforging and strengthening my social supports around me (these fell a bit by the wayside while I was unwell). 

A good service to be linked into is the Personal Helpers and Mentors Program (PHaMS). They are recovery based non-government organisations based at helping consumers through personal, social and vocational rehabilitation with psychiatric disabilities. This can include post hospital (I am actually on the waiting list for a PHaMS support worker post my hospital admission). Also, if there is an organisation nearby to you, is the clubhouse movement which provides social and vocational rehabilitation to their members. A clubhouse provides a 'work-ordered day' where members help trained staff with the everyday running of the clubhouse. They also provide social activities on a regular basis. 

What I am trying to say after this ramble (I am on a bit of a high at the moment so you'll have to excuse me), is there is life after hospital. Your mental health needn't be the end of living, it might just be a case of living differently and living smarter.

Hope this helps,

Q x

Not applicable

Re: Is there life after hospital.?

Hi @sotty

I am sorry you've had so many hospital stays due to your illness. Do you have people to support you apart from your psychologist?

I found staying in touch with other patients really helpful and also joined the outpatient program after my first admission to stay in touch and learn how others deal with the challenges after hospital. Is that a possibility for you? The forums here are also great because people share their experiences and it made me feel better to know i am not the only one who struggles to go back to a normal life.

It's 7 months since my first longer hospital stay and about a month since my second very short hospital stay. I thought about my goals for my second hospital stay as soon as I got in - I didn't need medication adjustment so that might be very different in your case - and I tried to keep a normal schedule, keeping my bed times the same, continuing helpful behaviours like meditation. I found it much easier to go back to normal life this time.

Can you set out a plan when you're well enough either with your psychologist or alone with things that make it easier to go back in a routine when you're home?

I hope you feel a little better soon! Take care and stay in touch.

Re: Is there life after hospital.?

Dear sotty,

I have bi-polar and have been in hospital about the same number of times as you. When you leave the safe confines of the hospital and are suddenly on your own the days can stretch endlessly before you. You have to get used to doing everything again - shopping, driving, seeing friends, and that does not happen overnight.

You are doing exactly the right thing by getting out into the community, doing some volunteer work and mixing with other people. Boredom is the great enemy of us with bi-polar. In addition to your community work, do you have any hobbies or interests you could work on? If not, then now is the time to look around for something you would like to do. Writing, drawing, painting, gardening, cooking; these are all ways to keep busy and avoid falling into a slump.

I know it is hard, I have been there, You have to rebuild your life, and that takes time. Have courage,


Re: Is there life after hospital.?


Re: Is there life after hospital.?

Hi again.
Im founding keeping myself occupied a real challenge. I want to do things but founding it hard to do the doing part. I dont want to be bored and know theres a hundred things to do . Someone suggested a club house but i cañt find the post. I just dont want to be bored

Re: Is there life after hospital.?

Dear Sotty,

Boredom is the great enemy of we people with mental illness. We end up thinking too much and thinking in circles and end up doing nothing at all. Is there a Neighbourhood House near you? You can ring your local council and find out. Neighbourhood Houses have all sorts of programmes and classes which are free or cost very little.Have you thought of doing any voluntary work? If you google Volunteering Victoira (or your State) there will be dozens of opportunities there. You can do as little or as much as you like. It is a kind of vicious circle. If we stay at home nd do nothing then we get used to that. If we try a tiny step outside  it will help us feel more occupied and better in ourselves. I hope you are brave enough to take a step outside - you might find that you like it. I kow how hard it is, I am not pretending it is easy. But if we can at least make a start it is a beginning. Maybe the first time you try you won't make it, but don't give up!

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